Regala Electra
13 November 2007 @ 07:09 pm
on holidays  
Man, you know I really feel bad that some of you guys have already got your holiday card posts up and I'm just like "...I should do that!...*forgets*...*wanders off*"

Ugh. Could also be the whole thing where at my job I have to be the Holiday Czar, I'm in charge of all the things that are done around the office, such as: ordering holiday cards (for company and personal-my bosses-use), purchasing and arranging flowers, sending out gifts to clients, ordering gift bakets, coordinating their deliveries, oh, and I'm in charge of the holiday party. I've got...the cards figured out so far. Crap.

I still need to pester the boss-people to finalize the holiday card list. At least I'm "only" sending out about...400 cards total.


I don't even want to deal with the holiday party. Save for the fact that last year EVERYONE got shit-faced drunk which was hilarious, it's way too much pressure for me. I have to coordinate with whichever place my bosses pick, hammer out the little details, make gift bags for any of my coworkers' kids that are attending, get there early to make sure everything's set up properly (even though I kinda live way out of the way from all the places they pick), arrange little 2-piece godiva chocolates on everyone's tables, and oh, I better make sure I have enough place cards.

(...and I'm still fucking single so that means I get to sit next to my boss's mother. Awesome. Nothing like sitting next to a 70+ senior citizen you have nothing in common with.)

Whew. Sorry for the, uh, well, you see, I need holiday cards from people like alcohol. Sweet, sweet alcohol. Um, so tomorrow when I do my holiday post (and bother everyone until like, the end of the first week of December), please take care to sign up.

Please do me a major favor: if you've already made your holiday post: please let me know so I can fill it out.

Thank you.

It will keep me from having a work-related holiday bitchout.
mood crappy
Regala Electra
12 November 2007 @ 10:21 pm
Fic: High Rollers (SPN, Sam/Dean, NC-17)  
High Rollers
Author: Regala Electra
Fandom: SPN
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sexual Content, Language
Spoilers: S3, Red Sky At Morning
Word Count: 4,042
Summary: How they wind up at the Borgata isn’t the important thing, the devil’s in the details after all, and it’s better to ask questions regarding Sam and Dean rolling around naked on money.
Author’s Notes: Without [info]ignited, there would be no pie or joy in this world. Also, this fic would not be completed without her loving assistance.
Feedback is greatly appreciated.


First thing that’s clear once they walk into the Piatto suite room is that someone wasn’t drunk and/or profoundly high when they decided on the décor. It’s the nicest place that he and Dean have ever stayed at, that’s for sure. )
Regala Electra
12 November 2007 @ 07:31 pm
If you see this post on your flist, post your favorite Jared Padalecki quote in your own journal.

I wear assless chaps. I'm a special cowboy.

Yeah, I'm not even giving y'all the context for that one. God bless you, Jared Padalecki.
mood jubilant
Regala Electra
12 November 2007 @ 07:25 am
"Oh I gotta get that...what am I doing?"  
As posted here by [info]runedgirl,

I give you your further good morning of J2 Guy Love:


Yes. Chug your beer. DRINK YOUR HOYAY AWAY.
mood awake
Regala Electra
12 November 2007 @ 01:29 am
in the face with rock salt, thanks  
I just spent...a really long time adding all my BtVS stories to my master fic links post. Man, I wrote a lot fucking BtVS/AtS fic. And I don't hate like, 5 of them. Also, WOW I wrote a lot of Faith fic. More than I thought.

Next up: my Faith/Dean crossover stories need to be added (oh yes, they get their own category), Farscape, PotC, and The O.C.

The end is near.

...I may need to put up a RPS section. Damn you Jensen and Jared! (*reviews last AIM convo with [info]ignited, makes shifty eyes at the crazy J2 plans.*)

Gotta work on my last push to finish my latest Sam/Dean story, oh yes, it's a coda to Red Sky at Morning. I'm really hoping it'll not suck. That would be great.

It's kinda nice to realize that I may have surpassed my wordcount for BtVS/AtS fics already in SPN. Because I have a monster (54K words) Wesley story that's always made BtVS/AtS the fandom that I've written the most for, yet in this past year alone, I know I easily passed that (thank you El Viaje for winding up being 32.5K all on your own).

