Official Web Site - Company - Frontcode Technologies Current Version - N/A
Description of WinMX
WinMX is a free file-sharing program. It allows you to connect, download, and share with many other users through the WinMX Peer Network. Features include multi-sourced downloading, auto-complete, fully decentralized chat and many others.
On September 13, 2005, Frontcode Technologies received a cease and desist letter from the RIAA asking them to implement filters to make it impossible for users to download copyrighted material from WinMX, or shut down. Under the threat of litigation, on September 21, 2005 the network and the WinMX homepage were confirmed offline.
WinMX users are suggested to either apply a patch which would connect them to a user-driven WinMX network, or move on to a decentralized file sharing network such as Gnutella or the eDonkey network. Please search the web or browse our forum for a solution.