Posted Thursday 06/29/07 @ 4:55 AM EST by BlackGoku03

New Series! Katekyou Hitman Reborn!

Yes, Toriyama's World has finally picked up another series. It's a decent series about a middle school boy who is fated to be a mob boss and comical and tense situations ensue. Check it out. We're starting off from episode 34, so try to catch up by reading the manga! Special thanks to Shiroro for translating (who translated the manga) and all the TW staff. Go check it out at the Scarywater site.

  Posted Thursday 01/11/07 @ 1:09 AM EST by BlackGoku03

Death Note Licensed

Upsetting news for the first post of the year, but it's true.
You can read all about it here.  We did not expect the series to be licensed so early, however we think their decision went along the lines of:

[00:47] <Squirrellord> lol. maybe AK was threatened by his bosses "Tell your little 'Site' to stop with the Death Note"
[00:47] <Itachi-san> haha
[00:48] <Itachi-san> "AK!!" Isnt TW your site?"
[00:48] <Itachi-san> Yes sir
[00:48] <Itachi-san> "Ok, lets license Death Note and screw you over"
[00:48] <Itachi-san> "Noooooooo!"

Comical and likely (not really)! Anyway, we will not continue to subtitle the series. Thank you for supporting us thus far. Please expect to see Kekkaishi episode 4 soon and look forward to our new projects.

  Posted Friday 12/15/06 @ 10:35 AM EST by BlackGoku03

Death Note 11 And Kekkaishi 3

Not exactly a double release since Kekkaishi episode 3 was released a day ago, but I didn't feel like making an update for it at the time... Yes I'm a bit lazy, but that's beside the point. Go grab Death Note 11 and Kekkaishi 3 from the
Scarywater site or visit our IRC channel to grab it off the bots. They both are good episodes, check 'em out!

  Posted Friday 12/08/06 @ 8:43 AM EST by BlackGoku03

Death Note 10

Oh yeah, that's right, episode 10 is here and it's fresh... well not that fresh. It came out last night, but here's the update to make it official! Go fetch it off the Scarywater site or the speedy bots on the IRC channel ( There's also a direct download link in the forums. Drop by and tell us what you think of the episode!

  Posted Friday 12/01/06 @ 12:25 AM EST by BlackGoku03

*Gasp* An Update!

How about that? An actual update from a staff member!

Well, I'm sure most of you know by now that the joint project with Shinsen-Subs is off due to... some reason or another. Oh well, sh*t happens. In any case, we will not be continuing D. Grayman. You can locate episodes 7 and beyond on Shinsen's site.

Now that the semi-bad news is out of the way, time for the good news! We have a new project out called Kekkaishi! Want to know what it's about? Go download the first two episodes at the Scarywater site and find out! You'll enjoy it! Episode 3 is on the way, so keep a look out for it.

Last but not least, episode 9 of Death Note has been released! Get it off of the Scarywater site or go to our IRC channel (

  Posted Saturday 10/21/06 @ 4:12 PM PST by ddr tatsujin

My name is... L

Okay, I'm sorry that It's taken so long to update the site but I'm stupid and it takes me a long time to get sober and out of bed. So here is the deal; Death Note ep. 2 is done and it's up on the scarywater site Death Note Scarywater link . Also, I was ordered to update the site by the man himself, barabus. Here is how our conversation went... Of course this is all out of context and it's funnier for me than anyone else.

Barabus: nothing will open it?
DDRT: hmm let me try
Barabus: Windows comes with like 5 different programs that can
3:55 PM
DDRT: dude
DDRT: I just want to see the f***ing html and it's not letting me
DDRT: f*** them
Barabus: really?
Barabus: Macs =(
DDRT: yeah, f*** them
DDRT: yeah
DDRT: f*** macs
DDRT: I'll get a serial code or something for bbedit or I'll just talk to mikruo
DDRT: I'm googling it right now
DDRT: I found something called TacoEdit
DDRT: .... lol
DDRT: I'm going to use that
DDRT: but now I want a taco
Barabus: me too
4:00 PM
DDRT: but barabus! you can always just spontaneously manifest one. As long as you have your sick movie man glasses and that beard.
Barabus: sick movie man?
DDRT: the greesy guy thingy
DDRT: okay wait
Barabus: sleezy movie producer?
DDRT: werd
DDRT: what do you want me to put in the update, verbatim.
Barabus: I guess announce that there are two new episodes of Death Note, where to find them (scarywater) and that the channel is at #toriyamaworld on
DDRT: oh my god.... this html editor is the shit!!!!! it even supports all font types!
DDRT: barabus
DDRT: write an update so I can say you did it
Barabus: why do you want to say I did it
Barabus: Im trying to make you do it so I dont have to
DDRT: I'll just quote our conversation. It will be funnier that way.
4:05 PM
Barabus: no it wont...
Barabus: nobody said anything funny

So all in all, everyone go sign up at the forums: www.toriyamaworld/forum
Everyone go to the irc channel #toriyamaworld on
Everyone go download the Death Note eps at the Death Note Scarywater site .

