A Prehistoric Fish in the Russian Pond

Prehistoric Fish in Russia 1

Look what they have found in Chelyabinsk city. The story is that there was a construction site with a deep foundation ditch. They have touched some underground river in that place so the water in the ditch didn’t get away so it stayed there full of water. Then some workers a few months later spotted some movement in this water, they threw some pieces of their lunch in the trench which caused a big activity inside. They were puzzled who is there? And caught one thing up then in big panic stepped away cause it tried to bite them so they had to kill it with some equipment and here are the remains of it. It was around 5 feet length. Nobody of them got any idea of what’s that:

Prehistoric Fish in Russia 2

Prehistoric Fish in Russia 3

Prehistoric Fish in Russia 4

Prehistoric Fish in Russia 5

submitted by Valera


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    Comment by lynne
    2007-11-11 17:29:49

    Oh my God…FACEHUGGER!

    Comment by Eggs
    2007-11-11 21:45:31

    Where is Ripley when you need her.

    Comment by JohnP
    2007-11-12 10:28:48

    this thing.. HAS SEX WITH YOUR FACE

    Comment by Kyle Brady
    2007-11-12 13:07:59

    Exactly what I thought!



    Comment by eggs
    2007-11-12 16:21:35

    You guys are idiots. It’s a triop, zoomed up close. The pictures are fake.

    Comment by Phil Torres
    2007-11-12 17:21:59

    It is in the order Notostraca, commonly called a tadpole shrimp or fairy shrimp, it is a group of freshwater crustaceans that are found globally.
    I did a survey of aquatic invertebrates in Mongolia last year (not too far from Russia) and found a lot of these guys in pools. Very cool to look at and find, yes, but rare and 5 ft. in length? Not quite.

    Comment by lynne
    2007-11-11 17:30:59

    Actually it looks like an Isopod but I’ve never seen one with a tail.

    Comment by Bert
    Comment by Niels R.
    2007-11-11 18:05:15

    You’re damn clever!

    Comment by Alex
    2007-11-11 18:20:53

    It’s not a horseshoe crab, it looks totally different not to mention more legs

    Comment by Bert
    2007-11-11 22:09:48

    You’re right, I’ll go along with the Triops hypothesis then.

    Comment by Dungeonbrownies
    2007-11-12 06:36:08

    yes, much like a triops sort. i’ve seen them before, just not so large. definitely withthe three eyes and that tail and segments. not as much as horseshoecrab but definietely something close to triop. they love to eat shrimp and eachother and meat in general.

    Comment by speculation
    2007-11-11 22:10:57

    Who says it must be prehistoric? It’s probably some kind of species yet unknown to man, but related to horseshoe crabs. Mind you, not all species on the face of earth are known to science.

    Comment by WhateverIwant
    2007-11-12 04:33:49

    Thank you for this
    perspective on the situation.

    Comment by J-Lo
    2007-11-12 14:50:42

    Well, which law of nature states that paleontologists are always right? :P Besides, Crocodiles are considered to be pre-historic animals too… I have very little trouble with the possibility that this is what it looks like, even though it can easily be a hoax.

    Comment by Jeremy
    2007-11-13 22:25:19

    your right it’s a trilobyte

    Comment by Richard S.
    2007-11-12 01:58:47

    A horseshoe crab is considered a living fossil.

    Comment by peeotch
    2007-11-12 04:36:43

    no kidding, every fuckin insect on the planet is a direct descendant of these things.

    Comment by Popeye Sailor
    2007-11-12 06:17:20

    I agree with Bert. It is a horseshoe crab. They are common all up and down the east coast of America. They are bottom feeders and generally are not harmful to man. Sometimes they wash up on the shore after a heavy storm. Some cultures in the Orient actually eat horseshoe crabs and use the large shells in their arts and crafts to sell to tourists.

    Comment by Gary
    2007-11-12 17:23:44

    Horseshoe crabs that I know of (growing up on the Jersey shore) have barbs for tails and not some fleshy thing like that. Please no one here say “Its a horseshoe crab” YOU do not KNOW so understand that a person can come along and believe you in your infinite knowledge and you will be aiding in stupefying the world. How about try…I’m NOT and expert, still live with my mother, and have never actually seen a horseshoe crab but in my opinion its a horseshoe crab.

