No$gba Gameboy Advance / Nintendo DS Emulator Homepage

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NDS Emulation
No$gba v2.2 contains some NDS emulation support.
No$gba v2.3 contains almost full NDS emulation support including 3D.
No$gba v2.3a now also contains NDS sound emulation.
No$gba v2.3b couple of bug fixes and details.
No$gba v2.3c some important nds-related additions/fixes.
No$gba v2.3d adds microphone support, 3d video improvements, full dos-dpmi compatibilty, and more programming specs.
No$gba v2.4 skinning support and more.
No$gba v2.4a fixes a newly discoverd adpcm sound bug...
No$gba v2.4b basic DS Wifi emulation (*), and full GBA e-Reader emulation
No$gba v2.4c some final details (mainly GUI and e-Reader related)
No$gba v2.4d lots of new info on wifi and ds-lite
No$gba v2.4e nds cheats
No$gba v2.4f couple of new details
No$gba v2.5 more and faster
No$gba v2.5a debug version bugfix
No$gba v2.5b 3d frameskip, 3d vram viewer, wifi details
(*) no$gba/wifi can send/receive packets, commercial programs are still getting stuck somewhere in transmission. NEW in v2.4d: Pictochat is now successfully exchanging authentication and associations requests and responses. After that, on real hardware, the host should immediately send data frames (via port 090h presumably), in no$gba, the host doesn't send any such data frames for whatever reason (only the client does, via port 094h). Info on fixing that problem would be highly welcome. Built-in help text (in debug ver) contains almost complete wifi specs now.

For a list of missing features and known problems, see here, the main problem seems to be missing technical feedback from programmers, like for the adpcm/sound problem. Some help/info on such things would be really welcome!

No$gba Freeware Version Downloads
Download windows version (ca. 130 Kbytes)
Download DOS version (ca. 130 Kbytes) (see notes below)

Download other GBA Emulators
Don't like no$gba? It's a tiny silly cluttered program, doesn't work, and is only some few hundred kilobytes?
No problem, please find the best, newest, and biggest GBA emulators here,
Download real good GBA Emulators (alltogether, that are megabytes of really cool stuff)

Questions on how to use no$gba
Please send any questions on how to use the freeware version to a Forum. Hoping that other users can help you.
Non-technical bug reports, eg. "Princess Piggy can't fly in Level 3 of Animal Dreams IV", that information isn't useful to me, please go post it to a Forum or tell it to somebody else.
Technical bug reports, eg. "no$gba crashes on MOV R0,R7 opcodes on ARM7 CPU in NDS mode", that would be very interesting, please let me know about that things per email!

Freeware Games
pdroms. Please contact the webmaster if you have problems to download files due to spaces in filenames (pdroms works only for people with modern multimedia business computers with newer mega browsers).

Notes on no$gba DOS version
It's the superior operating system, unfortunately most people only want to use the fancy windows version. In result, I haven't yet put too efforts into polishing up the DOS version, still it should be the only existing/working GBA/NDS emulator for DOS (for NDS: without 3D video, without microphone, and without touchscreen in DOS version).

Supporting the no$gba project
If somebody would like to help me on the nocash project, here's a list of some things that'd be useful to me, for research purposes:
- gba "nes classic" series game cartridge (a real cartridge, not a rom-image)
- gba infra-red adapter - gba wifi adapter - gameboy micro (miniaturized gameboy advance console) - commodore amiga 500 home computer (for emulating it whenever having time to do that)
- bug reports (detailed info please: say what does not work in which situations)

Need help from crazy programmer!
Some of the commercial users are pestering me to add more source level support, especially displaying variables, local variables, and structures in no$gba. The problem is that the specifications for the debug information format are my personal nightmare. I am trying to avoid it, but I can gaze at those "specs" for hours, without even getting an idea what it is all about, and where to start interpreting the data. Alltogether, I'd say that one must totally fucked up in mind to understand that documents. That's you? Great! If you'd dare to have a look at it, you can find the specs at (search for ELF), or maybe you may find better and less confusing specs/sources/tutorials elsewhere. ELF is an executable format, pretty overcomplicated for simple ROM-images, but I meanwhile figured out it works. However, the debug information is in DWARF2 format, stored in several sections of the ELF file, and I've no idea how it works, except for the "source line numbers" part, and I needed all of my discipline to read and understand that part. Any help, samples, instructions, tutorials, and less confusing info on that DWARF2 stuff would be very very welcome!

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No$gba Gameboy Advance / Nintendo DS Debugger

The debug version has been exclusively designed for professional developers.
It is not a toy. It is not freeware. And it is completely useless for gamers.

No$gba as a Programming Tool
For programmers, the no$gba debug version is a wonderful useful tool, making it easier to them to make better games in less time. If you are a programmer, be sure to have a look at,
no$gba debug version homepage
no$gba debug version screenshots
I hope it will be a valuable tool being worth every cent if you should decide to buy it.
If you are not a programmer, then the debugging functions are completely useless to you, the debug version doesn't even support cheats! Really, you don't want to use that! Don't worry, no problem, just go using the no$gba freeware version for gamers.

Use Freeware GBA Debuggers --- Buy more Hardware Debuggers!
Note that many other popular freeware GBA emulators include free debugging functions. Just try some other GBA emulators! And, if you a commercial developer, then you may also want to use professional hardware debuggers, as being distributed by SN Systems and Intelligent Systems.
A hardware debugger is real GBA console with some extra cables, which are used to connect it to a PC with debugging user interface. It is probably even more accurate than no$gba because it's real hardware (and probably much less flexible, for the same reason). Anyways, a major advantage for smaller companies is that a (single-user) hardware debugger is much cheaper than a complete no$gba site licence. I hope I have explained that okay. Alltogether, I think that these tools aren't that bad when using them in combination with a powerful software debugger.

That's so unfair - give me freeware debugger asap!
Please understand that the debug version isn't free. I've worked for about three years on making the program - that is three years fulltime - I do not have another job or other income. Next, I am 32 years old (more or less adult person), that means I'll have to pay the rent for my two rooms in the nocash headquarter, plus having to pay for food, coffee, electricty and other daily expenses, required to continue the nocash project.
Also note that the debugging version does not include any additional gaming features, just go downloading the no$gba freeware version for gamers, it's all you need, and it's free.

Shareware vs Emulation vs Piracy
Now, I need that money stuff to make no$gba, and on the other hand (some) emulation sceners desire to get everything for free - especially if it's a console emulator for windows - making me the perfect victim for software pirates - plus, the perfect victim for silly questions about how to use computers. To satisfy everybody (including that few idiots), here's the no$gba freeware version for gamers, it's free, nobody can buy it, nobody can steal it, nobody has to use it, but everybody can use it.

I hope that I've made this clear,
gamers do not need to buy no$gba,
the debugging version is totally useless for gamers.
Got that?
If not, please click read again or give up.

Back to nocash mainpage.

Being a hungry little demanding software pirate, you aren't welcome to use no$gba.
Otherwise, I hope you'll enjoy using it.