  Posted Thursday 10/07/06 @ 4:58 AM PST by ddr tatsujin

That's right... Death Note anime.
Hello, everyone!
Toriyamaworld is happy to present to you the Death Note anime. We will be subbing this series for as long as we can.
A few thanks have to go out to Squirrel lord for coming up with the idea for this project and also to our beloved Itachi for whom, without, this project would have never existed.
Death Note Scarywater link

Also, make sure to sign up in the forum!

  Posted Thursday 9/06/06 @ 11:30 PM PST by ddr tatsujin

New news! literally!
Hello, everyone!
Toriyamaworld is back! We have two updates for you today, both are kinnikuman chapters.

Kinnikuman 9-11
Kinnikuman 9-12

In other news, our very own Ak of Troy was featured in the Japan Times recently (along with a picture of yours truely :D)!
The articles May be found here and here
Our congratulations go out to our TW compatriot. Remember to keep your eyes open for more news and updates.

  Posted Thursday 5/27/06 @ 6:30 PM PST by Gršfaz

the sixth reich
I've decided to take time off from being a lord of war to make this update. RESPECT IT! OR DIE!
<3 Gršfaz

Kinnikuman 9-9
Kinnikuman 9-10
P.S. the kinn page is updated

  Posted Thursday 3/31/06 @ 6:30 PM PST by AK of Troy

5 Years of TW-y Goodness!
Wow, can you believe that this is the 5th anniversery of the website? The time has gone by so fast. What started off as a brilliantly designed webpage done on Geocities soon became the biggest scanslation site on the net! After hundreds of chapters and copycats, the site would start to lose it's luster as series after series that we did became licensed(coincedence...?) but the spirit lives on! It's been a lot of fun maintaining the site for 5 years. I've received countless emails from great people supporting the site, appreciating the hard work, demanding Naruto chapters, etc. I know the site has been dying a slow death and there's not much work put into things anymore. I've been doing my part with Kinnikuman scripts and we've had great help from Cousin Ted who's been editing it.(Thanks Cousin Ted, you rock!) So we have some new chapters of that tonight. I'd love to do more RokuBuru(the story is just getting to the good part) and other projects but unfortunately nobody's really stepped up to the plate lately. There's been rumors of the site shutting down this year and that will probably happen. It's been very nice this week to see the outpouring of emotion over the site closing down and reading people say how much they have loved the site on the forum. Thanks, guys! Thanks for supporting the site so long and always providing amusement. And thanks to everyone who has worked on the site over the years, too. It's been like 100 many. All of you are much loved by me, except suck.(you know why!!) Thanks for a wonderful five years!

Kinnikuman 9-7
Kinnikuman 9-8
P.S. the kinn page is updated

  Posted Thursday 3/22/06 @ 6:30 PM PST by ddr tatsujin

I hate emo kids
I really do. I hate how most of the bands they listen to where once said "hardcore" bands. I hate how they took metal studded belts and turned them into some kind of....I don't know..."emo look." I don't like the girl pants, definatley not digging them. No Sir. Furthermore I think that the hair over the one eye only works for emo girls. "emo" in my book is this:
1. a style of dress.
2. a mellow sounding music group (i.e. Dashboard)
I could go on about emo kids but I feel like updating. I just needed to fill this space in with something other than "hey we love you leachers! :D:D:DD:D:D:D have a great day!"
Oh, Yeah. Here is the update.

Kinnikuman 9-5
Kinnikuman 9-6
P.S. the kinn page is updated

  Posted Thursday 1/16/06 @ 1:10 AM PST by ddr tatsujin

Doth! an update!
To welcome in the new year Toriyama World would like to present to you with DOS!! new chapters of Kinnikuman!
Have fun and enjoy.

Kinnikuman 9-3
Kinnikuman 9-4
P.S. Ak is single and looking people! So get it while it's hot, so to speak, and tap it while there's still juice etc.

  Posted Thursday 12/21/05 @ 4:30 PM PST by Joniisan

Bestivus Guestivus Style
Hello kiddies and kidders. You may be looking for one of many many interesting links on this site. But really now, you're in fact interested in Naruto Downloads or Bleach Downloads or provocative pictures of Kon and Kakashi. Well, good news! Here it is. New manga for you, just as dirty and smutty as you like it.
Kinnikuman 9-1
Kinnikuman 9-2
Aren't you glad? Not just one release of hardcore raunchiness, but two! Yes my friends, you'll be spending TWICE as long as you usually did to go through a great round of swordfight. Enjoy this fantastic slash and fanfic! I know I did. :3 Remember to clean with a warm towel!