    Comment by Juno
    2007-11-12 09:49:23

    Yeah, it’s crap.

    Comment by Luis
    2007-11-12 13:18:34

    thats not a horseshoe crabs, i live around a area where they have a bunch of horse shoe crabs, horse shoe crab tails are stiff and are not wiggly like that, that is some next shit

    Comment by Chuck Martel
    2007-11-12 14:29:57

    That’s not a horseshoe crab. It looks a little like one though.

    Comment by Gary
    2007-11-12 17:24:52

    Horseshoe crabs that I know of (growing up on the Jersey shore) have barbs for tails and not some fleshy thing like that. Please no one here say “Its a horseshoe crab” YOU do not KNOW so understand that a person can come along and believe you in your infinite knowledge and you will be aiding in stupefying the world. How about try…I’m NOT and expert, still live with my mother, and have never actually seen a horseshoe crab but in my opinion its a horseshoe crab.

    Comment by Sacha
    2007-11-11 17:41:28


    Comment by M
    2007-11-13 21:40:07

    It’s not a photoshop, it’s a “tadpole shrimp”. It’s not even close to a foot long, though, much less five feet…and it’s definitely not a fish.

    Comment by Werner
    2007-11-11 17:55:37

    Does not look like a photoshop, but damn, that things freaky.

    Comment by riki-o
    2007-11-11 18:19:44

    that’s a triops and it’s probably not that big. Look:


    The funny thing about them is that their eggs can be completely dried and come back to life when put back in water. You can even buy a box of them online:


    Comment by nemo
    2007-11-12 15:46:13

    ‘cept this triops you linked to grows to a maximum of 2″ in length, not 5′

    Comment by nemo
    2007-11-12 15:50:55

    ok. which means I’m gullible. yes, those pics are definitely of something tiny. they could have taken the sheen off the curve of water due to surface tension before posting.

    Comment by Amy
    2007-11-12 18:58:39

    Looking at the few points of reference, this creature does not look like it is 5′. Its obviously not 2″ either. I’d say a little bigger than 1 foot, maybe 1.5.

    Comment by ariel
    2007-11-11 18:27:42

    this is a super triops http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triops

    2007-11-11 18:37:00

    We all know it’s a facehugger so stop it with your bigus wiki references!

    Comment by Th.
    2007-11-11 21:47:38

    sorry for posting ;-)but perhaps we can drop some Sweet chilli sauce on it


    Comment by Boris Abramov
    2007-11-11 19:36:15

    It is foolish of us to think that we have discovered all the creatures that inhabit this earth.

    Incidentally, when I was in Russia this summer I saw a tv program “Neveroyatno no Fact” (unbelievable but fact), it featured eyewitnessed encounts, stories and evidence about dragon-like creatures found in the forest north of Moscow or maybe Kursk. I tried to find some information on the net, to scare my girlfriend, but have failed miserably. Does anyone has any more information on this creature?

    Comment by Texas1
    2007-11-11 21:09:14

    I want you Boris

    Comment by lithuanian
    2007-11-11 21:40:27

    That program is mostly bullshit. My father watches it all the time. It’s like national enquirer on steroids.

    Comment by Skeptic
    2007-11-12 05:45:55

    It’s like bigfoot, or tons of other urban legend creatures.

    Comment by illlich
    2007-11-12 15:10:29

    bigfoot is real.


    Comment by talking beaver
    2007-11-12 07:21:23

    Come on, Boris Abramov! :)

    That “Neveroyatno no Fact” is one of the silliest TV shows I have ever seen!

    Crossbreed of X-Files and Twilight Zone, served as true stories.


    Especially that ultra-serious, dooming female narrator voice behind the scene is making me laugh. (Mainly because she talks too long. Then the intended effect of sending shrills down your spine disappears and she begins to sound foolish, like a caricature of herself.)

    While on other side, this TV show obviously does have its intended audience with appropriate intellectual abilities and state of mind. Mostly overlaping with the same people who believe in modern Nazi regimes in Baltic states and other “true” stories of various kinds served by Russian media to their brainfucked audiences.