Slowly but surely, I will have all this freakin' coding done.
mood blah
Regala Electra
11 November 2007 @ 02:51 pm
the army does go a little gay  
Ahahaha, I'm sorry, but this has to be mentioned and yeah, I'm probably adding to the spam, but this totally cracked me up:

From [info]_sin_attract's con report":

...a soldier from Bagdhad came to say that SPN S1 and S2 is THE MOST requested DVD set for the soldiers over there. They got a letter from the General of the US Army and a coin from the Green Berets that are one of a kind and either given to soldiers or given from another Green Beret, and it's very rare that civilians get them. It's a huge honor and you could tell how touched both Jared and Jensen were.

Yes, that's awesome and sweet but um, due to all the stories that [info]elrina753 has revealed about how the soldiers all "go a little gay" (this is what the soldiers told Tarina), heh, my mind took that to, well, my happy place.

Do you know that if a bunch of guys are bored in the barracks that they may very well do a "naked" day and take a bunch of naked pictures?

So, they're requesting DVDs of two dudes rocking the tough guy thing...with a lot of homoerotic subtext.

mood giddy
Regala Electra
11 November 2007 @ 11:38 am
J2 = Epic Love (True Fax)  
This is your Sunday good morning, people:

J2 pics from the Chicago Con.

BOYS! *flails*
mood awake
Regala Electra
09 November 2007 @ 10:29 pm
friday night lights  
Friday Night Lights enjoys squishing my heart ever so gently.
mood content
Regala Electra
09 November 2007 @ 07:45 pm
Guess What I'm Writing Right Now  
Poll #1085965 SPN Plotbunny, honey
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Dean and Sam should have sex on a pile of money: Y/N?

View Answers

36 (92.3%)

3 (7.7%)

YEAH. So I may have fic to post tomorrow.

Thank you, Supernatural
mood productive
Regala Electra
09 November 2007 @ 12:28 am
SPN: The One Where...I Don't Know But I Fucking Loved it!  



Hey guys, so how are you?
mood ecstatic
Regala Electra
07 November 2007 @ 07:57 pm
hey baby, what's your backstory?  
Okay, this cracked me up:

Regala Electra
07 November 2007 @ 06:58 am
hey, did you see that promotion last night?  
Oh wow. The Office writers on strike. Seriously, watch this:

I'm kinda shaking with rage.

Also, I became a fan of the The Office because I saw it on [info]teaspoon's iPod (or was it [info]raelala's? Anyway, I first saw it on an iPod) and then I bought the DVDs. So...the writers get no residuals for any of the web-based views and 4 cents for each DVDs purchased (and the WGA took off upping the DVD rate in favor of getting something better set up for "New Media").

Niiiiice how the producers are calling internet/itunes views "promotions" and yeah, the video.

Man, I really can't wait for the next "promotion" of The Office.
mood angry
Regala Electra
06 November 2007 @ 06:37 am
Of Fics and Fabulous Realizations  
Meme time:

Name any story I’ve written and any character in them, canon or OC. I'll tell you three things about that character that I didn't put in the story.

All my (oh my god, so many) fics can be found tagged here. Tonight may be the night when I post the handing fic master link post that [info]ignited set up for me. It is ever so shiny.

...I nearly have 50 entries tagged for SPN fic. Wow and I've only been writing since like July '06.

Today I need to bust ass and write 1K of Dads!Verse. Hopefully [info]ignited can make what I've written so far not-suck. I've got 2,500 words of suck. It's distressing.

But people! Ask me questions about my characters! I write out friggin' character studies for my OCs that never even make it in the final story and a lot of my canon character ideas don't make it in the story, but believe me, they are there.

I will be greatly saddened to have no comments. *fakes a bad Sam Puppydog look*
mood contemplative
Regala Electra
05 November 2007 @ 08:34 pm
my brain may be too big for my britches  
I have a lot of thoughts on the Writer's Guild strike. Unfortunately I'm utterly useless when it comes to nonsuperficial discussion (I threw always my serious bidness hat after I graduated college, true fact). However my flist is smart and made of win.

So! Discussion time, thoughts, braaaaains, all that good stuff, let us talk about the strike.