  Posted Thursday 11/22/05 @ 9:08 PM PST by ddr tatsujin

HO HO HO! here is your thanksgiving treat! Hoping you have a great thanksgiving. ~TW Staff~

Kinnikuman 8-14

  Posted Thursday 10/18/05 @ 1:30 AM PST by ddr tatsujin

More kinnikuman
Here is annother hilarious update of kinnikuman. Have fun! kinnikuman go fight! ^__^

Kinnikuman 8-12
Kinnikuman 8-13

  Posted Thursday 10/13/05 @ 10:00 PM PST by ddr tatsujin

Late Update.
Today we have a late kinn chapter that has been up on the kinn page for quite some here is the update for it! ^__^

Kinnikuman 8-11

  Posted Monday 09/12/05 @ 2:30 AM PST by ddr tatsujin

Focus on the goal!
I'm getting on the ball! We have a new Rokuburu update! Chapter 32. Also be expecting some new Say Hello To black jack chapters soon! ^_^ enjoy!

RokuBuru 32

  Posted Saturday 09/10/05 @ 2:00 AM PST by ddr tatsujin

Well, I was offered the opportunity to write an update so here goes.

Just so you know that signals that a rather lengthy amount of time has passed between this sentence and the last one. Apparently I am at a loss of what is to be said, I have never written an update before and I was getting distracted by... uhh... I'll just end it here as to keep my reputation clean.

No, that was not another lengthy amount of time passing
that was me looking back to figure out what the strange crunching noise was and spotting my dog eating the sugar jar. I am pretty sure there was sugar in there you know... I do not think I will be getting any sleep tonight. Am I supposed to say something witty- OMG that was wrong... why must people make animated gifs like that... and WHY must I open them when someone sends me the link? You think I would have learned by now... uhh... this update is not going well... my mind is in pain. Right, well, I can't remember the chapter that was being updated today but that's alright! It's not as if the link is untitled or a great mystery or anything, just look below to see what it is... or above... or... wherever... I'm actually not sure where they put it I hardly visit the main page-and I really gotta stop getting distracted by everything around me, seriously things would be so much easier if- ah hell my dog went and showed my mom the sugar jar it chewed and now she is screaming... I supposed I should go and deal with that. Right so enjoy the update, I know I will... ya... I swear I read this series this chapter is from. It's the best you know, one of my... favs... ya...
New update: Kinnikuman

Kinnikuman 8-10

  Posted Monday 09/05/05 @ 12:00 AM PST by AK of Troy

After beating DDR senseless for weeks to update and hearing the lamest excuse possible... He finally updates!
It's a miracle! I'm so glad he got away from those eight hot naked girls who had him locked up in their sorority house and were using him as a slave. Must have been a tough three weeks, I'm happy he's around again to update.
Anyway, some of us at TW are still working semi-hard to get some new chapters done, enjoy!

RokuBuru 29
RokuBuru 30
RokuBuru 31

  Posted Thursday 09/01/05 @ 2:46 PM PST by ddr tatsujin

I'm going to let my roommate take it...
Hey everyone! Hampsters are cool! and so are updates! :D I don't know what else to say...So without further delay.
New updates consist of RokuBuru Vol. 3, two new kinn chapters and a new bleach update. Enjoy! ^_^

RokuBuru 19
RokuBuru 20
RokuBuru 21
RokuBuru 22
RokuBuru 23
RokuBuru 24
RokuBuru 25
RokuBuru 26
RokuBuru 27
RokuBuru 28

Kinnikuman 8-08
Kinnikuman 8-09


  Posted Thursday 07/18/05 @ 1:00 AM PST by ddr tatsujin

My eyes hurt :D

Annother quality update from TW. Quincy told me to update right before I went to is how it went.
12:26 link me plz
12:26 to the torrent site...or whatever
12:26 >_> I guess
Cuban Missile Crisis:
12:26 Main page!
12:26 JESUS!
12:26 I know!
12:26 but I'm frekin lazy!
Cuban Missile Crisis:
12:26 grrr.