    You, Boris, should really have an initeresting life - dragons in forests near Moscow, Nazis in Baltic states, what else..? ;)

    P.S. Actually regular Russian TV news reports are normally produced using the same approach - fiction + serious faces.

    Comment by Boris Abramov
    2007-11-12 11:17:08

    Oh, here we go again.. Do you really want to start all this crap all over again?

    Frankly, if you deny that Baltic States have a problem with nationalism, racism, xenophobia etc, you are ether the perpetrator of these crimes or a yet another poor soul who has fallen victim of your government’s atrocious neo-Nazi propaganda. In which case my condolences to your parents.

    Secondly, I have never stated that I believ this “documentary”. Of course it’s a complete fake. What I am saying however, is that there is no chance that science has uncovered all land spices, the statement that a vast majority of scientists and biologists support.

    Comment by talking beaver
    2007-11-12 13:59:43

    “Do you really want to start all this crap all over again?” - Oh, normally it is you who starts it all over. Sorry for taking away from you the opportunity to shout “FIRST!” on it this time.

    Your fascination with “dragons in Russian forests” reminded me of your fascination with “Nazis in Baltic states”.

    Your here-we-go-again blah-blah re. “government’s atrocious neo-Nazi propaganda” just illustrates the point.

    Poor Boris and your parents. :)) Maybe they just should have listened when they were told about the safe sex … ;)

    Comment by Boris Abramov
    Comment by talking beaver
    2007-11-13 07:06:27


    The same old crap.

    Assorted pictures, misinterpreted events, and mostly - paranoid stories written by likes of yourself.

    And that old article of poor old Socialist James Hughes, which has been unveiled to be half-lies in another issue of the same newsletter.

    You disappoint me.


    I do not know about love, but Baltic states certainly are very tolerant. Even more so than some countries of the “Old” Europe. Why? Because people here are rather different in cultures and views and so shall find a way to peacefully coexist. Which we have done with great success, even despite tries by some pro-Moscow extremists like you to destabilize the situation.

    No success so far, my dear hatred monger! So please keep on trying!

    Comment by John from Kansas
    2007-11-13 13:06:09

    Yes we have already discussed the Hughes/Muiznieks articles. As I recall Mr. Muiznieks deliberately misquoted Hughes in several instances. However, Mr. Muizniek did admit that there are ethnic problems in the Baltic countries.

    Comment by talking beaver
    2007-11-13 16:51:47

    Heh. :)

    Maybe I am wrong, but as much as I recall you might be recalling Boris Abramov saying that Muiznieks misquoted Hughes. Please correct me if I am wrong. Basically, as I remember, Hughes article was, let me put it this way - biased wishful thinking, to say the least.

    And, I guess, everyone knows that there are ethnic problems in Baltic states, especially in Latvia, because, after killing and/or carrying away to concentration camps quite few of the native population, Soviets brought in more Russian speaking colonists then German Nazis ever planed to bring in German colonists in accordance to their Ostland plan. Many of those are people, who consider Baltic countries more or less openly a legitimate acquisition by the Great Russia. Hence aggressiveness and arrogance against the local language and culture.

    They are not mistreated, as Boris Abramov is trying to tell. Instead, they are Privileged Class no more. That is what drives them mad with hatred.

    Poor “oppressed minority” of recent liberator-conquerors, with some another 140 million with tanks and nuclear weapons sitting just some 150 miles East. F#ck! :)

    Of course, I am not talking about all Russian speakers, normally, in everyday life we get along very well. What I mean basically are “activists” like Boris here.

    You might want to see Ethnic structure of Latvia

    Comment by John from Kansas
    2007-11-13 18:30:06

    I read both articles.

    I said that Muiznieks misquoted Hughes.

    Ethnic hatred is condemned wherever it is found.

    Comment by Boris Abramov
    2007-11-13 15:30:01

    Firstly, I am not pro-Moscow :) That has to be the weirdest thing that anyone has ever said to me. LOL

    Secondly, its funny how you say that “I try to destabilise the situation”. As far as I am concerned, I am trying to help the people of Baltic States (both minorities and native population) to understand how their government is using then as “sheep” to pursue their, or rather American, political agendas against Russia. If you wish to call it “destabilising” it is your choice.

    You, on the other hand, never miss an opportunity to spread your hatful, racist, anti-Semitic and xenophobic message.

