Just like that other "Bastion of Human Rights"
The United States of America.....
You will be fingerprinted and photographed
like a common criminal
upon your arrival.
Welcome to Japan!
Japanese nationals are only fingerprinted when charged with a criminal offense.
Your crime is being a foreigner!
Welcome to the land of Government sponsored xenophobia.
And that's just the beginning!
See all these "Wanted" posters with
Well ONLY FOREIGNERS commit crimes in Japan. Only FOREIGNERS are terrorists!
Japanese people are saints, all fine upstanding law abiding citizens!
This lie has been repeated often enough that the Japanese now believe it.
Meet Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara
He's on record as calling foreigners "dirty dogs, all a pack of thieves who'll just kill and steal from us Japanese if there's an earthquake or some other national disaster"
He's the head of the committee for Tokyo's 2016 Olympic bid.
And his personal friends:
These are the militant right-wing folks who want to return to the glorious days of the Japanese Imperial Army. You know, the ones who invaded most of Asia, killing, raping and enslaving.
These are the ones asking for the Olympics to be held in Tokyo in 2016.
An alphabetical guide to the real Japan.
Convinced of its uniqueness and chosen place among nations Japan has been lauded for its economic miracle, its education system and cultural wealth. However, all of its treasures, including the land itself, is in tatters. Faced with a choice of recognizing there is a problem and working to solve it, the powers that be have instead chosen to bury their heads in the sand, and repeat slogans and mantras in the hope that everyone will be lulled back to a sense of contentment. Socially, economically and politically Japan is a disaster about to implode on itself. It's just a matter of time. That will be sooner rather than later. Future business, investment and cultural endeavors would be better done elsewhere in Asia. Any corporation intending to do business in Asia should be based in either Singapore, Hong Kong or elsewhere.
Japan is the sick man of Asia now.
A: Asbestos (Millions of Buildings Constructed Thereof) Corrugated asbestos buildings, long since town down for health reasons in other G8 countries are a mainstay of Japanese industry. There are ubiquitous here.
B: Bribery (Politicians, Businessmen, Police) Any favor you want, from having a railway stop put in near your house, to having laws passed in the Diet, to having your political opponent eliminated, is available for a price.
Get caught? Just deny! Deny! Deny!
C: Concrete (A National Obsession) Everywhere! 30 times the annual amount of concrete used in the 48 contiguous US states combined is used in Japan every year! They even concrete river-beds!
D: Dango (Public Works Bid-Rigging) Corrupt politicians get 3% of the bid price as a favour for rigging the bid. Dirty business indeed!
E: Education (Failed System) The Ministry of Institutionalized Incompetence. Students learn "how to be Japanese" at school. That's all!
Obedience, marching and conformity!
F: Fuji-san (The World's Biggest Toilet) 900,000 People a day climb Mt. Fuji in July and August. There are no chemical toilets, so all the effluent stays on the mountain surface. Someone who fell last year got tetanus from a scrape on the ice.
G: Gaijin (Foreigners: NOT Japan's Main Problem) Whenever there has been a crime committed the racists in government shout "foreigners!" The jails are 98% full of Japanese, many on death row for mass-murder. Foreigners are NOT the problem!
H: Health Care (System In Trouble) 55% of the population is over 65 years of age. Hospitals are closing down daily. Doctors move overseas for better working conditions. Drug companies push snake oil medicines.
The Government is "studying the problem!"
I: Ijime (Bullying At All Levels Of Society) Overseas bullies are punished. Here the bullied are the bad guys. many children commit suicide because of being bullied. Company workers are also bullied by their superiors.
J: Juku (Cram Schools) After spending all day marching and sloganeering about how wonderful Japan is, the kids have to spend their evenings in cram schools to learn what foreign kids learn when they're supposed to, in school!
