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WickedLasers Blu-ray Sonar Review
Introduction Right, after reviewing some of the other lasers that WickedLasers sells I think it’s about time I give you guys a review of their Blu-ray Sonar. I believe this is the first and only one to have ever been available to the public. And who better to provide us with it then WickedLasers. This being [...]

Competition winners revealed!
Hey guys, I sincerely apologise for the delay for the competition results. Any how the winners have now been chosen. We were overwhelmed with the amount of entries we received, it was a hard task choosing the winners! The results are below: The first prize winner is Michael Atkins for his fantastic effort at drawing Megatron and [...]

TurboGadgets first competition, in association with WickedLasers.
We’re proud to announce TurboGadgets first competition. We have partnered up with WickedLasers to bring you a handful of great prizes to be won. The competition will start now and the closing date is the 30th of August. I will now tell you what you can win and how you can win it. 1st prize - [...]

Creative Released Zen Stone!!
Creative has yet again surprised us all! Only two days ago, Creative announced that the market will have to wait a couple weeks until they can see the players. But in fact, the Zen Stone has been officially released! The Zen Stone is the latest player from Creative that will directly compete head to head with [...]

Review: WickedLasers Evolution 125mW and Sport Elite Goggles
Introduction Everyone has heard of a laser pointer before. But when said, the first thing that may pop into their heads is a small gold coloured 1mW red laser pen. The days have gone where those were the only types of portable lasers available. Now the laser community is growing large and at a fast rate. [...]

Sony show off the OLED 11 inch screen TV
Sony appear to upping their game these days, it was not that long ago when to mention the name Sony was normally follwed by a laugh or two, but it has to be said that recently they have been coming out with some really cool stuff and the OLED TV’s are no exception, due to [...]

Solar energy direct from satellites
The green machine moves in mysterious ways these days, wind power, wave power and now solar power, of course there is nothing new about solar power, we all know that it does not work, if you want to power a calculator then that is fine, but anything substantial like a light bulb of heating then [...]