    Shame on you!

    Comment by talking beaver
    2007-11-13 17:00:14

    LOL :)

    “..hatful, racist, anti-Semitic and xenophobic..”

    By chance… Are you a bot, Boris? :) Boris-bot. :)

    Thank you for “trying to help”!

    Now I would appreciate if you take your pink pills and go to bed…


    A guy, extremely worried by American or other “political agendas against Russia”, who considers being called “pro-Moscow” a “weirdest thing that anyone has ever said” about him. :)

    LOL :) It is so genuinely stupid that I even like that! :)

    Comment by Boris Abramov
    2007-11-13 17:45:58

    I am sorry, can you clarify what YOU mean by the term “pro-Moscow”? Are you by any chance implying that I might be pro-Putin? :)

    With regards to “American or other political agendas against Russia” - I think its pretty obvious to anyone more or less sane, not just the “pro-Moscow elements”. :)

    Isn’t it strange (or perhaps not so) how you haven’t even tried to dispute any of the links I have provided? Yet you persisit in saying that there is no nationalism, racism and xenophobia in the Baltics. Hmmm..

    On the other hand, I quess it’s not easy to dispute FACTS :) or should it be this :(

    Comment by siberia
    2007-11-13 12:53:59

    MOSCOW, Aug. 14 — The Russian authorities said Tuesday that they were investigating a video recording of what appeared to be the grisly execution of two bound and gagged young men, filmed in a forest beneath a large Nazi flag. At least one of the men was beheaded on camera as he lay in a shallow grave.

    The video shows two men with their mouths gagged and their hands tied behind their backs, kneeling in a forest in front of a large swastika flag. The film then shows a masked man beheading one man with a hunting knife.

    Another section of the video shows a man shouting “Glory to Russia,” before shooting the second captive in the head.


    Comment by siberia
    2007-11-13 12:58:06


    Comment by Boris Abramov
    2007-11-13 15:24:43

    Dear Baltic Nationalist/talking beaver,

    Firstly, come yourself down. Your verbal outburst simply perpetuates the perceived level of intolerance to contrary opinions, and any criticism of internal affairs, in the Baltic states.

    Thank you for the link that you have so kindly provided. Let me say, that what I saw was absolutely horrific! In particular, it demonstrates to what awful extend nationalistic ideas can lead.

    Sadly, Russia is also experiencing a rise of nationalism, which is not being addressed effectively. But let me say this again there is a big difference between neo-Nazism in Russia and neo-Nazism in the Baltic states. The difference is that neo-Nazism is not State-Supported in Russia, as it is in the Baltics.

    For example, the forth link that I provided, looks at childrens xenophobic books in Estonia which have been approved by the Ministry of Education. These books feature kids Jokes such as: “Why do Russians wear straw hats? because you always must hay on manure” and what is the most wide spread animal in Estonia? Russians”. Frankly, when I saw this, I was absolutely appalled! These have to be the most hateful racist jokes that I have ever heard! Whats even more disturbing, is that they have been approved by the Estonian government as a suitable education material for kids. I mean come-on, how can anyone deny that individuals in Estonian government are not sick neo-Nazis?

    Or take the Estonian monument to SS solders. This monument has also been approved, if not financed, buy the sick people in charge of Estonia. This monument basically glorifies people who have burned Jewish women and children in OVENS! I really cannot believe that a government that is now part of the European Union is committed to such hatful ideology. I think this yet again, proves the sickening hypocrisy of the EU.

    I find it very sad that when I criticise Estonian, or any other Baltic governments, people of these countries regard it as a personal attack. If anything, I think this yet again proves that Nazi propaganda in these countries is working very-very well.

    My condolences to people of Estonia.

    Comment by lithuanian
    2007-11-12 18:28:13

    I don’t think Baltic States have such big problem with racism or xenophobia. I think the bigger problem is corruption, high rates of crime and inefficient law enforcement. Lenient and forgiving prison sentences. I think hightened nationalism is always noticeable in smaller countries - it is used by communities as self preservation method to resist outside influence. Look at the jewish community and their culture - they are probably even more nationalistic and xenophobic as a whole. It helped them throughout the years to remain jewish and preserve the language, religion and culture. Of course i’m not talking about skinheads or nazis - that is sick and i think russia has much bigger problem with fascists. I’m simply discussing crowd psychology.

