specific phone systems :: site 2

wmfishtime for win32
Desktop Switcher 2.0 (win2000 only)
Network load monitor similar to DUMeter (win2000+ only) (new v1.1)
GreasyMouse a neat "utility" for your Windows desktop
GRF Factory 0.6c for Ragnarok Online (RO) grf/gpf datafile (Win2k/XP ONLY)
rgz (Ragnarok patches format) pack/unpack utility (command-line)
Ragnarok Online (RO) private server port forwarder utility
Project BS-Digital/1394
Shippy 1984 (awesome multiplatform arcade game)
Patch for Fluxbox 0.1.5 for directional focus (old)
Example keys file to make directional focus work
Funny image spotted on ftp.dal.net after it was hax0red
Inside Toshiba Satellite 5005-S504 (the laptop that shuts down from overheat)
Collection of random slashdot posts
GNAA Press release repository
Why you should *NEVER* learn Japanese or go to Japan
Japanese people don't type. This is proof
Japanese people don't read, either. This is proof
Exactly what IS wrong with Japan?
timecop's crap subtitling guide
Now you know why Be, Inc. is fucked
My video capture box in a plexiglass case
C source code to draw antitalised lines
The X-Windows Disaster (mirror of a chapter from a book)
Some Lightwave3D models I made when I was bored (old)
Make any window transparent (Win2k/XP) - not my code, this is from codeproject
Cross-over LAN cable
Normal LAN cable
Funny message spotted inside WinXP Pro login DLL (this has been "fixed" in sp1+)

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mail (but i dont read it anymore)

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