Well, today was another day in Japan. So far they haven’t been the best days of my life. I don’t have a job, I don’t have any money, and I could get evicted at any time. Hello, my name is Joel Friedrick, I used to be a NOVA teacher. I came to Japan less than 2 months ago in search of a great learning experience. I want to learn the Japanese language; I want to experience the Japanese culture. The way things are going now, I might only have a few weeks left in Japan.
At the moment, I am in debt 13,000 yen. I used the money to stay in Japan and look for a job. That’s been my life for the last month; looking for jobs. My budget is tight; I try to keep it under 500 yen a day, including travel. I even started walking from Shin-Osaka to Umeda, to save the 160 yen.
I am really set on staying in Japan. When I was in college back in the U.S.A I met a lot of exchange students who really opened my eyes to other cultures, including Japan. Ever since, I have been fascinated with Japan and its culture. I’m truly sad I will have to return home soon. There still so much I haven’t gotten to experience.
I’m going to miss my students as well. They were some of the nicest people I’ve met. They were always giving me advice about where to travel in Japan, what kind of food I should try, etc. The sweet old ladies would bring chocolates and drinks too. All for now, wish me luck in finding a job or private students. I’ll check back with you tomorrow…
テーマ:日常英会話 - ジャンル:学校・教育
| Joel
Where do I even start? Before coming to Japan I was looking forward to the experience I would gain while in Japan.I figured this would be a great chance to see the world, meet new people, explore an exotic culture, learn a new language, and just have fun.On top of that, someone was going to pay me to do it.It was like a dream come true.How quickly that dream was shattered.
Stepping off the plane I had high hopes and lots of cash. I was in Japan after a 14 hour flight and ready for the challenge that awaited me. Tokyo, Hokkaido, Kyoto, Nara, sumo matches, Tiger’s baseball games, Mt. Fuji, all were on the list of places to go, sites to see.Additionally, I hoped to have saved about $10,000 by the end of the year.However, now I am just trying to survive.All the money I arrived in Japan with is gone, most of it carelessly spent in the first few weeks.I was counting on an advance from Nova in the amount of $1,000 plus a paycheck. Therefore, I did not have a single worry in the world.
僕はたくさんのお金と希望を持って、この地、日本に足を踏み入れた。14時間のフライト、僕は、大きなことにチャレンジする決心をしていた。東京、北海道、京都、奈良、相撲観戦、野球観戦、富士山登頂。全部僕が日本にいる間に訪れたかった場所。さらに1年後には、日本で働いたお金で100万円を貯金するつもりでもいた。でも僕は今お金を貯めるどころか、ただ生きるために踏ん張っている。日本に着いたときに持っていた所持金は全部使ってしまった。しかもNOVAが倒れるなんて思いもしなかった来日後2,3週間の間に、無頓着に使ってしまっていた。僕はNOVAが払ってくれるはずだった前払い金10万円と給料をあてにしていたのだ。 そういうわけでお金のことなんか全く心配していなかった。
Some Japanese friends I met at Washington State took me out a few nights, we went to fancy restaurants, karaoke, sightseeing, I bought an I-pod so I could listen to my Japanese lessons to and from work, got an extra pillow for my bed, and a fan for my room since it was so hot when I first arrived.Life was good
Now, I walk to Umeda to save the 160 yen fee from Shin-Osaka.It only takes about an hour to get there for those of you wondering.I tore pictures out of National Geographic to decorate my room because I can not afford a poster.When I meet my friends at Starbucks, I usually get a cookie or the cheapest coffee (still 280 yen by the way).Most meals consist of rice and soy sauce or 100 yen noodles.Today, I bought a notebook from the 100 yen shop so I could use it as a planner and felt bad about spending the money, realizing that I could use it on food.Every single purchase I make or yen I spend, I ask myself if I really need that particular item.I only drink water and milk, and I consider it a treat when I have juice or beer.