    Comment by Pros
    2007-11-11 20:07:45

    copy and paste

    Comment by Alfons
    2007-11-13 23:11:59

    select all and delete

    Comment by dimon
    2007-11-11 21:49:46

    … and there is no real scale to reference the size. More like 2 inches than 5 feet….

    Comment by talking beaver
    2007-11-12 10:49:54


    We all know what the water is. We also know quite well what its surface tension is.

    Thus, from the “bulges” at the boundaries of the water puddle we can approximately guess the scale.

    I would say the creature is relatively small. Ten inches, if we count the tail, maybe. Well, that is a rough guess.

    Comment by Vladimir Nabob
    2007-11-11 23:00:07

    It’s awfully large for a triops. Since it’s got a hard shell, creepy legs, a slimy tail and a tendency to bite, I can understand why this creature may be found only in Russia. HA HA HA!

    Comment by Mongo
    2007-11-12 14:22:01

    In Soviet Russia the shrimp throw australians on the barbeque?

    Comment by triop
    2007-11-11 23:31:30

    see http://blog.sekano.org/?cat=104 triop and photos

    Comment by Sam
    Comment by tinpot
    2007-11-12 08:26:29

    Are you perhaps blind? Your link pics look bugger all like the pics above unlike triops pictures at http://blog.sekano.org/?cat=104 which look EXACTLY the same. Man get some brains.
    Oh and this things is around 7-8 inches long from top to tail. Just look at the water where it meets the dry concrete. Would the light reflection at the water edge look like that if it was 5 feet big? I think not.

    Comment by TheDragon
    2007-11-12 15:27:26

    Don’t be a douche, Sam’s post is a joke and a geek reference. OMG STOP CALLING IT THINGS THAT IT ISN’T~!

    Let’s yell at everyone making amusing pop culture references, shall we?

    Comment by darkernights
    2007-11-12 00:35:05

    this is a triops. if you look at the water it “mounds” up/distorts the light in a round manner. this means that it has to be really small. this is just a close up shot of something very small like 2-3 inches.

    Comment by Tony
    2007-11-12 01:02:20

    I highly doubt that this thing was 5 feet in length. You can look at the way the surface tension builds on the puddle of water around it, and estimate that its under 2 inches long.

    Comment by Pacfic N-W
    2007-11-12 02:16:41

    Perhaps the moderator meant “5 inches”?

    Comment by Al
    2007-11-12 02:27:28

    Lokk at the details of the pic. It is a very small creature, some type of shrimp? It is not an insect.

    Comment by psyonic warrior
    2007-11-12 03:30:48

    it is a creature from the underbelli of the earth

    lots of future discoveries like this will happen
    yep, in the future

    dont be surprised when an highli inteligent beast of the underworld emerges

    Comment by Ken
    2007-11-12 04:48:20

    Its a TRIOP

    Comment by Jeff
    2007-11-12 04:50:01


    Comment by N
    2007-11-12 05:07:27

    Definitely not 5 feet. If it was 5 feet long then the thing that they appear to have flipped it over with was the size of my front door. I’m pretty sure you could find something a little easier to wield.

    Comment by Punisher
    2007-11-12 05:23:46

    Whoah I thought it was a mutated sperm cell that did not turn into a human!! haha! cool!

    Comment by jacqe kustowe
    2007-11-12 06:07:20

    This is an ‘alien’ lamprey grown from spores left by the Tunguska event in 1908. These have been known to ’sprout’ out of lakes and rivers in Russia ever since the comet exploded. They attach themselves to animals, usually livestock, like leeches and digest the animal from the iside out with a highly acidic excrement. They are widely regarded as the first alien species to invade this planet. Russians call them ‘сок обезьянка’ or roughly translated ‘juice monkey’.

    Comment by K. Signal Eingang
    2007-11-13 20:01:37

    I can vouch for all of the above.

    And you can trust me, because I’m a doctor.

    (actually I’m a gynaecologist but this is my lunch hour).

    Comment by Mrugraw
    2007-11-12 06:15:51

    I want to eat it.

