新しい映画やドラマだと流行語や、日常の気軽な言い回しを学べるのがいいですよね。以前、英会話のテキストで勉強していたら、「もえの英語はカタい、教科書みたい」って言われたことがあって、ショックでした。友だちをどこかに誘うときに、“Let's join us.”ぐらいの気軽な一言が使えなかったんです。外国人の友だちとメールもしますが、相手によってカジュアルな表現やきちんとした表現を使い分けられるよう意識しています。
(c) Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.
This US TV drama sensationally illustrates the romances and conflicts of rich high school students living in an upscale residential LA area. Visual development in line with the newest trends is also extremely popular.
SEX and the CITY Season1
パラマウント ジャパン
HBO and Home Box Office are registered service marks of Time Warner Entertainment Company, L.P.
(c) 1998 Home Box Office, a division of Time Warner Entertainment Company, L.P.
This TV drama comically portrays the daily lives of four single women in their 30's living in New York, USA. Brimming with must-see fashion and cultural content, this show has become a social phenomenon in and of itself.
(c) Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.
This hit situation comedy nationally renowned throughout the US is about a group of six friends of similar age, three men and three women, living in Manhattan, New York.
イン・ハー・シューズ [2007年11月21日発売]
20世紀フォックス ホームエンターテイメント
(c)2007 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Starring Cameron Diaz, this film illustrates the soul-searching journey of a dyslexic woman on her own for the first time, and her bonds with her straight-laced older sister and grandmother, which grow in spite of their differences.
(c) Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.
“If you really wanted to change the world, how would you do it?” The “pay it forward” idea of an eleven-year-old boy, Trevor, changes the world... This is the heart-warming tale that brought tears to the eyes of America.