The other night, I went over to my friend Hiroko’s house and her mother made us dinner. It was the best dinner I have had while in Japan and certainly the most I had eaten in two weeks.Her family gave us some food to eat (bread, soup, noodles) and that is what my diet has been the last two days.Generally, I try to spend about 2,000 yen a week on food.I realized that you can eat far less than you thought possible and still survive. Although I am a skinny guy, the pants I brought with from American no longer fit; I need a belt because they are far too big in the waist.Those of you trying to lose weight I have the perfect diet – become poor.I do not know exactly how much I lost but I am guessing around 7 to 10 pounds.
Luckily, as of right now, I have a place to stay.There is a roof over my head and a warm shower if I want one.However, I live in Nova accommodations and every day I check my mail, I fear there will be an eviction notice.Right now, the one thing I can not afford is to find a new place to live.Although I have a bit of money saved at home, rent would wipe out my savings in a month or two.Honestly, its horrible not knowing if you are going to have a place to live next week.
So, what am I doing to help myself?Great question and I am glad you asked.To date, although I am not sure of the exact number, I have applied for over 30 jobs through various websites.So far, only one interview this coming Thursday.On top of that, I have posted my personal information on every private teacher website that I could find including: findateacher.com, findateacher.net, my-sensei.com, as well as a few others.From my postings, I have one private lesson.On top of that, I have made up some flyers to hand out to prospective students. The flyers I have given to friends to pass on to their friends.Eventually, I am going to go to a train station and just start handing them out to people.I still have a lot more websites to look at and places to apply but there is only so much you can do before you get exhausted.
じゃ、僕はどうやって生きていけばいいんだろう?いい質問だよね。今のところ、僕はだいたい30社以上の会社に就職を志願した。とりあえず今はたった1社の面接の予定が木曜日に入っている。それに加えて僕は、findateacher.com, findateacher.net, my-sensei.comなどのウェブサイトを利用してプライベートレッスンを受けたい生徒を募集した。それによって生徒一人を得ることができた。それと、友達の友達にも渡してもらえるように、プライベートレッスンの広告も作った。ゆくゆくは駅まで行って、その広告を直接いろんな人に配ろうと思っている。まだまだ見なきゃいけないウェブサイトもあるし、もっともっと会社にも志願しないといけないけど、ありすぎて全部見終わる前に疲れちゃう。
All of this has taken a toll on me mentally I believe as I have not been able to get to sleep until 3 am or later the past week.Some nights, I am up as late as 4:30 in the morning. I have looked in to getting some sleeping pills to help, but they are about 900 yen – too expensive.
I know that twenty years from now, this will be one of the greatest experiences in my life.The lessons that I learn will be priceless and will aid in any future job applications.Can you imagine when the interviewer asks, “What is one challenge you have faced in your life?”Of course I have, I was in a foreign country, jobless, I could not speak the language, I had very little money in the bank, an eviction notice hanging over my head, and the only thing that got me through it was friends, hard work, ingenuity, and lots of luck.Right now, that is all I am hoping for, a lot of luck.I am will to put in the time and effort, now I just need to get lucky.
One of my favorite quotes:
“Luck is what happens when opportunity meets preparation.”
きっと20年後、今のこの経験が最高の思い出になるだろうと思う。こういう試練がお金では買えない価値のある物に、そして将来就職する時にも大いに役立つだろう。たとえば面接官に、「あなたの人生の中で直面した大きな難関はなんですか?」って聞かれたら・・・もちろん僕はこう答える。「外国で経験した失業、言葉の壁、お金のない生活、退去命令におびえる日々、これが僕が味わった最大の難関です。それを切り抜けれたのは友達、頑張り、そして運があったおかげ」僕が今ただただ欲しいのは、幸運。その2文字。時間をかけて努力して・・・僕が得たい たった1つのもの。幸運。僕の好きなことば。
*注 日本語のことわざ『人事を尽くして天命を待て』に近いものでしょう。
テーマ: 英語・英会話学習 - ジャンル:学校・教育
| Justin
Saturday I played baseball with some middle school kids at the local park for the second time. It seems to be the only place I can forget about everything that's happening, and just be a kid again.
テーマ:日常英会話 - ジャンル:学校・教育
| Joel