    Comment by POPEYE
    2007-11-12 06:56:11

    It is indeed a horsecrab. They are common along the east coast of America from Maine to Florida. They are bottom feeders and are quite harmless to man. Several places in the Orient actually eat the critters and use the large shells in their arts and crafts to sell to tourists. Generally you will find them washed up on the seashore after a big storm.

    Comment by Ev
    2007-11-12 07:07:59

    It’s a real photo of Triops cancriformis, the only trick is that a zoom function was used to make it look huge.

    Comment by Jocelyn
    2007-11-12 07:13:26

    I’d place that thing at about 3 feet… Not 5 feet and definitely not just a few inches long.

    Having owned triops, I can say with full confidence that this thing is not one. It most definitely can be related to the triops, though. That would surely explain its sudden revival from the water.

    Ahh, suspended animation is awesome.

    Comment by Jocelyn
    2007-11-12 07:20:26

    Woops… And by 3 feet, I mean barely over 1 foot, head to tail.

    Comment by Jocelyn
    2007-11-12 07:16:48

    Woops… And by 3 feet, I mean more like barely over one foot, head to tail.

    Comment by dopey
    2007-11-12 07:48:35

    I hate all these fraud “news” articles.

    Judging by the way the water beads up in the photos, it should be obvious to any half-observant person that the thing is only about the size of a fingernail.

    The whole story is pure bullshit.

    Comment by Igor Ignatenkov
    2007-11-12 08:07:03

    Us Russians are stupid, It could be a dinosaur fish and some dumb vodkaholic Russian kills the last male and female rare water creature!

    Comment by what a bunch of idiots
    2007-11-13 22:51:20

    “Us Russians are stupid”

    You are speaking for yourself.

    Comment by David
    2007-11-12 08:45:41

    In Japan, these are called “kabuto ebi” or “helmet shrimp”

    also known as Triops


    pretty amazing and prehistoric really!
    I buzzed out the first time I saw one in a rice paddy near my house.

    Comment by Canniz
    2007-11-12 09:02:31


    Comment by icantalk
    2007-11-12 09:18:59

    “Nobody of them got any idea of what’s that”
    … I’m guessing the author was the construction worker who found it.


    Comment by this_barb
    2007-11-12 09:31:38

    I’ve seen this in my paleontology class. It looks to me like a type of branchiopod, of the phylum arthropoda. Probably the triops.

    Comment by jeffrey taylor
    2007-11-12 09:47:03

    I wonder how long before this thing ends up on snopes? The important thing is that the “5 feet long” part of the story is patently false. Look at the pores in the concrete, and the fact that the photographer somehow managed to keep anything that might give a better sense of scale out of the picture. Then the dramatic details about how this toothless animal tried to bite its discoverers…

    It’s a beautiful triops, no need to surround it with lies to make it interesting.

    Comment by Crow
    2007-11-12 09:58:39

    Looks faked to me… would like to see some video. Anyone have any follow up news on this?

    Comment by Kostya
    2007-11-12 10:05:26

    Aliens shall not pass!

    Comment by thadd
    2007-11-12 10:56:33

    It looks like some relative of the “triop” which would make sense, since they can lay dormant in eggs for years.

    Comment by Nestor
    2007-11-12 10:58:31

    Five feet? More like 5 centimeters

    Comment by Scott B
    2007-11-12 11:04:09

    Yeah, it’s a shield shrimp of some kind. Not a Horseshoe Crab, and definitely not 5 feet long. Even 5 inches is pushing it, from the water spreading, relative detail on the metal surface & specimen, as well as the camera angle.

    Comment by Gary
    2007-11-12 11:51:24

    I’ve lived around horseshoe crabs all my life and I’ve earned a BS in Biology and I can tell anyone here that that creature is not a horseshoe crab. It is almost certainly a triops and its size has been greatly exaggerated. And it probably didn’t try to bite anyone either.

    Comment by Gullible
    2007-11-12 11:58:15

    I wonder if this came from the well where the Russians heard the sounds of HELL….

    Judging from the pictures, I’d say this monster is 1-2 inches in length. Note how the image blurs as the camera got closer. If you’re going to zoom in on these little creatures, your camera needs a macro setting.

    Comment by patLents
    2007-11-12 12:13:43

    its a triops! sheesh. seen and own one. look it up. DEFINITELY NOT FAKE. dont cry ‘photoshop’.

