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Tilapia Market Report - October 2007

Tilapia conference shows the way

380 industry representatives from 38 countries met in Kuala Lumpur in August 2007 for the second world tilapia trade conference. Tilapia production is likely to reach 4 million tonnes in the near future, thus exceeding the one of salmon production. The quantity of tilapia traded worldwide is still relatively small, at about 10%. The USA is the main world market, while EU imports are estimated at 10-15 000 tonnes only. Certification schemes will soon play an important role for tilapia trade. Many new players will soon enter the field, while India and Iran have just decided to allow tilapia culture in their countries.

US imports continue to grow

The tendency of the opening months of 2007 continued in the US market: total tilapia imports grow by leaps and bounds to exceed 100 000 tonnes in the first seven months of the year. In addition, the trend from whole to fillet trade continues strongly. Tilapia fillet imports grew by 34% in January-July 2007, while whole frozen declined by 10%. Frozen fillets are the main product form, accounting for 56% of total imports.

Chinese tilapia was excluded from the FDA checks on seafood products , as apparently the species is less subject to use of prohibited substances. As a result, exports of tilapia from China to the US market continued to grow in July, on the contrary of other seafood products. For instance, shrimp exports from China were about half from what they normally are in July. Likewise, catfish exports from China also slowed dramatically in July 2007.

China dominates the US frozen tilapia fillet imports, accounting for 90% of total supply. Exports of this product from China grew by almost 50% in the first seven months of 2007 when compared with the same period of last year. Indonesia is a distant second for this product form, it is mainly one company exporting this product from Indonesia to the US market.

Prices of frozen tilapia fillets have bottomed out, after continuous declines experienced in recent years. Shortages on the traditional groundfish market combined with fewer arrivals of catfish from China should create more demand for frozen tilapia and leading to higher prices in coming months.

China also dominates the frozen tilapia market in the USA, with an increasing share in total exports of this product to the US market (over 70%). However, the trend is clearly for a reduced presence of whole tilapia in the market.

Fresh tilapia fillets are in a different market segment all together. Their price is almost double the one of frozen fillets. Latin American countries dominate this market, taken advantage of the relatively proximity to the US market, which reduces shipments costs. In the first seven months of 2007, imports increased by 16% over the same period of 2006. This was mainly due to a recovery of Costa Rican tilapia production, after the disease problems of late 2005 and early 2006. Ecuador and Honduras also reported higher exports to the US market in 2007.

Thailand is a relatively small player in the tilapia business, with a mere 5 100 tonnes of frozen fillets exported in 2006. It is interesting to note, however, that Thailand is targeting the
EU market, with about 2 000 tonnes in 2006. Unfortunately, due to a revision in trade codes, no monthly statistics on tilapia trade are available for 2007.

No end to tilapia boom

The US market for tilapia is expected to grow even further in coming months and years. The EU market is also growing, with more products arriving from Asia, mainly China, Thailand and Indonesia. On the other hand, Brazilian tilapia exporters prefer to sell to their domestic market, rather than export to the USA, as with the re-valuation of the national currency against the US dollar, it is more convenient to sell in the Brazilian market. Something similar happens

By Helga Josupeit (GLOBEFISH)

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Tilapia 2007

23-25 August 2007
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

In cooperation with GLOBEFISH

[More information on the website]

Freshwater Fish

Freshwater Commodity Update

Contains information from around the world on prices, production, processing, consumption, imports, and exports for Freshwater fish, with special focus on Nile Perch, Tilapia, carp, Eel, Catfish, Pike, B

World tilapia trade

Helga Josupeit, FAO
INFOFISH Tilapia Conference, August 2007

World tilapia production has been booming during the last decade, with output doubling from 830000 tonnes in 1990 to 1.6 million tonnes in 1999 and over 2.5 million tonnes in 2005. [cont.]

State of world aquaculture: 2006

Aquaculture is developing, expanding and intensifying in almost all regions of the world, except in sub-Saharan Africa. Global population demand for aquatic food products is increasing, the production from capture fisheries has levelled off, and most of the main fishing areas have reached their maximum potential. [cont.]

FISHMEAL AND FISH OIL - Will they limit the development of aquaculture?

VOL 2. ISSUE 1. 2007

[Inside This Issue...]

Marketing of Aquacultured Finfish in Europe: Focus on Seabass and Seabream from the Mediterranean Basin

Globefish Research Programme,
Volume 86
- September 2006

Species such as seabass, seabream and tilapia have over the last two decades been attracting investors’ attention and thereby augmented the supply of finfish to European markets. Getting access to those markets at the ‘right’ price with the right product is a key factor in the success of any commercial
aquaculture project. Price: € 30
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El Sector de la Tilapia en México

Mexico is an important producer of tilapia, with 70 000 tonnes each year. However, none of this tilapia is exported. [cont.]

El Cultivo de Tilapia en Costa Rica

INFOPESCA Tilapia Seminar

INCOPESCA, como instituto rector, debe promover el desarrollo pesquero y acuícola. Para ello regula, protege y administra los recursos marinos y acuícolas... [cont.]

La Industria de la Tilapia en el Ecuador

Eric Notarianni
Principales proveedores de filetes frescos de los Estados Unidos. Asia vende Tilapia congelada a los Estados Unidos a mitad del precio del equivalente latinoamericano. [cont.]

The Market for Nile Perch

Globefish Research Programme,
Volume 84
- April 2006

This report examines the international and regional trade of Nile perch from the Lake Victoria area. It mainly focuses on the production and product types, on international markets in the EU, Africa, Australia, Japan, and the Americas. Price: € 30
Go to the Eurofish shop to place an order or Email us for more information

Responsible Use of Antibiotics in Aquaculture

By Pilar Hernández Serrano, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 469. Rome, FAO. 2005

Antibiotics are drugs of natural or synthetic origin that have the capacity to kill or to inhibit the growth of micro-organisms. [cont.]

Aquaculture Production and Markets

By Helga Josupeit(FAO GLOBEFISH)
January 2006

Worldwide fishery production continues to increase, but at lower growth rates than some years before. In 2003, some decline was experienced, as a result of lower capture fisheries. [cont.]

Aquaculture - World trends, opportunities for developing countries, technical and financial constraints

UNCTAD, Geneva, October 25, 2005
Dr. Audun Lem, FAO

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Mercado mundial de tilapia

by Helga Josupeit
Rome, Abril 2007

En un tiempo se la consideró un pescado de bajo valor pero en los últimos años la tilapia logró ampliar su aceptación entre los consumidores. [cont.]

An Overview of the Present Market and Trade Situation in the Aquaculture Sector
The Current and Potential Role of Organic Products

Audun Lem, FAO Fishery Industries Division

HCM City, Vietnam - 15-17 June 2004
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(Acrobat Reader - 1.52 Mb)

Other Market Reports

December 2007
The European trout market was hoping for an increase in average trout prices during the latter half of 2007, as the industry went from a period of flat sales into one of short supply and heavy demand from smokehouses for the Christmas period.[cont]

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