$ tar xvf ruby-amazon-0.9.2.tar
$ ruby setup.rb config
---> lib
---> lib/amazon
---> lib/amazon/search
---> lib/amazon/search/exchange
<--- lib/amazon/search/exchange
<--- lib/amazon/search
<--- lib/amazon
<--- lib
$ ruby setup.rb setup
---> lib
---> lib/amazon
---> lib/amazon/search
---> lib/amazon/search/exchange
<--- lib/amazon/search/exchange
<--- lib/amazon/search
<--- lib/amazon
<--- lib
$ su
# ruby setup.rb install
---> lib
mkdir -p /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/
install amazon.rb /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/
---> lib/amazon
mkdir -p /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/amazon
install babyregistry.rb /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/amazon
install locale.rb /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/amazon
install search.rb /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/amazon
install shoppingcart.rb /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/amazon
install transaction.rb /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/amazon
install weddingregistry.rb /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/amazon
install wishlist.rb /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/amazon
---> lib/amazon/search
mkdir -p /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/amazon/search
install blended.rb /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/amazon/search
install cache.rb /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/amazon/search
install exchange.rb /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/amazon/search
install seller.rb /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/amazon/search
---> lib/amazon/search/exchange
mkdir -p /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/amazon/search/exchange
install marketplace.rb /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/amazon/search/exchange
install thirdparty.rb /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/amazon/search/exchange
<--- lib/amazon/search/exchange
<--- lib/amazon/search
<--- lib/amazon
<--- lib
#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
# $Id: search,v 1.13 2006/08/05 09:26:11 ianmacd Exp $
require 'amazon/search'
include Amazon::Search
req = Request.new
searches = [
['keyword_search', 'ruby programming', 'books', HEAVY, 'Keyword'],
['actor_search', 'angelina jolie', 'dvd', HEAVY, 'Actor'],
['artist_search', 'stranglers', 'music', HEAVY, 'Artist'],
['asin_search', '0971394253', HEAVY, 'ASIN'],
['upc_search', '071331704462', 'electronics', HEAVY, 'UPC'],
['node_search', '602360', 'magazines', HEAVY, 'Browse node'],
['author_search', 'iain banks', 'books', HEAVY, 'Author'],
['director_search', 'oliver stone', 'vhs', HEAVY, 'Director'],
['manufacturer_search', 'red hat', 'software', HEAVY, 'Manufacturer'],
['listmania_search', '10AHWTZSWG8NC', HEAVY, 'Listmania'],
['similarity_search', '0596005423', HEAVY, 'Similarity'],
'language:french and keywords:travel and title-begins:Michelin',
'books', HEAVY, 'Power'],
searches.each do |s|
printf(%Q(¥nHit [Enter] for %s search on "%s"%s:¥n¥n), s.pop, s[1],
(s[2].kind_of?(String) ? " using %s mode" % s[2] : ''))
# parse and display the results of each search
response = req.send(*s) { |prod| puts prod, '' }
printf("Arguments returned from search were:¥n¥n%s¥n", response.args.inspect)
ruby search
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/amazon/search.rb:430:in `initialize': dev_token may not be nil (Amazon::Search::Request::TokenError)
from search:9:in `new'
from search:9
require 'amazon/search'
ACCESS_KEY_ID = "ここに自分のAccess Key IDを設定する"
include Amazon::Search
$ ruby search
Hit [Enter] for Keyword search on "ruby programming" using books mode:
asin = "0974514055"
authors = ["Dave Thomas", "Chad Fowler", "Andy Hunt"]
availability = "Usually ships in 24 hours"
average_customer_rating = 4.5
browse_list = ["Computer Programming", "Programming - General", "Computer Books: General", "Computers", "Computers - Languages / Programming", "Programming Languages - General", "Computers / Languages / Programming", "Computers / Programming / Object Oriented", "Computers / Programming Languages / General", "Object-oriented programming (Computer science", "Programming languages, scripting, Ruby, reference, web programming, dynamic languages", "Ruby (Computer program language)", "Reference - General", "Computer Bks - Languages / Programming"]
catalog = "Book"
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manufacturer = "Pragmatic Bookshelf"
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product_name = "Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmers' Guide, Second Edition"
release_date = "01 October, 2004"
reviews = [#, #, #]
sales_rank = 2186
similar_products = ["0977616630", "0977616606", "0596523696", "1932394699", "1932394613"]