    2007-11-12 12:37:36

    It’s a Triffid…

    Comment by Scion
    2007-11-12 13:56:07

    it looks so… Wierd animal.

    Comment by Huh
    2007-11-12 14:20:02

    It looks like a metal file.

    Comment by Huh
    2007-11-12 14:21:22

    It looks like a 1 inch metal file next to a dead bottom feeder.

    Comment by Jake
    2007-11-12 14:21:33

    That looks nasty!

    Comment by Yup
    2007-11-12 14:36:00

    The world can once again sleep safely thanks to the internet and the freedom loving alien from the pothole in the street finding workers. Any excuse for a day off…lord they must be bored there.

    Comment by ray
    2007-11-12 15:03:34

    Actually that’s called a Notostraca

    Comment by mase
    2007-11-12 16:08:48

    everyone keeps finding ( and killing ) all the cool prehistoric animales keep it in ta cage find a researcher.

    Comment by Chuck in USA
    2007-11-12 16:40:24

    Yes, it’s a triops (I’m positive). They get 1-2 inches long depending on species (shell plus tail). I used to have some as pets. My species only lived about 8 weeks long. But their eggs can survive drying out, so they are easy to buy in some stores or via the internet.

    Comment by n
    2007-11-12 17:01:03

    I would love to see it alive.

    Comment by nabin
    2007-11-12 17:02:09

    I would have loved to see it alive!

    Comment by flip
    2007-11-12 17:51:07

    for crying out loud!

    There’s just too much friggin ignorance out there by people with computers!
    if you want to see one alive then buy them here!

    They’re a Triops species you bunch of dumb asshats
    just look at the image
    Do you really think that dozen of those things can live in a ditch if they’re 5 FEET LONG!!!
    does water behave like that on concrete at that kind of distance
    come on… are most of the people replying 12 years old or do they all have a 4th grade education in a 3rd world nation?

    I swear we need to have some way to stop these idiots from breeding!
    this has gone on for far too long.

    Comment by John from Kansas
    2007-11-13 00:55:11

    It’s only been 200 million years.

    Comment by Klaatu
    2007-11-12 18:11:29

    it´s an alien facehugger photoshopped to look like a triops

    Comment by superman
    2007-11-12 18:27:09

    OH please. Look at the picture! 5 feet my EYE! thats maybe 1-3 inches max. What a hoax

    Comment by James
    2007-11-12 18:53:12

    my guess is one inch, and yes, it’s a Triops. You can see the two tantacle like pieces at the end of the tail wrapped around eachother making it look like a particularly long sinister tail. And no, nothing was photoshoped. The picture just doesn’t show scale.

    Comment by Bill
    2007-11-12 19:10:39

    My antispam word was russian, that’s ironic.


    WHY THE HELL DID THEY KILL IT! Of course they didn’t know what it was they are all no grad construction workers. That could have been a HUGE study in science, think of it. A LIVE PREHISTORIC CREATURE AND THEY KILL IT!!!


    Comment by what a bunch of idiots
    2007-11-13 22:17:43

    “My antispam word was russian, that’s ironic.”

    It’s not “ironic”, moron. My antispam words have been “moscow” and “stalin” — do you detect a pattern?

    “That could have been a HUGE study in science, think of it.”

    Hardly; there are millions of these things.


    Thanks for the oxymoron, idiot. This thing was born recently. If you’re talking about the morphology, humans are also “prehistoric”, since the form existed before human recorded history.

    Comment by Dennis
    2007-11-12 19:45:49

    A whore shoe crab? You gotta be kiddin’ me.

    Comment by Mutation
    2007-11-12 20:11:52

    Maybe this has something to do with it? :) http://www.logtv.com/films/chelyabinsk/

    Comment by xaep
    2007-11-12 20:53:20

    Behold, capitalists!
    It’s children of the Putin’s plan!

    Comment by konstantin
    2007-11-12 21:29:00

    Ultimate facehugger - has anyone noticed that science fiction always becomes real science?

    like when they discovered that the morray eel has a second mouth that comes out and chomps at prey? just like alien…

    Comment by Diego
    2007-11-12 21:49:05

    Damn.. Creationism, you are fucked!

