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Contaminated Pet Food Caused Many DeathsIt is being reported that veterinarians have confirmed that many deaths earlier this year of dogs and cats were as a result of them ingesting a toxic chemical from their food. Last March saw the beginning of a huge pet food recall due to pet food containing Chinese ingredients found to be contaminated with melamine and cyanuric acid. The two food contaminants are relatively harmless alone but turned deadly when they were combined by pet food manufacturers. MSU Diagnostic Center for Population and Animal Health associate professor Wilson Rumbeiha said, "When combined, they form crystals which can block the kidneys. Unfortunately, these crystals don't dissolve easily. They go away slowly, if at all, so there is the potential for chronic toxicity." Thousands of pet food varieties sold under more than 100 brand names were recalled as a result of the contaminated food. In total the FDA could only confirm 16 pet deaths related to the toxic food but thousands of complaints were filed from pet owners whose beloved animals had died. "The good news is we are not seeing any new cases," Rumbeiha said. |
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