Campaign for President of the United States

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Daily Updates

The Revolution comes to South Carolina (Days 2 & 3) (11/4/07)

The Ron Paul juggernaut continued to roll through South Carolina on Friday.  After a press conference with print reporters, and doing some radio interviews, Dr. Paul made a triumphant appearance at the Strom Thurman Institute Amphitheater at Clemson University.  More than 700 students and supporters greeted the good doctor with unbridled enthusiasm as he gave a spirited speech.  After the rally, Dr. Paul stayed for more than an hour to say hello to the many supporters waiting to meet the doctor who has cured their apathy.

From there, Dr. Paul and his staff proceeded to Columbia for more radio, print, and internet press before the main event: a high energy evening rally at the beautiful West Columbia River Walk Amphitheater.  The venue was packed to capacity with the overflow taking up positions on a nearby hillside in view of the giant projection screen near the podium.  Local radio star The Southern Avenger revved up the crowd and flexed his considerable expertise on foreign policy before introducing Dr. Paul to the deafening roar of the appreciative audience.  After another stellar speech, he again stayed long after the event shaking hands and thanking the crowd for their unwavering support. 

The other highlight of the day, in response to an e-mail from a very considerate husband, Dr. Paul called a homeschool mother of three to wish her a happy birthday.

Saturday started off with a bang.  Dr. Paul had expressed his concern that no one would show up at 8:30 in the morning for the Columbia Ron Paul 2008 office grand opening.  Imagine his surprise when he was greeted by more than 150 supporters!  Our South Carolina Field Director, Jose Correa, who has done an incredible job, introduced Dr. Paul who spoke for several minutes before relaxing around the office, signing autographs and even cold calling a supporter›s friend to tell him to join the revolution.

The final event of the trip was a speech and question/answer session to the annual South Carolina Student Legislative Council Banquet at the Columbia Embassy Suites.  Students from 16 South Carolina colleges and universities were in attendance and engaged Dr. Paul with a plethora of well-informed questions.  One event attendee told South Carolina Coordinator Brian Gentry that Dr. Paul was the best received speaker of the 2007 council session.  Dr. Paul commented that this sort of serious discussion with smart, informed young people is among his favorite type of political activities.

With that, the trip was over, but there can be no doubt that the Ron Paul Revolution is changing hearts and minds across South Carolina.  Dr. Paul looks forward to returning very soon.

We wish to thank a few of the super people who helped make this trip such a special one for everybody involved including Lee and Jackie Fowler, Elliot Benson, Zach Pippin, our great S.C. MeetUp coordinators and activists and, of course, the South Carolina team: Brian, Jose, Amanda, Jim, Trevor, Josh, and Gloria.  You guys rock!

Thursday Night Spartanburg Speech

Nov 10th Philadelphia rally back to Independence Mall! (11/3/07)

Thanks to the combined efforts of grass roots supporters and the national campaign, the Saturday, November 10th Philadelphia rally will take place in downtown Philadelphia at Independence Mall!

The rally will begin at 1:00 PM.

Thanks to everyone who helped us reduce the cost of the rally so that we could confirm the original Independence Mall location.

Independence Mall is located just off Arch Street, in the historic district of Philadelphia, between 5th and 6th Streets.

No campaign events will take place at Valley Forge.

Join Ron Paul this Veteran's Day Weekend and stand up for our freedoms!

Radio Ads (11/3/07)

Introduce Ron Paul to voters in New Hampshire, Iowa, South Carolina and Nevada.  Donate today.




Revolution Comes to South Carolina (Day 1) (11/2/07)

The crowds began arriving as early as 9 am for the official opening of the Ron Paul 2008 Greenville, South Carolina office. They came from as far away as North Carolina and Georgia to meet Ron Paul and to hear his message of freedom, peace, and prosperity. Pleasantville Drive was lined with campaign signs as people began to file in. It became quickly evident that the event was going to be far bigger than anyone had imagined.

Dr. Paul arrived and, as he conducted interviews in a back office with FOX and WORD radio, the people continued to pour in. By the time of the event, the crowd was so big that it had to be moved from the spacious offices out to the parking lot. When Dr. Paul took the mike, over 400 people were gathered to hear him speak.

After an electrifying speech, Dr. Paul moved inside and insisted on staying until every single person had the opportunity to file into the office, meet him, take pictures and get an autograph.

With the last hand shake, Dr. Paul was whisked away to Spartanburg for the GOP executive committee meeting. As he rolled in, he was greeted by banner waving supporters lining the street. Inside, more than 400 people packed the hall, flowing into the hallway. Dr. Paul gave a great interview from the site to CNN before addressing the Republican and Ron Paul faithful. He took numerous questions from the crowd and closed the event to a raucous standing ovation.

In high spirits, he retired to his hotel to rest for the big Clemson and Columbia Rallies on Friday.

The trip has already generated great media coverage:

Go Upstate

FOX Carolina

Greenville News

Featured Article

A New Declaration

On the fourth day of July, in 1776, a small group of men, representing 13 colonies in the far-off Americas, boldly told the most powerful nation on earth that they were free.

They declared, in terms that still are radical today, that all men are created equal, and endowed with certain inalienable rights that government neither grants nor can take away.

In the Declaration of Independence, the founding fathers sought to demonstrate to the ... (Read More...)

Cough Up

April 10, 2006

April 15th, our national tax day, comes this year just as Congress prepares to pass the 2007 federal budget. If you think paying taxes was painful this year, I’ve got some bad news: the new budget is a grotesque illustration of everything wrong with the federal government. At $2.7 trillion, it’s the largest budget in U.S. history by a long shot. Like it or not, the pressure to raise your ... (Read More...)

Campaign for Freedom

Campaign Trail

Straw poll results

On The Issues

Border Security and Immigration Reform

The talk must stop. We must secure our borders now. A nation without secure borders is no nation at all. (Read More...)

Social Security

Our nation’s promise to its seniors, once considered a sacred trust, has become little more than a tool for politicians... (Read More...)

Debt and Taxes

Working Americans like lower taxes. So do I. Lower taxes benefit all of us creating jobs and allowing us to make more decisions for ourselves about our lives. (Read More...)

Upcoming Events

Nov 06
8:00 PM ET/ 5:00 PM PT
Nov 10
Philadelphia, PA
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM ET
Independence Mall, Philadelphia, PA
1:00 PM ET


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