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used_price = "$23.99"
asin = "0977616630"
authors = ["Dave Thomas", "David Hansson", "Leon Breedt", "Mike Clark", "James Duncan Davidson", "Justin Gehtland", "Andreas Schwarz"]
availability = "Usually ships in 24 hours"
average_customer_rating = 4.5
browse_list = ["Internet", "Software engineering", "Personal Guidance", "Quality Of Work Life", "Computers", "Computer - Internet", "Computer Books: Languages", "Internet - Web Site Design", "Computer / Internet", "Computers / Internet / Web Site Design", "Computers / Programming Languages / CGI, JavaScript, Perl, VBScript", "Web site development", "Programming - Object Oriented Programming", "Programming Languages - General", "Object-oriented programming (Computer science)", "Ruby (Computer program language)"]
catalog = "Book"
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manufacturer = "Pragmatic Bookshelf"
media = "Paperback"
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our_price = "$26.37"
product_name = "Agile Web Development with Rails (Pragmatic Programmers)"
release_date = "14 December, 2006"
reviews = [#¥n Ruby On Rails will be the mother of all programming languages!¥n ", @summary="Great book!">, #, #]
sales_rank = 1310
similar_products = ["0974514055", "0977616606", "1932394699", "0596523696", "1932394613"]
third_party_new_price = "$19.98"
total_customer_reviews = 76
url = "http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0977616630%3ftag=calibanorg-20%26link_code=xm2%26camp=2025%26dev-t=01EQCDWQD725D9WZK3R2"
used_price = "$18.52"
asin = "1932394907"
authors = ["Bruce Payette"]
availability = "Usually ships in 24 hours"
average_customer_rating = 5.0
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catalog = "Book"
features = ["Illustrated"]
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isbn = "1932394907"
list_price = "$44.99"
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manufacturer = "Manning Publications"
media = "Paperback"
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our_price = "$29.69"
product_name = "Windows PowerShell in Action"
release_date = "05 February, 2007"
reviews = [#¥n Therein, however, is the reason I can't recommend this as your first PowerShell book. The book is very logically planned out, the information very well presented in relatively easy to understand language, there is an abundance of script snippets to demonstrate what is being talked about, and the writing style itself is entertaining to read. But the author knows too much on the subject, and like any proud parent, often ¥"too much information¥" is given, delving too deep into the gears and cogs of PowerShell and the underlying .NET framework for the (often basic) building block component, which might overwhelm the new PowerShell user, especially if the user does not have programming, let alone scripting, experience. ¥n ¥n So although I say don't make this your first purchase, make it your second - and probably your last. Start with an ¥"Introduction¥" style book (like [[ASIN:1598633546 Microsoft Windows Powershell Programming for the Absolute Beginner]]) to get used to the complex environment (even if you've only had VBS/JS experience), get comfortable with the basics of the shell, then move up to this title. You'll soon find out that every aspect you thought you knew has much more to the story than you thought, and you'll walk away from this read able to do just about everything you want.¥n ", @summary="Don't Make This Your First Purchase">, #¥n The book is peppered with valuable code examples that show off everything from the basics to the most advanced concepts, and the examples are built incrementally so you can see how and why every character in a command line works. Since PowerShell is object oriented, you easily learn why this is important, and how to extract the power of an OO shell.¥n ¥n I've already put PowerShell to work at the office using it for WMI, Active Directory, and file management tasks and have incorporated it into my AutoIT scripts as well. This book was a great help in getting me up to speed as fast as I have.", @summary="Everything you ever wanted to know about PowerShell">, #]
sales_rank = 5825
similar_products = ["1598633546", "0977659720", "0672329204", "0735623481", "1597491373"]
third_party_new_price = "$22.37"
total_customer_reviews = 9
url = "http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1932394907%3ftag=calibanorg-20%26link_code=xm2%26camp=2025%26dev-t=01EQCDWQD725D9WZK3R2"
used_price = "$21.00"
asin = "0596528124"
authors = ["Jeffrey Friedl"]
availability = "Usually ships in 24 hours"
average_customer_rating = 4.5
