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It’s a dog’s life for Japanese Bhoy

by Ronnie Cully

KOKI MIZUNO is already planning a move to Glasgow, even though his transfer has not yet been concluded.

Celtic are still negotiating with JEF United, who hold his contract until January 31.

But having dealt with a work permit, his medical and his personal terms, the Parkhead club do not anticipate any problems which should derail the signing.

And Shunsuke Nakamura is already house-hunting for the soon-to-be-new-Bhoy, a job made more difficult by Koki's insistence he will bring his two dogs with him when he and his wife return.

The 22-year-old is heading back to Japan for friendly games. And Naka will use this time to seek out accommodation for Mizuno and his pets.

He said: "Koki will stay with me for a while. But he wants to bring his dogs with him and I am not allowed to keep pets.

"So I will need to help him find a house in Glasgow so the dogs can stay with him."

"He was a little surprised when he arrived at the airport and saw all the media there.

"This is all new to him. But I told him that is what it's like at Celtic and he'll get used to it.

"He is keen to play as soon as possible. Once that happens it will be easier for him."

Eightsome reeling but Nugent is up for cup

STIRLING ALBION stopper Paul Nugent knows what it feels like to be thrashed by Celtic at Parkhead.

So as he prepares to run out at the stadium for the first time in six years, the defender can't help but feel trepidation ahead of tomorrow's Scottish Cup fourth-round clash.

Nugent made his debut for the Binos in 2001 and was helpless as Martin O'Neill's side beat them 8-0.

An 18-year-old apprentice engineer back then, Nugent was thrown into the CIS Cup third-round tie against Celtic as a full back unknown even to his own team-mates.

Nugent returns older and wiser to Celtic Park at the weekend but still harbours the scars from his debut.

He said: "When I tell people that I lost 8-0 on my debut at Celtic they usually laugh, but it was a great experience.

"I was playing for Stirling under-18s on the Sunday and then against Celtic at Parkhead on the Tuesday.

"On the Monday our then manager, Ray Stewart, phoned and asked me to prepare for the game against Celtic because he was thinking of putting me on the bench.

"I was at Anniesland College on the day of the game and I had to ask to get away early to go home and get changed before meeting up with the team.

"I was nervous enough about being on the bench but when he read the team out and I was playing I thought, Oh my God'.

"I had only trained with the first team once and I never knew all their names.

"During the warm-up, they must have been thinking, Who is this young boy?'.

"I am glad I didn't have time to think about it, I might have been too nervous but the adrenalin kicked in and I was fine.

"I was right back and up against Lubo Moravcik and Steve Guppy, but I thought I did okay even though we were well beaten.

"I think I might be up against Aiden McGeady. I'm a Celtic fan but I haven't studied him, though my mates who are also Celtic fans have been telling me how well he has been playing this season."

Publication date 11/01/08

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