本名 佐々木 薫 ささきかおる
太陽の星座 射手座 / 月の星座 魚座
生活の木Herbal Life Collegeをはじめ、各種カルチャースクール、社会人講座等の講師として活動し、ハーブ・アロマテラピーの楽しみ方から専門知識まで、幅広い内容をレクチャーしている。
血液型 A型
- よみうり文化センター講師
- 著書「おいしいハーブティー」「ハーブビネガー」誠文堂新光社刊、「心も体もイキイキハーブティー」「アロマテラピー入門」ブティック社刊、「やさしいアロマテラピー」フレグランスジャーナル社刊(共著)
- 監修「ハーブティー」「はじめてのアロマテラピー」、「体脂肪を減らすハンドブック(共著)」「肩こり・腰痛・疲れ目(共著)」「子宮内膜症(共著)」「スパイス(共著)」池田書店刊他
- ビデオ「暮らしを彩るハーバルライフ入門」全3巻監修
「Peaceful Words from the North
サンディー・メイン Sandy Maine
Sandy Main started handmade soap making
in her kitchen since1979.
She is known to be the pioneer among handmade soapers
in USA.
She is also writer who wrote many books about not only
handmade soap making but also homekeeping.
Aside from soap making, she campaigns for enlightenment
and training of handmade soap making.
She lives in a farm of Adiron dack Mounttain in NY now
with three children and a husband of hers.
In 2002, she joined our members of Tree of Life's Handmade
Guild and started handmade soap making for Japan.
「Healthy Thoughts from the
スコット・ブラックソン Scott Blackson
He was born in 1952.
He is the type of parson who adore nature, animals and neighbors,
also quite Vegetarian. And he built his career as photographer
that take photo of nature, has interest medical herb and
He actually found out how to make soap by,
when he was taking his degree in naturopathy.
In 1997, He purchased place where killed pigs in DE(Delaware),
and built his own factory for making soap there, start making
soap and some stuff using for bath.
As one of the Hand-made guild's members by Tree of Life in
2003, he has started to manufacture some products using for
bath in hand-made to Japan.
「Welcome to New House Farm」
フランシス・マーフィー Frances Murphy
1992年、本格的にアロマテラピストの教育を開始。1996年にはECHIトレーニングスクールを設立。Stoke on
She was born at Limerick, Ireland, has given
name as "Frances".
She engaged as nurse for 6-years since 1966.
In 1972 through 85, she worked for Prise, after that she
changed to Gardenia who treated plant for business. In 1985,
she divorced for terrible accident by her job. No matter
how hard was, she went through all those treatments, use
alternative remedy such as aromatherapy and herbs for her
Finally she got back her health in 1990. She decided to popularize
those alternative remedy, came from her experience, how much
it has worth for human's health for rest of her life.
She learned professional knowledge in various range and skills
at so many different colleges and other facilities, such
as massage, stress management, healing and science of essential
oils. Then 1992, she started seriously to train for aromatherapists,
and established ECHI training school in 1996. At starting
with Stoke on College, many other colleges and industrial
training schools that place she teaches as aromatherapy tutor.
Since 1998, she had invited by association of Aromatherapy
in USA, and has popularized aromatherapy so often. 1999,
she took an active role an international level. Now therefore
she deserved honor the prize of Regional Merit.
「Choosing a Life by the Ocean」
ダイアナ・トンプソン Diana Thompson
In 1994, John and Diana got
married each other.
Their parents had been good friends each
other since John and Diana were little.
In 1997,
John and Diana started the handmade-soap
making in the basis of their experience that they
learned the how to make Goat milk soap at the dairy place
while they were still doing their own job at the time.
In 1999, John
and Diana moved to WashingtonState and built the work shop next
to their new house and they
have been doing their own handmade-soap making which
is not depended on any machinery.
In 2002, John and Diana
joined the Handmade Guild of Tree of Life Co.,Ltd. and started
the production of handmade soap for Japanese.