browse_list = ["Software engineering", "Programming - Software Development", "Computer Programming", "Software Design", "Computers", "Computers - Languages / Programming", "Computer Books: Languages", "Programming - Object Oriented Programming", "Computers / Languages / Programming", "Computers / Programming / Object Oriented", "Computers / Programming Languages / General", "Computers/Programming - Software Development", "Perl (Computer program language)", "regular expression,regex,regexp,Perl,Python,Ruby,PHP,.NET,Java,MySQL,VB.NET,C#", "Programming - General", "Electronic data processing", "Programming languages (Electronic computers)", "Text processing (Computer science)"]
catalog = "Book"
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isbn = "0596528124"
list_price = "$44.99"
manufacturer = "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
media = "Paperback"
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our_price = "$29.69"
product_description = "Regular expressions are a central element of UNIX utilities like egrep and programming languages such as Perl. But whether you're a UNIX user or not, you can benefit from a better understanding of regular expressions since they work with applications ranging from validating data-entry fields to manipulating information in multimegabyte text files. Mastering Regular Expressions quickly covers the basics of regular-expression syntax, then delves into the mechanics of expression-processing, common pitfalls, performance issues, and implementation-specific differences. Written in an engaging style and sprinkled with solutions to complex real-world problems, Mastering Regular Expressions offers a wealth information that you can put to immediate use. "
product_name = "Mastering Regular Expressions"
release_date = "08 August, 2006"
reviews = [#¥n Friedl, begin with an introduction to the concept of regular expressions. Then, the author takes a look at text processing with regular expressions. Next, the author provides an overview of features and utilities, plus a bit of history. He also explains the details of how regular expressions work. The author continues by working through regular expressions examples. Then, he discusses efficiency in detail. Next, the author covers Perl regular expressions in detail. He then looks at Sun's java.util.regex package. The author continues by looking at .NET's language-neutral regular-expression package. Finally, the author looks at PHP's preg suite of regex functions. ¥n ¥n This most excellent book should expand your understanding, even if you consider yourself an accomplished regular-expression expert. Perhaps more importantly, the book concentrates on mastering a particular implementation!", @summary="VERY VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!">, #, #¥n ¥n MRE is somewhat easier to comprehend for a reader with a strong Pearl background. Also a good prior understanding to regular expressions is a true asset here. If you have neither, you do not need to despair. Jeffrey Friedl explains everything thoroughly from the ground up. ¥n ¥n ¥n The writing style is very pedagogical. Important things get repeated quite often. Still this book is very dense. The flow is dry: no rhythm, special sense of humor or wit sweetens your wading through the material. Nevertheless Jeffrey Friedl kept my interest through the pages though the reading felt like hard work.¥n ¥n I do recommend this book to the truly dedicated reader.¥n ", @summary="The ultimate book for the ultimate demands - For an introduction just too heavy weight">]
sales_rank = 9815
similar_products = ["059600415X", "1565922255", "0596003137", "B00005R09P", "0596001738"]
third_party_new_price = "$21.95"
total_customer_reviews = 115
url = "http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0596528124%3ftag=calibanorg-20%26link_code=xm2%26camp=2025%26dev-t=01EQCDWQD725D9WZK3R2"
used_price = "$20.99"
asin = "0596523696"
authors = ["Lucas Carlson", "Leonard Richardson"]
availability = "Usually ships in 24 hours"
average_customer_rating = 5.0
browse_list = ["Programming languages", "Programming Languages - General", "Computer Programming Languages", "Computers", "Computers - Languages / Programming", "Computer Books: Languages", "Programming Languages - Java", "Computers / Languages / Programming", "Computers / Programming Languages / CGI, JavaScript, Perl, VBScript", "Computers / Programming Languages / General", "Object-oriented programming (Computer science", "ruby, rails, web development, database, programming, xml, dynamic languages", "Object-oriented programming (Computer science)", "Ruby (Computer program language)"]
catalog = "Book"
features = ["Illustrated"]
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isbn = "0596523696"
list_price = "$49.99"
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manufacturer = "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
media = "Paperback"
num_media = 1
our_price = "$32.99"
product_name = "Ruby Cookbook (Cookbooks (O'Reilly))"
release_date = "19 July, 2006"
