<--Created by Thomas Sasser, Thomas Models Lansing, MI-->

Everyone always asks me, 'What's it like being a mad scientist?' I look at them, smile and tell them 'I'm a Mad Caster!'

Do I LOOK like a mad scientist? Here I am hard at work as usual checking out some really cool websites!

Here's a list of some items I'm working on! 1-Harper Goff Prototype(the Nautilus that made it all possible - 18 1/2", 2- Captain Nemo Diving helmet(full size fiberglass replica/light), 3- Captain Nemo and the Underwater City sub Nautilus about 18" long, 4- 1961 Mysterious Island submarine Nautilus about 9" long, 5- Maximillian(Disney's Black Hole)1:1 Fiberglass replica, 6- Travel pod from ST TMP(reworking masters)about 14" long(looks to be scale to dolls, 7- Four foot Disney version Nautilus, 8- 3 foot Disney Nautilus, 9- large scale super detailed flying r/c FireFox Mig 31 for Ducted Fan or Pulse Jet (scale undetermined). This will give you an idea some future of projects I'm working on! If you see something here you are interested in, or are interested in having something commisioned, send me an e-mail! Below are some links to some other sites with some great stuff.

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