(I don't know if I should "warn" about this, but you know, I'm the child of blue collar folk, my daddy in particular has had long jobs with and without unions--and oh the story he used to tell!--so uh, I'm kinda a Union Girl.)
mood thoughtful
Regala Electra
04 November 2007 @ 09:00 pm
A Very Important Poll: Zombie!Ninja Death Match!  
So my brilliant, clever, and oh-so-fucking-fantastic [info]ignited has finally posted her goddamn "Dean Winchester, Film Professor Story" (or as I call it: Professor!Dean or Indiana Jones!Dean), it’s not the years, honey, it’s the mileage. NC-17, Sam/Dean of course, but it's the aaaaamazing story of the boys in NYC, futureverse, where they've grown up and still looooove each other and the sex is hot. Yeah, so you know, Stef loves ME the best.

But, due to a referenced event in the story, I have a poll for you:

Poll #1082966 Stef and Reg's Fic Project No #85697859
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Should Stef and I write a fic where Sam and Dean battle against zombie!ninjas?

View Answers

DUDE! Zombies+Ninjas = YES
23 (67.6%)

WTF are you two ON? (...yes)
11 (32.4%)

No. Dear lord. No.
0 (0.0%)

mood mischievous
Regala Electra
01 November 2007 @ 11:15 pm
SPN: Bedtime Stories  
Or, In Which I Find My Fairy Godmother.

And it's a surprise, too! It's not who you think.

Spoilers for Bedtime Stories )
mood pleased
Regala Electra
01 November 2007 @ 12:53 am
A Spooooky Fic Roundup: October Edition  
Fucking hell, I wrote a lot more fic than I thought, even with [info]winchestercon happening. So, to the fic!

Five People Dean Doesn't Mind Screwing
Post-All Hell Breaks Loose, NC-17
Pairings: Dean/Sam, Dean/Cassie, Dean/Self (Dean/Dean=OTP), Dean/Tara(Hollywood Babylon), Dean/Crossroads Demon
3,650 words.
Dean's always up for variety.
- Better summed up in a lovely bit of feedback as a porn character study. And really, that is totally my M.O. - use porn to examine how characters work.

Ballad of the BBQ Boys
Post-The Magnificient Seven
Sam/Dean, NC-17
1,175 words
Sam isn't pissed.
- Stef LAUGHS at me even though I wrote this for her, AT HER, as I told her I wanted to get out as much fic before S3 aired because I was terrified of getting writer's block. So because Stef likes food and sex, thus this fic was born where Sam, oh boy, does he get pissed.

quiet now
Dean/OFC, NC-17
He asks her if she's close, if she can stay quiet.
- Written for [info]kashmir1 because she needed to be cheered up and honestly, Dean sexin' is at the top of the list of things to do when needing your spirit lifted. It's porn and domestic love and a sekrit backdoor look at the Story I Really Can't Write, the one where Dean knocks up someone during his 1 year deal and there is a BABY BORN and UGH. It's too much for me, man. But there is this porn. I totally posted this right before dashing off to WinCon, heh.

Bridge and Tunnel
Cowritten with [info]ignited
Sam/Dean, NC-17
Post-The Kids Are Alright
It’s right up near the edge, bridge supports, dark shine of water lapping at them, at the rocks and right there, is where Dean pushes Sam, against the wrought iron railing and fence. Sam’s curiosity, Dean’s past, and a detour to New York City can only lead to one solution, which, thankfully, involves sex.
- [info]arabella_hope had the idea for Dean and Sam continuing on the 5 States trip that Dean was supposed to have taken back when he met Gumby Girl (heh) and Stef showed me this fucking amazing story all about Dean and Sam in NYC and I was like, "I CAN ADD MOAR PLZ?" And Sam fucked Dean and it was goood.

Ben Has Two Dads Uncles
Cowritten with [info]ignited
Sam/Dean, NC-17
11,000 words
Post-The Kids Are Alright, Futureverse
When Ben turns thirteen and learns that Dean Winchester is his father, he runs away to join his father (and uncle). A tale where boys are boys, Vikings are Vikings, unicorns go to Candy Mountains, Dean and Sam are in big gay love, and Ben becomes a Winchester.
- PEOPLE. This is fucking gay domestic porn, has some serious conversations, amazing graphics (Ben postcards to his Mom FTW), and WE ARE WRITING A SEQUEL. Oh yes. The Two Dads 'Verse shall continue and that is MY mininanowrimo challenge - 500 words a day of Dean & Sam & Ben. As I saw Stef today, she has seen some of my notes written today and one of them was a giant note: Dean loves roleplaying!!!. Be afraid. Or delighted. (I'll be both.)

