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Recently there has been a lot of talk about the actress Sawajiri Erika(she was in 1 Litre of Tears and Taiyou no Uta). Apparently, she had a very bad attitude during an interview showing for her new movie "Closed Note," by answering reporters' questions rudely. She also refused to smile, as well as hold the sign for the movie during picture taking. A lot of the Japanese media are talking bad things about her because of what she did, and as a result, Erika had to apologize to the public(crying while she was doing it). My thoughts on this subject are that people should give her a break. Who knows what might have happened that day, and besides, being a celebrity really puts a lot of pressure on one. But I guess she did act very immaturely. After all, being a celebrity means taking responsibility for what you do, because you are a roll model to so many people. Hopefully Erika-chan will get better again.
Today's updates relates a lot to schooling(I guess it's because I've been very busy with school lately). But, the series are all quite good: GTO, Gokusen, and Eyeshield21. Except for Gokusen which is only updated in its English version, the others all come in two languages. I also added two more volumes of Vagabond, in English. That's it for today. Enjoy!

Hope you all had a good weekend. I've been watching a lot of Downtown's Gaki no Tsukai(a late night interactive show in Japan) lately, and I have to say, damn these guys are good. The jokes they come up with are just so original. Especially Matsumoto; no wonder he is called a genius when it comes to stuff that he does. Iryu 2 will be starting in two days, I just can't wait. Also, I thought it would be good if you guys found out the contents of this week's Weekly Jump:
To Love Ru ~trouble~(Colored Page)
One Piece
Katekyoushi Hitman Reborn
Muhyou and Rouji
Eyeshield 21
Hatsukoi Limited
Tegami Bachi(Colored Page)
P2! Let's Play PingPong
Majin Tantei Nougima Neuro
Prince of Tennis
Kochi Kame
Samurai Usagi
Sket Dance

Today's updates include: Hikaru no Go, I''s, and Ichigo 100%. All three are updated in both English and Japanese. Hope you will enjoy them!

Since Gundam OO started this weekend, I was thinking about updating something that's somewhat related to it. After thinking for a while, one series came to mind; it talks about two brothers trying to find their bodies as they go on a journey in a world that uses alchemy. If you thought Fullmetal Alchemist, then you are very correct. Also, seeing how Thanksgiving is just around the corner, I decided to give a little bit more manga to you guys. So, today's update includes: Fullmetal Alchemist, Gantz, and HUNTER X HUNTER. All three are updated in both their Japanese format and English format. I also updated the november release dates of certain Jump series, you can find out on what day your favourite series comes out in Japan at the Japanese Release Dates page. For now, enjoy all the manga, and to all Canadians: Happy Thanksgiving!

Added the second chapter of Hatsukoi Limited. You guys can give it a download at the New Releases section.
The long awaited Gundam OO started airing today. After watching the first episode, I have to say, it is better than what I expected. With Seiji Mizushima(director of the Fullmetal Alchemist anime) as the director, it seems that the series will be a success. The timeline of this series seems to be based in our time(yep, no more cosmic era, no more after colony), in the year A.D. 2307. It seems that Earth's natural resources have been depleted completely, and humans have turned to solar energy as their only source of power. There are three forces: Union of Solar Energy and Free Nations (formerly United States of America), the Human Reform League (Russia, China and India) and the Advanced European Union. They have three what are called "orbital elevators with solar power generation systems" built in space. But, becasue not everyone gets to use the energy, war breaks out. This is where a group of people who call themselves the "Celestial Being" come in; stating that they are an armed forces who will end all warfare. The first episode was named after the group: Celestial Being, and episode two airs next Saturday, and is called "Gundam Meisters". It should be a good episode.
Anywho, for you guys who are contemplating on whether to give the series a try, please do, it's not as bad as you think(or maybe it will be). But for now, go give Hatsukoi Limited a download! Enjoy!

The weather at where I live has been really bad lately, it just won't stop raining! Someday I hope I'll be able to move to a place where sunny days out weighs rainy days. Today wasn't so bad though, because after so many days of raining, the sun finally peeked out from above the clouds! But, being the student that I am, I had to go to school and miss all the sun =(.
Today's update isn't as big as previous updates, but I think it is still something. I uploaded some new weekly chapters, and a new series: Naruto, in English and Japanese. This should please some fans out there. After all, a site is not a manga site without Naruto(right....? haha).
Anyways, this will be all the updates for today. I'll come back with more for you guys tomorrow. I seriously can't wait for school to end, this way I can enjoy the rest of the sunny day. But as for you guys, enjoy the mangai(haha?) goodness!

Not as big of an update today as compared to the couple days before. Added the English version of Air Gear, as well as Vagabond and Zetman in both English and Japanese. I have to say, today's update is towards more of a teenagers' group. But none the less, both new series are really great to read. If you haven't started on either, please do. You won't regret it.
The chinese versions of the new Bleach, Hunter x Hunter, Naruto, and One Piece have become available on the internet. Even though we won't be hosting it, I'll still put up the link to the bittorrent files so that you guys can have a download.
[Raw-Manga] Bleach 294(chn)
[Raw-Manga] Hunter x Hunter 261(chn)
[Raw-Manga] Naruto 373(chn)
[Raw-Manga] One Piece 473(chn)
The CLANNAD anime has started. I have no idea what it's about, but I will certainly give it a try. Plus, next Friday, the sequel to Iryu will start airing in Japan. I wonder how it's gonna turn out, the original one was just simply awsome. The original focused on the batista surgery, and this time the sequel will be focusing on the management policies of Japan's hospitals. If you can get access to this series, give it a try no matter what! I'll leave you guys with a trailer of the sequel. Enjoy!

