9/11 stress increased risk of heart problems

Mon Jan 7, 2008 4:24pm EST
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People reporting such concerns were three to four times more likely to report a doctor-diagnosed heart problem two to three years after the attacks.

Holman said she was initially so surprised at the results that she re-ran the analysis different ways to confirm them before submitting the study for publication.

Holman said she was not in the United States when hijacked airplanes rammed into the Pentagon and the two World Trade Center Towers but she knew immediately she had to study the effects of the attacks on stress and health.

"It was the most major national collective trauma that the United States had had in decades and (I knew) it would represent very important questions for public policy makers and researchers about how the populace handles such stress," Holman said.

(Editing by Mary Milliken and Bill Trott)


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