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Barriers to Entry

By Rick Carew in Hong Kong, Marcus Walker in Berlin, Chip Cummins in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and Katharina Bart in Brussels
Word Count: 972  |  Companies Featured in This Article: Citigroup, China Development Bank, Morgan Stanley, Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation, Dubai Ports World, UBS, Barclays, Sony

The powerful government-run investment funds of Asia and the Middle East -- which have been gobbling up global assets recently -- are hitting new resistance.

Some obstacles are political in nature. But others center on bottom-line questions about whether investments like these are solid business moves.

The latest example: China's government has apparently squashed a multibillion-dollar investment in Citigroup Inc. by state-owned China Development Bank. The move suggests there is discord in Beijing over how best to deploy China's money pile. A few previous China investments like these have fared poorly so far financially.

In the West, the newfound assertiveness ...

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