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EMCO Malware Destroyer
Anti-SpywareEMCO Malware Destroyer is a unique malware removal tool with a new and faster scanning engine!
It only takes about ~10 seconds to scan your whole computer for over 10000 real targeting definitions.
The current version supports most types of malwares like, adware, Browser Helper Objects (BHO), hijackers, keyloggers, drives-by-downloads, Layered Service Providers (LSP), parasitware, rats, retrospies, scumware, searchpage hijackers, snoopware, spam, surveillance software, thiefware, trojans, worms, spyware and dialers.
EMCO Malware Destroyer is a marvelous addition in the category of virus scanning and removal. The main idea is to keep your machine clean from different viruses with just one click. Users of EMCO Malware Destroyer can also request for the addition of new virus definition to the database if that virus definition doesn't already exists. In this way you can save a lot of money that you waste on buying virus scanner for your networks. Why go for expensive antivirus tools when you can get you machine secured in much less price.
Admins on 24 November 2007 10:00 Read More · 1 Comments · 16203 Reads · Print
Nature Illusion Studio 2.40
Graphics & DesignTransform your real-world photo into an animated nature scene by adding a wide array of water, weather and sound effects to your own photos and images!
Nature Illusion Studio lets you transform your digital photos into live and save it as screensavers, executables, AVI, or animated GIF. You can add water effects such as waterfall, lake, sea; animated objects such as birds, fishes; and weather effects such as snow or rain to your photos in less than 5 minutes.

Make photo live
A photo restricts your excitement from holidays spent at the seaside or near a waterfall to flat, two-dimensional images. Nature Illusion Studio lets you go beyond these physical restrictions and make a self-made animated scene, which can bring the original spirit and excitement of the holiday back to life.

Admins on 24 November 2007 09:00 Read More · 0 Comments · 5320 Reads · Print
Universal Viewer (ATViewer) Free
MiscellaneousUniversal Viewer (ATViewer) is a lightweight and versatile file viewer that can open virtually any file format including PDFs, Fonts, Flash Video, SWF animations, Microsoft Office formats, Images, Music and Video Files. Supported view modes and corresponding file formats are:

• Text/Binary/Hex/Unicode: all files (unlimited size)
• RTF: RTF/ UTF-8 encoded files
• Images: BMP/ JPG/ ICO/ GIF/ PNG/ WMF/ TGA/ TIFF/ PCX/ PSD/ etc
• Multimedia: all file types supported by MS Windows Media Player (AVI/ MPG/ WMV/ MP3/ etc)
• Internet/Office: all file types supported by MS Internet Explorer (HTML/ XML/ DOC/ XLS/ etc)

Ronin on 24 November 2007 06:27 Read More · 2 Comments · 4442 Reads · Print
KMPlayer Beta
PlayersKMPlayer is a korean movie and audio player that supports a wide range of codecs and file formats. It has full VCD/DVD playback functionality.

- Supported Files or Devices

  • Incomplete/Damaged AVI file (Skip Damaged Frames)
  • Locked Media Files while downloading or sharing (with realtime index rebuilding under certain condition: AVI downloading in consecutive order)
  • HTTP Streaming (ASF/OGG/MP3/AAC/MPEG PS/MPEG TS: Only work with internal splitters)
  • Ronin on 24 November 2007 02:00 Read More · 1 Comments · 860 Reads · Print
    Arial Audio Converter 2.3.58
    Audio EditorsArial Audio Converter is a professinal audio conversion tools. It can convert audio formats between MP3, WMA, OGG, MP2, WAV ( PCM, DSP, GSM, ADPCM), G721, G723, G726, VOX, ALAW, ULAW. With this extremely easy to use software you can convert files in batch regardless of their source formats and target formats. Arial Audio Converter also supports playback with its built-in player.

    Main Features:
    - Convert audio formats between MP3, WMA, OGG, MP2, WAV ( PCM, DSP, GSM, ADPCM ), G721, G723, G726, VOX, ALAW, ULAW with different settings.
    - Fast Conversion Speed: audio format conversion is performed directly without any temporary files, and thus enables high converting speed and economy of hard disk space.
    Admins on 23 November 2007 22:00 Read More · 2 Comments · 48055 Reads · Print
    WinAce Archiver 2.69
    SYSTEM ToolsWinAce is an archiving utility with an easy-to-use interface for creating, extracting, and viewing archives. It includes built-in compression for ACE, ZIP, LHA, and MS-CAB formats, and built-in decompression for ACE, ZIP, LHA, MS-CAB, RAR, ARJ, ARC, GZIP, TAR, and ZOO formats. You can create multi-volume (disk-spanning) archives for ACE and MS-CAB formats and self-extracting archives (sfx) for ACE and ZIP formats.

    The feature list of WinAce includes:
    - compression of the following formats: ACE, ZIP, LHA, MS-CAB, JAVA JAR
    - decompression of: ACE, ZIP, LHA, MS-CAB, RAR, ARC, ARJ, GZip, TAR, ZOO, JAR
    - multi-volume (disk spanning) archives for ACE, ZIP, CAB
    Admins on 23 November 2007 19:00 Read More · 5 Comments · 11937 Reads · Print
    Opera 9.50 (Kestrel) Build 9665
    InterNet ToolsOpera started out as a research project in Norway's largest telecom company, Telenor, in 1994, and branched out into an independent development company named Opera Software ASA in 1995. Opera Software develops the Opera Web browser, a high-quality, multi-platform product for a wide range of platforms, operating systems and embedded Internet products.

