"My music hosted at http://www.myspace.com/86bpmz "

36 years old
Sneaky town, Tokyo

Last Login: 12/22/2007
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    Heihachirou's Interests
GeneralMusic, Tattoos, Japanese Culture, Computers, Technology, Drumming, Good Food. Check out my music at http://www.myspace.com/86bpmz
MusicCheck out my music on at http://www.myspace.com/86bpmz Death and Black Metal, Hip Hop (When it has a real message - not just oh baby oh baby, show me your stuff...yeah baby yeah baby. cant get enuff...uh). Any music that has substance and soul - a purpose and energy to feed me. Music for music, not money. But in saying that, it would be nice to make a decent living off music, since I enjoy it so much.
MoviesScience Fiction, Horror (Western and Japanese), Japanese Animated full length fetures, Comedy...and anything else that is actually worth watching...i hate Hollywood pop-culture one-line movies that lack depth - just explosions and tough guys, guns and...well yeah...youve all seen them too.
TelevisionTelevision is poison for the mind. Turn it off before all you know is what to buy. Peoples stupidity I attribute to mainstream media. Do yourself a favor - Read a book.
BooksAnything worth reading - The Da Vinci Code was a great book. There are too many to write here. Books rock. Ive been getting into Japanese comics recently to improve my Japanese reading and speaking abilities... but its a hard road. Brains like a rock.
HeroesMy Father, for his strength the years before his death. My Mother, for her open minded guidance during my youth. My younger Brother, for his love. My friends, for letting me be the underachieving mess I am without complaint.

     Heihachirou's Details
Status:In a Relationship
Here for:Networking, Friends
Hometown:Auckland, New Zealand
Body type:5' 11" / Average
Zodiac Sign:Capricorn
Occupation:Sneaky Stuff

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NTT (Japan Telecom) has earned the ^needs improvement ^sticker  (view more)

Moving house...no internet for a while  (view more)

My thanks go out  (view more)

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   Heihachirou's Blurbs
About me:

Philosophy - Music is what everything should revolve around. Without it, nothing breathes color or feeling. Everything that you decide is right to do should be done without hesitation. Life isnt about whats right or wrong, its only choices. As the great Bill Hicks said - It just a ride. Make educated choices based on what you know...and dont look back. To much time is spent on regret and remorse. Life is for living and experiencing. Tattoos - I have a thing for tattoos. I am nearing the final stages of a Japanese body tattoo. Many people ask me why I would want to do such a thing. To be honest, I cant understand why they wouldnt. Music - I dabble in music writing when I can find time. Music has always been in my life, even at a very young age. Its like food to me. Without it, I tire of life easily.
Who I'd like to meet:
Like minded people I suppose. People who have a sound understanding of who they are, and are confident to be just that - themselves. Also people in Japan invlved with music. U can check my beats out at http://www.myspace.com/86bpmz I can read and speak Japanese reasonably well, but myspace doesnt have Japanese support. If you are Japanese and your English is not so good, you can type romanji. I will understand. Nihongo demo OK desu yo.

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   Heihachirou's Friend Space
Heihachirou has 20 friends.

 haku (artist management japan) 

 Yeme em em 

 Tom Lightvoet 





 dj Vraj 





 Anna D. (aka Mikki Disaster) 

 QUEEN of NeedHipHop.net aka Xtreme Xposure 

 鈴奈 -Rayna- 


 Emotional Midget 


Heihachirou's Friends Comments
Displaying 10 of 10 comments  ( View All | Add Comment )
Got milk?

Dec 22 2007 7:42 AM

happy b day to you!
haku (artist management japan)

Aug 3 2007 11:32 AM

haku (artist management japan)

Jun 11 2007 7:02 AM

Good call there G - slam that shizzle!
Tom Lightvoet

May 28 2007 7:35 PM

Whats the deal with you whip? We gonna slam it or what? Have you managed to scratch your wheels again?
Word hit me back when you have time!

May 12 2007 9:22 PM

Sup bro,dam good to see ya while i was over ur neck o the woods yo...Hope to be back very soon to continue the journey hahaha,not sure if ya internet up n running now but jus thought id stop in wit a Konichiwa!!!!

Hope ur good man...

Emotional Midget

Dec 22 2006 12:03 AM

ahh...life coach. Long time no lecture eh?? :) how's things?

Happy Birshday! maybe I'll catch ya online again someday.. hope all is well in Japan :)
QUEEN of NeedHipHop.net aka Xtreme Xposure

Nov 26 2006 7:59 PM

thanks for the add!!!
Tom Lightvoet

Oct 23 2006 7:45 PM

How was your week? Did you do anything worthwhile over the weekend?
haku (artist management japan)

Jul 14 2006 6:07 AM

yo g - check out this guys musical influences... http://www.myspace.com/your_wife
haku (artist management japan)

Jul 9 2006 5:19 AM

sup in the hizzle daaawg!
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