
About Aarinfantasy

The purpose of this website is to provide yaoi/BL fans a database in which they can find information on their favorite titles and titles fansubbed/scanlated by Aarinfantasy. If you are a member of the community, please review a title whenever possible. If you are not yet, you should be registering right now! Read more...

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Koutetsu Sangokushi Ep23
Written by aarinfantasy   
Wednesday, 12 December 2007

The file is available for download in the forum, or you can get it from torrent:

You can also get it from our IRC channel - #aarinfantasy @ irc.rizon.net

Ep24 and Ep25 will all be done by next week :)


Koutetsu Sangokushi Ep22
Written by aarinfantasy   
Monday, 03 December 2007

You can download Koutetsu Sangokushi Ep22 from the forum or visit our IRC channel - #aarinfantasy @ irc.rizon.net
to download.

Saint Beast OVA1-2
Written by aarinfantasy   
Tuesday, 27 November 2007

The long-awaited English fansub version is finally released!
You can download the file from the forum or our IRC channel - #aarinfantasy @ irc.rizon.net

There's an active chat thread about Saint Beast in the forum, do join in :)
Also, for more info of Saint Beast, you might want to read it from our online magazine (Fall version) at www.aarinsecret.com



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We are currently providing free hosting for all your projects. You will also get a subdomain on aarinfantasy if you wish. Please send an email to staff [at] aarinfantasy.com with your info.


If you want to be affiliated with aarinfantasy, please send an e-mail to staff [at] aarinfantasy.com. Please include a small banner image and a small description. Your site must be yaoi/BL related.

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