reviews = [#There are a lot of useful recipes, especially on Web stuff.¥n Nevertheless, I'll give it only 4 Stars because it's lacking some basic info on Ruby syntax that I had to find on my own searching the internet. For someone who is new to Ruby this certainly is a drawback.", @summary="Great recipes">, #¥n The recipes or code examples are written in a very intelligent manner, not only to learn, but also to appreciate Ruby as a language.¥n ¥n Most of the people I have met who are into Ruby, they come from a Perl, C, Python, Java or other programming background. So this book perfectly addresses those folks. If you're new to programming, I would suggest you pick some other book.¥n ¥n ", @summary="If you are anywhere near ruby coding, you need this by your side...">, #¥n The Ruby Cookbook can proudly hold a very respected spot in the Cookbook series, being very comprehensive and well written. The authors clearly strove to cover a lot of topics and provide copious examples, not sparing 800+ pages for the task.¥n ¥n The first ten chapters of the book deal with general Ruby programming topics such as strings, code blocks, metaprogramming, etc. These chapters can serve as a good tutorial in advanced Ruby, presenting interesting examples and discussing different approaches to solve problems.¥n ¥n The next six chapters are devoted to more specific topics: XML/HTML, Graphics, Databases, Internet, Rails and Web Services. These can be either very important or barely relevant, depending on what you do with Ruby. I skimmed through a good chunk of these chapters, since I don't use Ruby for web programming.¥n ¥n Chapter 17: Testing, Debugging, Optimizing and Documenting is the one I liked most in the book. The authors skillfully present how to use the special strengths of Ruby to make the work of a programmer easier. The recipes in this chapter are good advocates for using Ruby over other languages.¥n ¥n Next come few more chapters about GUIs, Multithreading, Rake and other miscellanea, providing an overview of the more advanced features of Ruby.¥n ¥n Overall, the scope of this book is just huge - it's a mine of information, and a very good tool for any Ruby programmer. Overlooking a few minor typos and errors, the book is quite well written and the authors know how to get their message through with detailed examples and numerous code samples.", @summary="Another good Cookbook from O'Reilly - very useful for Ruby coding">]
sales_rank = 6217
similar_products = ["0974514055", "0977616630", "0977616606", "0596527314", "0672328844"]
third_party_new_price = "$22.95"
total_customer_reviews = 21
url = "http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0596523696%3ftag=calibanorg-20%26link_code=xm2%26camp=2025%26dev-t=01EQCDWQD725D9WZK3R2"
used_price = "$13.94"
asin = "1933988037"
authors = ["Dave Crane", "Bear Bibeault", "Tom Locke", "Thomas Fuchs"]
availability = "Usually ships in 24 hours"
average_customer_rating = 4.0
browse_list = ["Internet languages", "Integrated Services Digital Networks (Isdn)", "Computers", "Computers - Languages / Programming", "Computer Books: Languages", "Programming - Software Development", "Programming Languages - Java", "Ajax (Web site development technology)", "Ajax, JavaScript, Web 2.0, Programming, Prototype, Scriptaculous, web browser, web application, XML, JSON, agile, development, PHP, Java, JSP, Ruby on Rails, scripting language, practical, CSS, HTML, XMLHttpRequest, HTTP debugger, content-centric, scriptcentric, data-centric, measuring, DON, DON manicuplation, drag and drop, effects, component, widget, control, arrays, enumerable, function, object oriented, functional programming, event listener, patterns, client tier", "Computers / Languages / Programming", "Computers / Programming Languages / Java", "Computers/Programming - Software Development", "Design", "Web sites", "Data Transmission Systems - Broadband", "Internet - World Wide Web", "Programming Languages - CGI, Javascript, Perl, VBScript"]
catalog = "Book"
features = ["Illustrated"]
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isbn = "1933988037"
list_price = "$44.99"
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manufacturer = "Manning Publications"
media = "Paperback"
num_media = 1
our_price = "$29.69"
product_name = "Prototype and Scriptaculous in Action"
release_date = "21 March, 2007"
