should be the GSU logo here

Dr. Ardian Greca received the B.S. in Engineering from Tirana University, Albania (1991), and the Ph. D. from Yamagata University, Japan (2000). His doctoral work was in network survivability techniques, especially for ATM and Optical networks. From 2000 – 2001 he was a post-doctoral research fellow at NTT Network Innovation Laboratories, Japan, where he conducted research on next generation optical path network design. He joined the department of computer sciences at Georgia Southern University as Yamacraw Assistant Professor, where he is currently active in teaching undergraduate and graduate courses and is involved in research. Dr. Greca has published more than 30 papers in referred Journals and Conferences. In addition, he is serving as chair for the computer science assessment committee, chair for the calendar committee, member of the University’s election committee, and as a reviewer for IEEE publications. He also has been very activ with the IEEE Savannah Section.
Curriculum Vitae Future Research Proposals Publications