    Opera is known as the fastest and smallest full-featured browser, a first choice for people using older PCs and Windows 95 and a brilliant alternative to the default IE from Microsoft. Opera, first of all, is client World Wide Web, that is the program for extraction of the information from WWW as the documents created with help HyperText Markup Language (language of a marking of hypertext HTML).
    Low requirements to resources of system. Opera will work even on 386 computer about 6 MB of operative memory. MDI the interface. You can open without special expenses of memory any quantity of windows inside one working window, having chosen thus a tabulared or cascade mode.

    Ronin on 23 November 2007 18:00 Read More · 1 Comments · 6674 Reads · Print
    SpyRemover 2.74
    Anti-SpywareSpyRemover detects and removes more than 63,104 types (more than 169,000 items and variants) of intrusive devices such as spyware, adware, hijackers, keyloggers, Trojans, tracking devices, hacker tools, and other spy devices on your PC. This spyware remover is powerful and easy to use. It works with Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista. A Perfect Complement to SpyStopper.
    SpyRemover can remove the most difficult spyware infection for you. It is one of the most popular anti-spyware applications on Internet. More than 2 million copies have been downloaded.
    SpyRemover Protects Against Spyware and Strengthens Your PC Security:
    - Detects and removes all types of intrusive devices such as spyware, adware,hijackers, keyloggers, Trojans, tracking devices, hacker tools and others.
    - Powerful, yet easy to use for even the casual PC user.
    Ronin on 23 November 2007 16:00 Read More · 3 Comments · 15467 Reads · Print
    Norman Malware Cleaner: Built 2007/11/21
    Anti-VirusNorman Malware Cleaner is a Norman program utility that may be used to detect and remove specific malicious software (malware).
    Note that it should not be used as a substitute for running normal proactive antivirus protection, but rather as a reactive tool to handle systems that are already infected.
    By downloading and running the program below it will clean an infected system completely:
    * kill running processes that are infected
    * remove infections from disk (including ActiveX components and browser helper objects)
    * restore correct registry values
    * remove references created by malware in hosts file
    Ronin on 23 November 2007 15:00 Read More · 0 Comments · 15868 Reads · Print
    BitZipper 5.0.2
    SYSTEM ToolsBitZipper is an advanced data compression tool for Windows that enables you to unzip 20 different compression and encoding formats with superior ease-of-use. BitZipper comes with built-in support for ACE, ARC, ARJ, BH, BZIP2, CAB, GZ, JAR, LHA, LZH, RAR, TAR, TBZ, TGZ, UUE, WAR, XXE, Z, ZIP and ZOO files. No third-party products are needed. This enables you to access almost every compressed file you will ever come across with this one tool. You may encrypt your data and protect it from prying eyes. BitZipper supports strong AES encryption which is an encryption standard endorsed by the NSA.
    BitZipper comes with 4 interfaces, satisfying both new users and power users. It has a very friendly Wizard interface for new users, a Windows Explorer-style interface for experts, a batch (bulk) processing interface for power downloaders and an interface accessible directly from Windows Explorer.
    Use Backup Sets (archive templates) to define which files and folders to back up, and activate your backup by the click of a button. Your backed up files can be accessed by BitZipper or any other tool capable of reading standard ZIP files.
    Admins on 23 November 2007 14:00 Read More · 5 Comments · 1258 Reads · Print
    Zoner Photo Studio 9.0.8 Enterprise
    Graphics & DesignZoner Photo Studio 9 is the new way to manage your photos. Have you ever bought photo software and found it’s missing something? With Zoner Photo Studio 9, this will never happen. With Zoner Photo Studio 9 Professional you get an all-in-one photos program for every step from acquiring photos to readying them to organizing them to sharing them.
    Zoner Photo Studio is a tool that can lead you through the whole process of managing and processing digital photos: acquiring, editing, archiving, and publishing them. This universal "all-in-one" solution offers you exceptionally easy work, without the need to constantly jump from one program to another.
    - 16 bits per color channel
    - New GPS support - unique worldwide!
    - Great companion to Adobe® Photoshop®
    Admins on 23 November 2007 13:00 Read More · 4 Comments · 15716 Reads · Print
    GameJackal Pro - Final
    M u l t i MediaGame Jackal Pro is the ultimate "must have" killer app for the PC gamer! If you, like most gamers, find it annoying looking for and inserting the CD-ROM for your favorite game each time you play it, then Game Jackal Pro is for you.

    Keeping your gaming investment safe: One major concern gamers have is the CD's life span. The CD-ROM for a popular game may be inserted and removed many hundreds of times, this of course leads to the inevitable "Unable to read" error and ultimately a trip to the trash.
    Unleash your games and go gaming "cd free" in seconds: Using Game Jackal Pro eliminates the need to insert the CD-ROM before playing your favorite title, therefore allowing you to fire up your favorite game in seconds.
    Easy to use: Game Jackal Provides the user with a powerful and easy to use interface to go gaming "cd free". It does this without modifying any of your game's files or installing any virtual drives on your system.

    Admins on 23 November 2007 12:48 Read More · 2 Comments · 34270 Reads · Print
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    24/11/2007 13:33
    Ronin DVDFab version Beta is out

    24/11/2007 09:03
    Hi guys and lurking girlsP) BiTZiPPER program, do we need it?smileyWhat does it do that Winrar/WinZip/WinAce+7zip
    doesn't? I now have enough Zippers...// to make a superb straightjacket!smiley

    23/11/2007 19:34
    you're welcome

    23/11/2007 19:17
    thanks, helio13 for note

    23/11/2007 17:12
    nero-recode has to be activated separate than latest nero,,if somebody has a serial or patch please post it

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