reviews = [#¥n This is a comprehensive book. The size (510 pages) was initially intimidating, but Prototype and Scriptaculous In Action is exceedingly well written and a genuine pleasure to read. The thorough and thoughtful organization of the book provides some real structure to the discussion, making complex subjects easily digestible. This is the defacto bible of Prototype and Scriptaculous, and these days I turn to this book more than anything else on my shelf. ¥n ¥n The book is divided up into four multi-chapter parts, any of which could stand on it's own as a definitive guide. The chapters are full of useful examples, and there's strong emphasis given to migrating existing sites to Prototype and Scriptaculous, which is a major plus. You could turn to any section of the book and immediately see how to inject some new behavior into your existing application, but if you take the time to read from cover-to-cover you'll be rewarded with some deep understanding of both the libraries and Javascript itself.¥n ¥n I'll summarize the four parts of the book:¥n ¥n Part 1, Getting Started, introduces the Prototype and Scriptaculous libraries, focusing heavily on Prototype and Ajax. There's a lot of information on re-designing an existing site for Ajax. Two full chapters are devoted to Prototype's Ajax features. You can get up and running VERY quickly after glancing through these chapters. There's also a lot of depth, and consideration is given to the pervasive effects Ajax has on architectural issues and the new ways that an application will have to manage HTTP traffic.¥n ¥n Part 2, Scriptaculous Quickly, covers effects, controls and drag-n-drop. This is hands-down the best Scriptaculous documentation currently available, anywhere. The core effects are explored and tweaked, and there's lot of very practical examples demonstrating some of the niftiest stuff, like running effects in parallel versus sequentially. And the drag-and-drop coverage is incredibly clear, making it easy, almost trivial, to implement. The Scriptaculous coverage is indispensable, and you'll return to it again and again if you implement Scriptaculous-enabled pages.¥n ¥n Part 3, Prototype in Depth, explores Prototype's Javascript-oriented features. There's a fantastic chapter on functions contexts, and the discussion of closures is one of the best I've seen. There's a lot of information about Javascript fundamentals, and how Prototype can be used to implement inheritance, address arrays, and manipulate the DOM in the browser.¥n ¥n And finally, Part 4 Advanced Topics, has two unrelated chapters. The first chapter overhauls an example app, giving it a Prototype and Scriptaculous makeover. The last chapter is about integration with Ruby on Rails. Prototype was initially written as the Ajax interface to Rails, so there's some strong integration.¥n ¥n As a long-time enterprise web developer, dealing with Javascript has always been a chore. But now I actually (gasp) look forward to tasks that involve Javascript. I'm a convert, and I have Prototype and Scriptaculous in Action to thank. ", @summary="Top-notch tome">, #¥n There's at least one other book on these libraries in production from Pragmatic Programmers. If you're considering that, I strongly suggest downloading the sample chapters of both books and comparing. The Crane book is much more appealing to me (not to mention it's available now, not in six months).", @summary="Excellent">, #]
sales_rank = 34941
similar_products = ["1932394990", "0596529260", "0596527446", "0977616630", "0321472667"]
third_party_new_price = "$22.37"
total_customer_reviews = 3
url = "http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1933988037%3ftag=calibanorg-20%26link_code=xm2%26camp=2025%26dev-t=01EQCDWQD725D9WZK3R2"
used_price = "$25.63"
asin = "0596527446"
authors = ["Scott Raymond"]
availability = "Usually ships in 24 hours"
average_customer_rating = 5.0
browse_list = ["Programming languages", "Computer Programming Languages", "Object-Oriented Programming", "Computers", "Computers - Languages / Programming", "Computer Books: Languages", "Programming Languages - General", "Computers / Languages / Programming", "Computers / Programming Languages / CGI, JavaScript, Perl, VBScript", "Computers / Programming Languages / General", "Ruby (Computer program language)", "Web programming, ruby, rails, ajax, javascript, asynchronous, web application, framework, json, xmlhttprequest, web2, web2.0", "Internet - Web Site Design", "Programming - Object Oriented Programming", "Ajax (Web site development technology)", "Authoring programs", "Computer programs", "Web site development", "Web sites"]
catalog = "Book"
features = ["Illustrated"]
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isbn = "0596527446"
list_price = "$39.99"
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manufacturer = "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
media = "Paperback"
num_media = 1
our_price = "$26.39"
product_name = "Ajax on Rails"
release_date = "03 January, 2007"
reviews = [#, #, #It is not a beginner's ruby on rails book. You definitely need the official ROR book first. But this one covers ROR Ajax in great detail. ¥n A must have book for whoever wants to bring Ajax into their rails development.¥n ", @summary="Very comprehensive">]
sales_rank = 8918
similar_products = ["0596527314", "0977616630", "0596523696", "0977616606", "0974514055"]
third_party_new_price = "$22.18"