I love October. Not only because my birthday is this month, it's also because a lot of new shows start during October in Japan. The winter season of Japanese dramas are starting soon as well, there are so many jdramas with high potential that I am really looking forward to watching them.
I don't know if you guys know about the show, but about 2 years ago the drama adaptation of Kurosagi was aired in Japan, with teh main character being played by Yamapi(Yamashita Tomohisa). It was a big hit, and I loved every minute of it. In September, the filming for the movie version of Kurosagi has also started! But not much information was released about it, except that it's set to go into theaters around March 2008. Yesterday as I was surfing around the internet, I found that the cast members of the movie has now been released. Everyone who were in the drama will be making a return in the movie! That includes Yui Ichikawa, as well as Horikita Maki(who played Ashya Mizuki in the Hanazakari no Kimitachi e drama which aired this summer). The movie should be awsome to watch.
But, enough about my chit chat. Here's what I got for you guys today: the whole series of Hanazakari no Kimitachi e in English, Prince of Tennis in both English and Japanese, Death Note in both English and Japanese, the Japanese version of Hana Yori Dango, as well as the Japanese version of Suzuka. If that's not enough for ya, how about a chapter of Hajime no Ippo in the New Releases section?
I hope you guys enjoy those downloads. As always, if you find a broken link, please tell me about it.
Also, if you see any series that you have but isn't complete on VeryManga, please tell me where to get them, or if you are generous enough, upload the files onto websites such as MegaUpload or FileSend and just send me the link. I will get them onto the site as soon as I can.
The reading must be making your eyes bleed.... I am really sorry. Go on and download away! Oh yeah, while you wait for your downloads to finish, you can check out the news report about the Kurosagi movie below(subbed in Chinese) ^_^:

I updated three series today: One Piece(in English and Japanese), Slam Dunk!(in English and Japanese), and 20th Century Boys in English. Gantz chapter 258 has also been uploaded in its raw form. This brings the library now to over 10 series. Let's all hope that soon we'll be able to surpass 50 series, and then even 100 series! Also, you may have already noticed that the download pages have changed a bit. There is no longer a separate page for English and Japanese downloads. I hope this will bring convenience to you guys when downloading.
The winter season of anime seems to have started. There are lots of highly anticipated series such as Mokke, Gundam 00, and of course an adaptation of the famous Jump series Majin Tantei Nougima Neuro. You can watch the preview of the show below. That's all for today. Enjoy!
PS: with big updates like these, there is always the chance that there might be a broken link. If you do find one, please tell inform me through the contact page. Thanks! ^_^

Hey guys, just want to tell you all that because it is getting close to midterms time, I won't be able to update as often for about 2 weeks or so. But, don't worry, there will still be updates coming, hopefully enough to fullfill all your needs ^_^.
On a side note, I have a treat for you guys. I found the cover for next week's Weekly Jump. Guess what, HUNTER X HUNTER is on the cover. Wow it's been a long time since this has happened. So, I decided to post up the cover for you guys to look at until Jump actually comes out.
Weekly Jump 2007 Issue 45 Cover
Also, the series that would be appearing in the next issue of Jump seems to be:
Katekyoushi Hitman Reborn(colored pages)
One Piece
Hatsukoi Limited(colored pages)
HUNTER X HUNTER(colored pages)
Claymore(colored pages)...
and many others of course. I'll put up an update tomorrow. So check back!

Wallpaper of the Day
Hunter 264(JPN)
Hunter 265(JPN)
Fairy Tail 60(EN)
Fairy Tail 61(EN)

Fairy Tail 61(JPN)
Hajime no Ippo 792(JPN)
Mx0 073(JPN)
Negima! 193(JPN)
To Love 074(JPN)

Hatsukoi 005(JPN)
D.Gray-man 134(JPN)
Hunter 264(EN)
Gantz 260(J/E)
Bleach 297(J/E)
Eyeshield21 255(JPN)
Naruto 376(J/E)
One Piece 476(J/E)
PoT 363(JPN)

PoT v31(JPN)

Hajime no Ippo 791(EN)
Hatsukoi Limited 002(EN)
Fairy Tail 60(JPN)

Negima! 192(JPN)

Tenjou Tenge 109(JPN)

Hatsukoi 004(JPN)
Bleach 295(EN)
Bleach 296(J/E)
D.Gray-man 133(JPN)
Eyeshield21 254(JPN)
Fairy Tail 58(EN)
Fairy Tail 59(EN)
Hajime no Ippo 790(J/E)
Hunter 262(EN)
Hunter 263(J/E)
Mx0 072(JPN)
Naruto 375(J/E)
One Piece 475(J/E)
PoT 362(JPN)
School Rumble 245(EN)

FMA 076(EN)
Fairy Tail 059(JPN)

Negima! 191(EN)
One Piece v47(JPN)

One Piece 474(EN)

Bleach 295(JPN)
D.Gray-man 132(JPN)
Eyeshield21 253(JPN)
Gantz 259(JPN)
Hatsukoi Limited 03(JPN)
Hajime no Ippo 789(JPN)
Hunter 262(J/E)
Mx0 071(JPN)
Naruto 374(J/E)
One Piece 474(JPN)
PoT 361(JPN)
To LOVE Ru 072(JPN)

Fairy Tail 58(JPN)
School Rumble 244(JPN)
School Rumble 245(JPN)

Vagabond 25&26(EN)
Negima! 191(JPN)
Hajime no Ippo 789(JPN)

Ichigo 100%(J/E)
Hikaru no Go(J/E)
School Rumble 244(EN)

Negima! 190(EN)
Bleach v30(JPN)
Hatsukoi Limited 001(EN)
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