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Serving 61,114 Roms For 91 Consoles & 141 Emulators.

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Welcome To Dope Roms
Doperoms.com is an archive of video games. This site allows you to play backups of your old video games on your computer! Emulation is nothing new and has been around for decades. If you want to learn more about emulation skip down to the "new to emulation?" section of this page.

Our archive is constantly updated and verified for accuracy. We also offer a Premier Membership, which allows access to rare systems such as SegaCD, 3DO, Saturn, and NeoGeoCD. Premier Members are also offered perks such as zero advertisements, resumeable downloads, and anonymous surfing. SIGN UP NOW!

New to emulation?
Emulators are programs that allow you to play outdated video games such as Super Nintendo or Atari on your computer. These games are known as ROMs or Read-Only-Memory. They are comparable to your Sega Genesis cartridge or your Sony Playstation CD.

To get started, you will first need to decide which system you want to play. Let's pick the old 8-bit Nintendo for example. You will need to head over to the NES Emulators page, and download the best emulator for your operating system. One of the old favorites is NESticle. Download this file to your computer, and extract(unzip) all of the programs files. Next, head over to the NES ROMs page and pick out your favorite Nintendo game. Download that to your NESticle directory.

The rest is pretty simple. Just run the NESticle(or whichever emulator you chose) program, and choose "Load ROM" or "Open ROM" from the File menu. Pick the ROM you wish to play and open it. You are now playing a ROM on your computer! From there you can modify your emulator a bit, and assign different keys to the buttons, or setup a controller, or even play online against your friends.

If you are still having trouble getting everything to work, head over to the forums or the frequently asked questions pages for more help.

Advanced Users
Already mastered emulation? Want to start collecting games? Want to learn some more things that emulation has to offer? Read on.

The first cool thing about emulation is translations. Since certain games were only produced in Japan and not USA, or vice versa, people have actually modified these games to be playable in a different language. So that long lost Mario 2 or Final Fantasy game can now be yours with a simple downloadable translation. Cool, I know.

Another nice feature of emulators is the ability to save your spot at unlimited points in the game. If you are tired of having to play through the whole level just to get killed by the boss again, simply save your 'state' right before you fight the boss, and you can instantly reload it and try again. People have even saved very important spots in popular games, and distributed them to the emulation community. So, if you're just plain lazy (or bored), you can go right to the level 9 bowser courtesy of some kid named Alfonso by downloading a saved state from our Saved States Section [under construction].

Want to modify your ROMs?? You can make mario into a leprechaun, luigi look gangster, or princess have big boobs with a simple sprite editor from our Utilities [under construction] section. On the utils page, we also offer GoodXXX tools for rom-collectors, along with anything else you might need to enhance your emulation experience. Check it out.

Other Information
We here at Dope ROMs try to provide the true emulation experience, and help you with every step along the way. If there's something in the site you find difficult to use or just plain ugly, feel free to e-mail us about it. Dead links? Let us know. We appreciate all comments, questions, and concerns, and will do our best to get back to you in a timely manner. If you are skilled with webpage design, coding, want to post news, or just have a ton of ROMs that we don't have, we would be glad to let you contribute. Hit us up, and let's keep the scene alive.

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