total_customer_reviews = 7
url = "http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0596527446%3ftag=calibanorg-20%26link_code=xm2%26camp=2025%26dev-t=01EQCDWQD725D9WZK3R2"
used_price = "$26.52"
asin = "059652708X"
authors = ["Paul DuBois"]
availability = "Usually ships in 24 hours"
average_customer_rating = 4.5
browse_list = ["Systems analysis & design", "Sql (Programming Language)", "Database Engineering", "Computers", "Computers - Languages / Programming", "Computer Books: Database", "Programming Languages - SQL", "Computers / Database Management / General", "Computers / Languages / Programming", "Computers / Programming Languages / SQL", "Database management", "Relational databases", "mysql,java,perl,php,python,ruby,database", "Database Management - General", "MySQL (Electronic resource)", "SQL (Computer program language)"]
catalog = "Book"
image_url_large = "http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51zM9YdGIEL.jpg"
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isbn = "059652708X"
list_price = "$49.99"
lists = ["R1BQUH3M23QJE", "R2B47FET1NREI0", "RCOWEV8UAJ50Z"]
manufacturer = "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
media = "Paperback"
num_media = 1
our_price = "$32.99"
product_description = "Good programming--which is to say, programming that yields both efficient code and a profitable life for the programmer--depends on not reinventing the wheel. If someone else has solved the problem you're facing (and someone almost always has), you'd be foolish to waste your energy figuring out your own solution. MySQL Cookbook presents solutions to scores of problems related to the MySQL database server. Readers stand a good chance of finding a ready-made solution to problems such as querying databases, validating and formatting data, importing and exporting values, and using advanced features like session tracking and transactions. Paul DuBois has done a great job assembling efficient solutions to common database programming problems, and teaches his readers a lot about MySQL and its attendant APIs in the process.DuBois organizes his cookbook's recipes into sections on the problem, the solution stated simply, and the solution implemented in code and discussed. The implementation and discussion sections are the most valuable, as they contain the command sequences, code listings, and design explanations that can be transferred to outside projects. The main gripe readers will have about MySQL Cookbook is that the author, in his effort to cover the range of MySQL-friendly programming languages, uses different languages in his solutions to various problems. You'll see a Perl solution to one programming challenge (Perl, in fact, is the most frequently used language, followed by PHP), a Python fix for the next, and a Java sample after that. Readers have to hope that they find a solution in the language they're working with, or that they're able to transliterate the one DuBois has provided. It's usually not a big problem. --David Wall Topics covered: How to make MySQL databases do your bidding--in terms of queries, table manipulation, data formatting, transactions, and Web interfaces--through the database server's command line interfaces and (more importantly) through the MySQL APIs of Perl, PHP, Java, and Python. Particularly excellent coverage deals with formatting dates and times, management of null values, string manipulation, and import/export techniques."
product_name = "MySQL Cookbook"
release_date = "27 November, 2006"
reviews = [#¥n Bottom line: A wide range of methods for doing things you probably already know how to do if you are using mysql.", @summary="Too much book, too much money.">, #¥n The book is a collection of real-world tasks and compliments Paul's DuBois' other MySQL books very well. It goes beyond basic use and admin-level goodies - it has loads of code examples as well. As a software developer using MySQL for many projects, I find the MySQL Cookbook indispensible.", @summary="MySQL help!">, #¥n This second edition is almost twice as thick as the first, but that doesn't mean it's too much to handle since you wouldn't entirely read it from cover to cover because you'll want to go try out so much of it.¥n ¥n This really is worth space on a shelf (digital or not). I would prefer the digital edition since it'd be a breeze to search through.", @summary="Thick and Lovely">]
sales_rank = 19980
similar_products = ["0596101015", "0596003064", "0672326736", "1590595351", "0596100892"]
third_party_new_price = "$25.23"
total_customer_reviews = 20
url = "http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/059652708X%3ftag=calibanorg-20%26link_code=xm2%26camp=2025%26dev-t=01EQCDWQD725D9WZK3R2"
used_price = "$25.22"
asin = "0672328844"
authors = ["Hal Fulton"]
availability = "Usually ships in 24 hours"
average_customer_rating = 4.0
