| Japan | America | Others | Total |  | 120,031 | 691,945 | 521,085 | 1,333,061 |  | 47,497 | 418,384 | 174,503 | 640,384 |  | 6,006 | 298,918 | 71,785 | 376,709 |  | 90,034 | 194,723 | 82,915 | 367,672 |  | 56,211 | 174,045 | 102,631 | 332,887 |
Weekly sales comparison graphs
| Sony Gets the DLC Train Rolling... New Updates to PS Store
Submitted on 11/29/07, 22:58 by rocketpig, 9 comments. | | Black Friday PR Roundup (DS sales, Wii sales, 360 sales, & PS3 inferences)
Submitted on 11/29/07, 21:49 by TheSource, 31 comments. | | Famitsu Japan Game Charts 2007-11-19/ 2007-11-25 and Sales
Submitted on 11/28/07, 12:38 by y-koron, 124 comments. | | Attachment Rates for Console Titles as of Nov. 24, 2007
Submitted on 11/28/07, 07:29 by BlindSight, 26 comments. | | Americas Sales for the Week Ending November 24, 2007 (Black Friday Week)
Submitted on 11/28/07, 03:04 by TheSource, 46 comments. | | Everyone's Nintendo Channel available in Japan
Submitted on 11/27/07, 06:32 by BlindSight, 35 comments. | | Ken Kutaragi, to Receive Lifetime Achievement Award
Submitted on 11/27/07, 06:04 by ssj12, 45 comments. | | 65nm RSX and 45nm CELL Processor confirmed.
Submitted on 11/26/07, 23:16 by ssj12, 28 comments. | | VGchartz.com featuring the first free weekly European Software Charts ever
Submitted on 11/26/07, 22:42 by ioi, 76 comments. | | Dubai State Fund Buys `Substantial' Stake in Sony
Submitted on 11/26/07, 09:49 by shams, 16 comments. | | Preliminary Japanese Sales for the Week Ending November 25th, 2007
Submitted on 11/26/07, 06:06 by TheSource, 51 comments. | | NCsoft Shifting Focus to Non-Game Internet Services
Submitted on 11/25/07, 21:24 by naznatips, 11 comments. | | Video Games See 134% Increase for Online Black Friday Sales
Submitted on 11/25/07, 20:50 by FishyJoe, 17 comments. | | Xbox Live Sales Charts - 11/17/07-11/24/07
Submitted on 11/24/07, 20:40 by mrstickball, 28 comments. | | New releases in upcomig week in Japan (11/25~12/1)
Submitted on 11/24/07, 19:08 by y-koron, 31 comments. |
| What should Microsoft do to make the 360 appealing in Japan?
2 replies, started by: Cheat1011 | | Who here loves porn
11 replies, started by: sandwich | | Avatars
9 replies, started by: ioi | | A new low for gaming media?
24 replies, started by: Saiyar | | Nintendo revamped their website
1 replies, started by: SHMUPGurus | | How many of you actually know who runs this website?
28 replies, started by: TheSource | | Monthly charts
15 replies, started by: ioi | | Super Smash Bros. Brawl Official Updates
6747 replies, started by: BenKenobi88 | | 11 movies based on games coming to theatres
8 replies, started by: Coca-Cola | | Elimation Game---Game of the Year Edition
219 replies, started by: Sicilian4391 | | Best overlooked games (all consoles)
27 replies, started by: Gamerace | | Contra 4 DS
19 replies, started by: CDiablo | | Punch Jump kills baby seal...
4 replies, started by: Dolla Dolla | | Wii eject button broken
5 replies, started by: Smashchu | | MGS4 Must Sell More Than One Million on the First Day
78 replies, started by: FishyJoe | | Media Create Numbers: 11/19 - 11/25
17 replies, started by: Dolla Dolla | | Preliminary Data: Wii Fit Preorders Appears in the top twenty preorders..
67 replies, started by: TheSource | | Wii Fit will trump Halo 3's opening week sales
168 replies, started by: johnlucas | | I've completed Mario Galaxy 100% and it's terrible!
36 replies, started by: llewdebkram | | Wii Fit released tomorrow in Japan
20 replies, started by: Soriku | | Could Mass Effect numbers be severely undertracked as well?
15 replies, started by: eugene | | Will Wii sales slow down after Christmas?
50 replies, started by: z64dan | | Too Human Developer Diary Vid
11 replies, started by: Dolla Dolla | | What makes a Final Fantasy game a Final Fantasy game?
104 replies, started by: Onyxmeth | | Anyone ever try one of the "get a free gift" offers for a game console?
47 replies, started by: kn |
Where Do Our Numbers Come From?
Unlike many other websites (which use manufacturer shipment figures and reports to estimate current console sales), VG Chartz collects data directly from retailers all over the world. Retailer sample sizes are small compared to professional tracking services, but are large enough to provide very accurate projections of the latest console sell through figures worldwide. We are the only provider anywhere in the world of weekly American sales charts and are expanding our data collection and coverage all the time. To find out more, visit our about us and methodology pages.
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