Five Monsters Dean Can't Help Being (Inside I'm Bleeding)
Gen, AU, R
Dean’s tired of this weird shit.
- I totally forget to put this on my own lj after the [info]spn_remix stories were revealed. It's pretty fucking appropriate for Halloween because um, it's me going: How dark can I make Dean if he has these "gifts" (I remixed the story by [info]clex_monkie89: Five Powers Dean Doesn't Have) and man, my answer was: dark enough to make me remember when angst/dark was a way of fuckin' life. I took remix kinda to heart, bringing in some fucked up elements and man, you know, I thought it would be a bit more funny until I got to the 3rd power and um, yeah, it wound up dark. It's interesting that it was listed as Sam/Dean over at the remix comm, I guess because the second section and "power" has a bit of a slashy undertone? In my head it was gen, but [info]ignited is the second voice in my head, so she may have made me subconsciously gay it up.

ghostings, fake zombies, and pranks, oh my
PG-13, Gen
Dean's heavily medicated, wounded, bearded, and gunning for revenge. Sam is just along for the ride, 'cause he's pretty sure he'll be in trouble if he lets his brother get arrested (or worse) because of a stupid prank. Man, he hates Halloween.
- Heh, my [info]spn_halloween story. Considering I finished it today, I'm not quite sure what to think about it, other than yay, shiny gen fic with teen!Sam POV.
mood sleepy
Regala Electra
31 October 2007 @ 01:24 pm
Fic: ghostings, fake zombies, and pranks, oh my (SPN, Gen, PG-13, Sam POV)  
ghostings, fake zombies, and pranks, oh my
Author: Regala Electra
Spoilers: Pre-Series
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language, Violence
Word Count: 5,070
Summary: Dean's heavily medicated, wounded, bearded, and gunning for revenge. Sam is just along for the ride, 'cause he's pretty sure he'll be in trouble if he lets his brother get arrested (or worse) because of a stupid prank. Man, he hates Halloween.
Author’s Notes: Because Stef laughed when I told her my idea for this story. Lovely graphic is care of [info]ignited. Written for the [info]spn_halloween. Prompt: The Impala gets egged, and Dean sets off to find the culprits and exact revenge. Teen!Winchesters. Lookit, I wrote Gen! *remembers when I thought I'd "only" write Gen. Feedback is love.


“We’re doing this, Sam. I don’t care if it’s against the fuckin’ word of Dad,” and here, Dean pauses, breathes, as if expecting Dad to come storming in, ready to forcibly tie Dean to his bed, “We’re finding the bastards that did this to my baby.” )
mood rushed
Regala Electra
31 October 2007 @ 08:53 am
Fic: Five Monsters Dean Can't Help Being (Inside I'm Bleeding Remix) (SPN, Dean, R)  
Five Monsters Dean Can’t Help Being (Inside I’m Bleeding Remix)
Author: Regala Electra
Rating: R
Warnings: Violence, Language
Summary: Dean’s tired of this weird shit.
Word Count: 3,876
Author’s Notes: No, it's true, I wanna hold [info]ignited's hand. Thank you for the beta work, Stefackles. Remix of Five Powers Dean Doesn’t Have by [info]clex_monkie89. Remix original posted here.


Whatever kills him doesn’t make him stronger. )
mood hungry
Regala Electra
30 October 2007 @ 06:49 pm
where my stalkers at?  
I shouldn't make that joke considering I almost had myself a stalker a couple of months ago, but, OH WELL.

So [info]keepaofthecheez is doing a stalker meme 'round abouts here and I've tossed my hat into the ring. My comment is here.

Also, flist, my crazy people, how are you on Day Before Halloween? Preparing your costumes? Raiding the liquor stores? Barricading the doors lest the zombie apocalypse be upon us tomorrow?
mood curious