    Comment by Nestor
    2007-11-12 22:31:47

    KABUTOPS!!!!! Catch it ASH!

    Comment by Prof terry
    2007-11-12 23:09:18

    actually the term is triops and The fact that this creature has not evolved in millions of years is quite perplexing

    Comment by what a bunch of idiots
    2007-11-13 22:04:43

    “actually the term is triops and The fact that this creature has not evolved in millions of years is quite perplexing”

    The only thing “perplexing” is your utter failure to understand evolution. The triops has evolved, into numerous other species. But the original triops morphology is still fit for its niche, and so that persists.

    Comment by John
    2007-11-13 00:13:14

    The best part about all these people who think it’s genuine is that they are too blind to notice that the “large” grey-black object poking the Sea Monkey in this picture is the end of a chisel/file.

    This thing (clearly a Triops, you retards) is under 1 inch long. Look at the surface tension of the water. Look at the chisel tip. Look at the exceptional detail in the grain of the concrete.

    They took the picture at high zoom with a competent digital cam and kept anything (aside from the chisel, which I guess they thought would be unidentifiable) from providing scale.

    Jesus you’re a useless barrel of dipshits.

    Comment by bill
    2007-11-13 00:15:38

    global warming is melting these things out of the permafrost and then they come back. That thing looks like 20ft long.

    Comment by maccam94
    2007-11-13 00:49:00

    I’m pretty sure that black thing next to it is a kitchen sponge… which means this is indeed just a few inches long.

    Comment by doug
    2007-11-13 01:58:38

    “It was almost trod upon by a dwarf!” Yeah, it’s pretty damn easy to confuse feet (’) with inches (”).

    Anyone who thinks its a horseshoe crab is nuts. Totally wrong tail, shell shape, size, etc.

    And Dennis, please tell me you were joking when you said whore shoe. Please.

    And why do kids these days INSIST everything has to be Photoshop. Jebus. There are so many other things that it COULD be without resorting to photoshop. Like “macro-mode” of a real “object” that is “small”

    Also, I had to type KgB as my antispam word. Bet they are watching too.

    Comment by Peter
    2007-11-13 02:56:22

    With no human in the shot it’s hard to scale, thus it being fake.

    Comment by Korean
    2007-11-13 05:52:14

    Oh… My god..

    -_- What is it? …

    oh..no.. -_-terrible

    Comment by Maverick
    2007-11-13 11:18:59

    Please go here: http://www.redbook.ru/proekt-trios_cancr.htm

    This creature is from red book.

    Comment by Boris Abramov
    2007-11-13 15:31:07

    That explains it :)

    Comment by TeratoMarty
    2007-11-13 17:20:56

    Urgh! Oh, jesus, I don’t care how big it actually is; it belongs dead.

    Comment by The Chosen One
    2007-11-13 18:27:46

    I am sure this creature is indeed 5 feet long, or even more. picture was photoshopped though, so it looks smaller, and this way this will not cause global panic. now all you ‘i-can-google’ geeks thinks it is not what it is in fact, which is.. i don’t know. but sure it is not from earth, not from our universe at all.
    however, me and couple of ladies are going to hide and live somewhere in siberia, wait for world to collapse and then start a new era of mankind. i mean, more intelligent, more beautiful and sexier mankind.
    here are pictures of my ladies: http://englishrussia.com/?p=1582 - of course it wasn’t what it looked like, it was only for the rest of the world not to know what te future is.
    have a nice day.

    Comment by lenin
    2007-11-13 19:42:48

    At a first glance it looks to me as wife of polish presidend Mr. Kartofel Kaczynski

    Comment by Guav
    2007-11-13 20:17:51

    It’s a tadpole shrimp and it’s not even close to 5 feet long.

    Comment by Moses
    2007-11-13 22:26:49

    It’s a tadpole shrimp. Also, look at the beading of the water. The water is elevated by surface tension, and without something to give it structure, I believe it’s just a 1mm-2mmin height giving you some scale. Also, the granularity of the surface it’s on appears, to me, to be highly magnified concrete.

    Nice hoax, though.

    Comment by Dom
    2007-11-13 23:10:28

    5 feet tall? More like 5 cm!
    It’s a triops retard


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