browse_list = ["Programming languages", "Programming - Object Oriented Programming", "Computer Programming Languages", "Object-Oriented Programming", "Computers", "Computers - Languages / Programming", "Computer Books: Languages", "Programming Languages - General", "Computers / Programming Languages / General", "Object-oriented programming (Computer science)", "Ruby (Computer program language)", "Computer Bks - Languages / Programming"]
catalog = "Book"
image_url_large = "http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/41X2833B8TL.jpg"
image_url_medium = "http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/21B53PF6W5L.jpg"
image_url_small = "http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/11721WR49EL.jpg"
isbn = "0672328844"
list_price = "$39.99"
lists = ["R1DHE5BZGJGTQ5", "R2DLIPEM028T42"]
manufacturer = "Addison-Wesley Professional"
media = "Paperback"
num_media = 1
our_price = "$26.39"
product_name = "The Ruby Way, Second Edition: Solutions and Techniques in Ruby Programming (2nd Edition) (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series)"
release_date = "25 October, 2006"
reviews = [#¥n I bought this book hoping to learn the basics of the Ruby language to keep my skills current. This book surpassed my expectations.¥n ¥n Not only did this book provide me with a solid understanding of key Ruby principles, it made me excited about using Ruby.", @summary="Nothing to Complain About!">, #¥n This is what I have sent to Sam's and I think that it explains things¥n ¥n ¥"I bought what you claimed was a pdf of this book. It turns out that what you sell is not a pdf but instead a node locked ebook that I can only read on one computer using Adobe's beta Digital Library application. This is useless to me as I work from any number of computers and locations. As far as I can tell this is sales under false pretenses or bait and switch. While I realize that your site says that there is no refunds I still expect one as you did not sell me what you listed on your product description. ¥" ¥n ¥n ", @summary="Don't buy the PDF version from Sam's">, #¥n This is the only Ruby book I have that isn't from the Pragmatic Programmer's publishing company. I recommend starting with this book, then working your way through the Pragmatic series if you want to get your black belt in Ruby.", @summary="My first reference for Ruby coding tasks">]
sales_rank = 23743
similar_products = ["0596523696", "0974514055", "0977616630", "0596527446", "1932394699"]
third_party_new_price = "$23.19"
total_customer_reviews = 12
url = "http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0672328844%3ftag=calibanorg-20%26link_code=xm2%26camp=2025%26dev-t=01EQCDWQD725D9WZK3R2"
used_price = "$23.00"
asin = "0977616606"
authors = ["Chad Fowler"]
availability = "Usually ships in 24 hours"
average_customer_rating = 4.5
browse_list = ["Internet languages", "Programming languages", "Object-oriented programming (Computer science)", "Computers", "Computer - Internet", "Computer Books: Languages", "Ruby (Computer program language)", "Programming - General", "Internet - Application Development", "Computer / Internet", "Computers / Internet / Application Development", "Computers / Programming Languages / CGI, JavaScript, Perl, VBScript", "Object-oriented programming (Computer science", "Ruby, Rails, Java, J2EE, web, internet, framework"]
catalog = "Book"
image_url_large = "http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/41MV46QK0SL.jpg"
image_url_medium = "http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/21CQSQ9YVJL.jpg"
image_url_small = "http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/11A6SYTHWTL.jpg"
isbn = "0977616606"
list_price = "$32.95"
lists = ["R1L6QNM215M7FB", "R212Z0IGWSW40B", "R1WFNR53KCER6W"]
manufacturer = "Pragmatic Bookshelf"
media = "Paperback"
num_media = 1
our_price = "$21.75"
product_name = "Rails Recipes (Pragmatic Programmers)"
release_date = "09 June, 2006"
reviews = [#¥n Reading this book is like having access to multiple, experienced Rails developers (including some of those contributing to the core Rails product) that have developed and deployed commercial software on this new, upcoming platform. I hope to have an opportunity to develop product in this technology and know that by owning this product I'm more prepared than ever. Highly recommended.", @summary="Excellent Rails book for those that learn by example">, #, #]
sales_rank = 18973
similar_products = ["0977616630", "1932394699", "0974514055", "0596523696", "0596527446"]
third_party_new_price = "$18.36"
total_customer_reviews = 10
url = "http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0977616606%3ftag=calibanorg-20%26link_code=xm2%26camp=2025%26dev-t=01EQCDWQD725D9WZK3R2"
used_price = "$20.66"
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Posted: 月 - 7月 16, 2007 at 04:46 午前
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