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pamknowshiero 09:31:46 AM Oct 27 2007
For the last post:
Ashkenazi Jews are highly intelligent perhaps due to a gene mutation. Intelligence or the lack of may be considered an anomaly but that does not remove it from the science of genetics.
jhamil1029 11:45:37 PM Oct 26 2007
All of this stuff about race is a mess. I'm Black and very intelligent. I guess I am abnormal or something. How do you explain this Mr. Watson? How did my DNA get messed up? What is your scientific answer to this abnominally. Hey there's millions of us all over this planet Mr. Watson,
MJGerom 07:18:29 PM Oct 26 2007
You may be oblivious to the usefulness of any research but they generally present solutions to unforeseen applications. For example, if the result were true and blacks are generally more inferior in brain power, perhaps their brain structure has something to do with it. By studying their brain structure perhaps scientist one day can genetically alter it and thereby making the blacks more equal intellectually than everyone else. That is a good thing. Simply saying that useless research shouldn't be done because one can't conceive its application due to one's lack of vision is ignorance.
MJGerom 07:14:36 PM Oct 26 2007
I wonder what would have happened to human kind if no one asks questions, wonders, and does research? Why did scientist peer into the dark universe centuries ago? What the hell for? It sure doesn't matter what the findings are. What did Newton even worry about gravity or find it worthy enough to invent calculus? It sure didn't help him because he still fell and bleed. Why did researchers try to find out what kills million of africans and their children? What make them more worry that they may die in the next few months. I say thank god they did the research because we found treatments for aids, found a way to make earth smaller via the invention of airplanes through understanding of gravity, found that our sun is a star that will grow into a bigger star and when doing so would fry all living things on earth and therefore now is the time to plan for the future. You may be oblivious to the usefulness of any research but they generally present solutions to unforeseen applications
TRACYD76179 03:23:01 PM Oct 26 2007
Ignorance is the first word that comes to mind when I read some of these comments. First of all what difference does it make whether blacks are smarter or dumber than whites? It is not going to help the world to know that. You can't place a group of people in an ignorant study such as that. Since some of you agree with the study, do you think it would be safe to say that one city is more intelligent than another? Then answer the question of "What difference does it make?" Money spent on studies that will help absolutely NOTHING should be used for something that will helpful. There is still Freedom of Speech but you have to pick and choose what you say depending on who you are and what you do. Freedom of Speech does not mean that you can go absolutely anywhere and say whatever you want and not have to deal with people around you that don't agree.
checkerd 02:26:11 PM Oct 26 2007
what happened to each of us having an opinion and free speech. According to my constitution he can say anything he likes. Truth or no truth. Im all for opening the national cacausian college fund! I mean why is it politally correct to have a nego fund, hispanic fund etc but not one for white people. Loot at BET geesh imagine of we has a WET ... DOUBLE STANDARDS
pamknowshiero 01:11:48 PM Oct 26 2007
Too many people are having children that have no idea or financial abilities to care for them. Over breeding and under educating.
kaypoly 01:04:53 PM Oct 26 2007
I have always wondered why when schools (and everything else) were segregated, blacks and whites spoke perfect English. Crime was not off the charts. People didn't take guns to school - or even stranger - to a PARTY. If you see a black or white from the 1950's or early 1960's on TV, they speak perfect English. They are dressed nicely. They are intelligent and speak eloquently. What the heck happened? Who dumbed down America? I will NOT vote FOR school bonds again. I think if parents had to pay for grades 1-12 just like they would a COLLEGE they would make darn sure their kids were prepared for school, were dedicated to making good grades and be focused on learning and not riding buses to help the Jena 6. I am always puzzled about why we all got dumber.
pamknowshiero 01:04:11 PM Oct 26 2007
Intelligence aptitude is always established within the genetic structure of personal DNA. This has very little to do with the ability to learn but it has everything to do with the ability to excel in areas that are more difficult and sometimes impossible for others and an absolute breeze for someone genetically predisposed with the DNA of intelligence already in place.
CRM1936 12:51:42 PM Oct 26 2007
lol, I spelled "grammar" and hit l and spelled Eritrean wrong, but other than that my comment is squeaky-clean!
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