What's a Pussy Slip?
Accidentally revealed pussies.
Yeah, beaver shots or pussy shots
are more common terms, but we
were about five years too late
getting those domain names).
How do we pick the monthly list?
They're the most popular names
sought in conjunction with "pussy
slip," "beaver shot," and a number
of other key phrases on several
search engines in the prior month.

December 2003
#1 Paris Hilton
Even before the famed Paris Hilton sex tape made headlines, Ms. Hilton's
privates went public in this classic beaver shot. The 22-year-old hotel
heiress was dubbed by some as "heirless." Her image as a jet set
party girl has given way to a reputation as an attention whore,
from minor modeling and movie parts, to her and recent lead in Fox
Television's reality series "The Simple Life." The sex tape was made
with ex boyfriend Rick Saloman when Paris was 19. In December a friend
of Rick's stole the tape and sold it to a porn company, but only a
four minute night-vision clip was released to the Internet. Now Rick
has released the full 40-minute version. It's hardcore, well lit aside
from a couple night vision scenes, and it's an amazingly high quality,
high resolution image. It's slower paced than a staged porn film, but
it's a fun watch. You can
download it
here, but to watch it you need to pay $50 for a a five day
"unlock code". Rather steep, but if you split it with a couple
buddies it goes down easier.
#2 Beyonce Knowles
Note to photographer: 0.7 SECONDS TOO FUCKING EARLY. Ah well, that's still
one fine ride, and I'm not talking about just the car.
Despite premature photolation, this seems to be the crotch shot
everyone's trying to google. Beyonce needs to take some
car-exiting lessons from Paris.
#3 Jennifer Lopez
Miniskirts + SUVs - panties = pussy slips. This could almost be an
arousing candid shot, if J Lo didn't look like a banshee witch casting
ice-ray eyes at the paparazzi. Granted, having every embarrassing
moment of your life caught on film would suck, but that expression,
yikes! Does Ben know what he's getting into?
#4 Britney Spears - still no slips!
It's a testament to Britney's continuing popularity that hers it the
fourth most sought-after pussy shot even though she hasn't flashed hers
for the cameras. Panty upskirts aplenty, nipple slips on a regular basis,
carefuly crafted almost-nudes like this one, and even a world-class
catsuit cameltoe. But apparently she keeps her panties on in public.
Must be that proper Southern upbringing.
#5 Sharon Stone
Can you believe people still search for this? Basic Instinct, the
movie whose only memorable scene was Stone's seductive beaverific
leg crossing, was made in 1992. This is 2003. That's 11 year old beaver
guys. And she was no spring chicken then. How about some
Maggie Trudeau
while you're at it? (Former Canadian Prime Minister's wife, whose 1975
beaver shot in Studio 54 was a cause celebre). And I think the Queen Mother
flashed some gash in the '60s. Anyway, this scene was from a movie, Stone
maintains that she was duped into believing that the actual goods would
be hidden by lighting.
#6 Christina Aguilera
It almost looks like "Xtina" is packing male genitalia, but that's
what happens when your clothes are tight enough to squeeze your
vagina right out of your clothes. Admittedly that second shot is
iffy, but we like the chaps enough that we're willing to overlook
full pussy authenticity. Christina has also flashed some titty
and toed some camel in her perennial effort to out-slut Britney's
image, but she still has some major catching up to do.
#7 Jessica Simpson
Whether it's an act or not, and we're leaning toward not, Jessica's
actually makes this no-talent bubblegum popstar endearing.
MTV's reality hit
captures Jessica pondering whether "Chicken of the Sea" is really chicken,
and refusing buffalo wings for its cruelty to the now flightless buffalo.
Even skimpier shorts would make her even more endearing, but we'll
take what we can get.
Other sites: flash mountain | nipple slips | cameltoe