K: Kitanai (Dirty: Dumping Everything Everywhere) Old fridges, washing machines, computers, TVs, cars, dead bodies...you name it, that's what you'll find while on a quiet countryside walk in Japan. Especially around and on Mt. Fuji!
L: Lies (Official Truth) The Government tells the TV stations and the newspapers what to print. Lenin and Himmler would be proud!
M: Money Politics (Government-Wide Corruption) Cash is preferred, as it can't be traced. At least in China they get a bullet behind the ear. In Japan they get promoted.
N: Nuclear Power (Accidents & Cover-Ups) Two sets of manuals. One is for the real maintenance work. The other s for cutting corners and lying when there is a nuclear accident. Nuclear accidents happen about once a month here, but they're covered up. Deny! Deny!
O: Overseas Development Assistance (Buying Overseas Friends) When you need to overfish an area, make a donation. When you need to dump toxic waste, make a donation! You get the idea!
P: Pornography: (Child porn too! All Day Every Day Everywhere) Modesty is given lip-service here by little fuzzied out parts on porn pictures. But magazines depicting violent, S & M acts, shown done to children are sold everywhere, and are read on the trains and buses by salary-men and school children. And they wonder why they have horrible copy-cat crimes against children!
Q: Quality Control (Really?) Earthquake data falsified building plans, nuclear accidents, train accidents, bus fires, house-fires, food-poisoning, organ-transplants of sick kidneys, contaminated fruit and vegetables, corrupt police officers, politicians, business leaders, child-molesting teachers......Ah! Yes! Japanese quality control.
R: Refugees (And Ex-Pats) Long term residents are leaving. UN recognized refugees are not recognized in Japan. And they want a UNSC Permanent Seat. Why?
S: Seku-Hara (Sexual Harrassment) 75% of women have been harrased at work or school. 81% of 16 year olds have been sexually assaulted, and/or treated for a STD. Child rape is common, especially by teachers and fathers. See "porn" and you'll understand why!
T: Theme Parks (Unnecessary and Empty) From a "Dog" Theme park where all the dogs had to be rescued from maltreatment, to, imitation Dutch Villages. All un-needed and un-visited and a waste of time.
U: "Utsukushi-Kuni!" (Beautiful Country!) Mr. Abe kept repeating this mantra. What did he mean? Nobody knows. Maybe even Mr. Abe doesn't know either! Just sounds good.
V: Visual Pollution Wires, poles, flashing lights, signs, decrepid buildings, asbestos structures, no planning, higgledy-piggledy planning (none), noise, announcements, bells, gongs and whistles. Apocalyptic cities, promising depressing lives. Maybe this accounts for 100 suicides a day.
W: Wetlands: Despite protests Japan has paved over the last remaining natural wetlands in the country. They used the concrete waste from the Aichi Expo in 2005 to do that. The Expo's theme was "Man living in Harmony with Nature."
X: Xenophobia Do foreigners get hayfever? How long did it take you to drive to Germany? Can you use chopsticks? Are you American? Can you eat sushi? Your nose is long! Just some of the stupid things I've been asked or told. Worst of all is the foreign community tries hard to follow the rules in Japan. The Japanese themselves couldn't give a damn. See Kitanai/Dumping above!
Y: Yasukuni Shrine (Burial Place of Class "A" War-Criminals) Without the permission of the Emperor Showa (Hirohito) the son of the priest enterred the remains of Class "A" War Criminals in the Shrine grounds. Honorably, the Emperor never returned to pray. Only the die-hard right-wing militants do that. Japan will never make real peace with its neighbors if this continues. Japan will always be a war criminal nation which refuses to repent. Or be forgiven.
Z: Zaibatsu (Cartels) They scream the loudest when they are resisted while opening businesses overseas, but Japan's airtight cartels steadfastly refuse to let foreign companies operate on international rules in Japan. This is not a free market. Never was. Never will be.
Still want to visit?
Save your time and your money!
Go somewhere you'll be treated with kindness and have your dignity respected.