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Flannery says whaling is OK

Article from: The Sunday Telegraph

Exclusive by Saffron Howden, Environment Reporter

December 31, 2007 12:00am

ENVIRONMENTALIST and 2007 Australian of the Year Tim Flannery has declared his support for the hugely unpopular Japanese whaling program.

As Australia prepares to monitor the whaling fleet in Antarctica amid rising diplomatic tensions with Japan, Professor Flannery says there is nothing unsustainable about its annual cull of up to 1000 whales - particularly the common minke whale.

"In terms of sustainability, you can't be sure that the Japanese whaling is entirely unsustainable," Professor Flannery told The Daily Telegraph. "It's hard to imagine that the whaling would lead to a new decline in population."

But the staunch environmentalist, influential scientist, author and climate change crusader said he was pleased Japan had decided to ditch plans to kill up to 50 threatened humpbacks this summer.

"I'm very relieved to see the humpback whale quota dumped," he said.

Stop the whale slaughter: Sign our petition.

But the 935 minke whales that Japan aims to kill each year under its so-called scientific whaling program should not threaten the survival of that species.

Professor Flannery said there were much bigger threats to marine biodiversity and sustainability, including to the future of krill, small crustaceans essential in the sea food chain - and the main sustenance for whales in the Southern Ocean.

Krill populations are declining as a result of over-fishing and because rising sea temperatures are killing off their food sources.

Professor Flannery said he was more concerned about those issues "where our future is most under threat, which is not the minkes".

However, he is worried about how the whales are slaughtered, saying he would like to see them "killed as humanely as possible".

Professor Flannery's views have not changed since his comments on Japanese whaling back in 2003.

In a paper published that year in Quarterly Essay he argued that smaller-brained whales could be hunted sustainably.

"If these animals are closer in intelligence to the sheep than the dog, is it morally wrong to eat them if they can be harvested sustainably?" he wrote.

Japanese whalers have begun their hunt in Antarctica and plan to harpoon almost 1000 whales, including 50 endangered fin whales.


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I agree with K man of paradise....Flannery is a mate of the now defunct JWH,and like K Man,I also keep all these people in a job and I supply a Community Service as well,so Mr.Flannery....I am an Aussie,proud of it and I look after who are you??????

Posted by: PeterWHfrom the bush of Centra West NSW 11:24am December 31, 2007

Good on you Mr Flannery it is coments like this we don't need to hear. There is no such thing as too many whales so it's ok for the Japanese to cull them for food (not research as they claim). Every Japanese who asks me where they can go to see whales I tell them there are none left because the Japanese people eat them. Hopefully, this will make the younger generation think about it before they eat it. In 2207 it is nothing short of barbaric. Stop the killing now

Posted by: gaile mclean of cairns 11:22am December 31, 2007

the europeans eat horses aussies eat cows japanese eat whales,should we all start fighting amongst people of different entity to protect a species from others?

Posted by: giovanni abatematteo of 11:18am December 31, 2007

To Clive of India, if whales are so stupid why don't you see if you can do what they do. You can't? I guess you must be really stupid then.

Posted by: Bunny of Sydney 11:14am December 31, 2007

Thomas of Ashield - your absolutely right, but why confine your arguement to cows? We, also eat 'wild' fish and game animals such as ducks, quale, venison, goat, etc. Additionally, if you have ever travelled through Northern Australia, you may appreciate a large amount of the beef is wild and only comes into contact with humans when rounded up. I, personally, agree with you - it would be much better if the Japanese and other whaling nations could farm whales, but until that ever occurs the current arrangement of hunting a limited number of non threatened/endangered species is the best option and an arrangement that allows the endangered species to recover.

Posted by: RJ of Sydney 10:53am December 31, 2007

Whales are stupid. All they do is swim around all day sucking plankton. They can't even breathe under water.

Posted by: Clive of India 10:44am December 31, 2007

Whale is delicious.. they have the right to eat it

Posted by: kidk of sydney 10:20am December 31, 2007

Clearly 90% of the people who commented here failed to actually read the story: much less critically examine it. And this columnist is complicit in fostering that misunderstanding. The story opens with the attention grabber that Flannery has ¿declared his support¿ for the whaling program when he goes on to state that: ¿he was pleased Japan had decided to ditch plans to kill up to 50 threatened humpbacks¿. That¿s hardly a declaration of support. Why is it okay for us to slaughter cows, sheep, pigs, fish and other creatures, but not okay for the Japanese to hunt whale? If your response is that it¿s inhumane, take a visit to an abattoir, an intensive feed-lot, or a battery-hen farm and see how humane our killing methods aren¿t. In fact Flannery says he is worried about how the whales are slaughtered, saying he would like to see them "killed as humanely as possible". And also take note, right there in the middle of the story is a link to: ¿Stop the whale slaughter: Sign our petition¿. The story is not remotely close to being an unbiased presentation of facts. It plays directly to our basest emotions and sadly it seems that the majority are unwilling or unable to see through that.

Posted by: Farrcough of the Shire 10:17am December 31, 2007

Different between cow and whales as food source. We breed cattle. I personally would allow whaling the day the Japan starts breeding whales and krill.

Posted by: Thomas of Ashfield 9:50am December 31, 2007

Tim Flannery, who is he??? Good mate of one JWH.. I'm nominating myself for Australian of the Year, I keep the Brewery workers in a job, the police on the beat and I'm trying to keep as many Aussie women as I can happy and satisfied.. And I cook a mean bar-b-que... Now if that isn't Australian, what is...

Posted by: K man of Paradise 9:43am December 31, 2007
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