Bleach 14
Bleach 15

  Posted Thursday 07/07/05 @ 1:40 AM PST by ddr tatsujin

AK is a lovely human being
Ok, so I have been slacking on account of sickness but I promised AK that I would do this tonight.
We have some long awaited RokuBuru and I have reloaded all of the broken files. ^_^

RokuBuru 02-15
RokuBuru 02-16
RokuBuru 02-17
RokuBuru 02-18

  Posted Tuesday 05/07/05 @ 10:40 AM PST by ddr tatsujin

Amidamaru saves the day!
Kinnikuman chapters 6-7 of vol. 8 are finally ready for download. Thanks go out to Amidamaru for fixing up some scans!
In addition, editing help is wanted. Contact Quincy with any questions ^_^

Kinnikuman 8-06
Kinnikuman 8-07

  Posted Tuesday 05/01/05 @ 10:31 PM PST by ddr tatsujin

Hey lets go Kinnikuman!
Yay! Update time! Kinnikuman chapter 4 of Vol. 8 are out (more soon to follow).

Kinnikuman 8-04
Kinnikuman 8-05

  Posted sunday 04/24/05 @ 7:45 PM PST by ddr tatsujin

Mac rules your face.
Quincy likes to live life in the fast lane and refuses to take silly threats of incarceration seriously. Famous last words "if Arizona wants me that bad then they can come and get me". Hoaxes are fo brokeses!(hint...hint)

Death Note has been licenced by VIZ Media, LLC.
-New Bleach 11-13 torrents are ready for download, enjoy. :D

Torrent site
Bleach 11
Bleach 12
Bleach 13

  Posted Sunday 03/06/05 @ 08:12 PM PST by Quincy

So... who's gonna talk?
After a long, long business talk, we finally picked someone. Well, they picked us... but I didn't give in without getting to fiddle with their updates and a strawberry shortcake bar from Good Humor. I think I won on the deal. mmm... shortcake...


So today, I was doing my usual Sunday no school wondering around mindless crap. That means getting off the computer for a change and doing other useless stuff instead. Which is... nap, nap is good. And playing with my doggie for once in my life, I hope he's not dead yet. Well then, that only took an hour and then I just realized that there's nothing else to do so I came back onto my compie. It's really hard to part from it. Yep, that had nothing to do with the update, but I just love to let everyone to know every single little piece of info about my not so grand life, since I'm so awesome and all. Well, Im not really a part of TW, but from another group instead, since Mr. Q here was begging me to write an update so I did. And an update you have, aren't I cool? Ah yes, the update, just so that you all know that the joint of Death Note between TW and Aku-tenshi is finally on the move! So you can try poking it with a stick and it'll either just wiggle or bite you in the *beep*. Anyways, Death Note Volume 1 chapter 6 is out today, get it while it's hot. You might have to go to the dentist if you bite it cold.


Yah... She forgot to mention we are also getting around to putting up a link for Bleach 10. Enjoy. Oh... and stay tuned for my fiddling on their site. ;)

Death Note Chapter 06
Bleach Episode 10: torrent site

  Posted Tuesday 02/23/05 @ 11:58 PM PST by Quincy

Story time with Quincy~
One day on a crisp February evening, a little boy named June was walking through the woods with an entire pocket full of manga chapters. Halfway through the forest, he lost them all moments before the great (and did we mention good looking, ladies?) AK yelled at him for updates. The end. Moral of the story? Don't be like June. Spay and neuter your pets.

Death Note Chapter 05

  Posted Wednesday 02/02/05 @ 07:25 AM PST by spawk

17:39 <@Quincy> My sister keeps harassing me to play with her baby >_>
Seeing as how I lack the imagination to think of update titles, they will henceforth be retarded quotes I have come upon.

Anyway, Bleach 09 is out, which concludes the Grand Fisher arc. Enjoy.

Bleach Episode 09: torrent site

  Posted Wednesday 01/26/05 @ 08:05 AM PST by spawk

Viz button
That's right! You can give us money for doing such a great job! Just click on the Viz button (conveniently located below the bleach button) and purchase as much stuff as your mommy and daddy will allow you to! Come on kids, keep us living the lifestyle we've grown fond of!

Either that or we'll use it to purchse manga and pay server fees.

  Posted Thursday 01/20/05 @ 12:44 AM PST by spawk

Bleach has its own button now!
23:35 <+spawk> you know what would be awesome
23:35 <+spawk> live action dogtato
23:35 <@LordBrian> i think that just broke my brain

Bleach Episode 08: torrent site

  Posted Tuesday 01/11/05 @ 9:55 PM PST by Ihateyou

Aspirations? None. Hope? None. Brains? Definitely none.
Hi! I'm ihateyou, QCer. You probably haven't heard of me, but I QC(Quality Check) stuff for this site. I have to read over stuff and try to correct stuff to the best of my abilities. It's an extremely tedious job, but some loser has to do it. Sometimes, it goes really well and I don't have to do a lot of corrections. Other times, I smash my face in. All introductions aside, I've recently got a couple of brand new chapters for everyone tonight. Despite most of the projects being licensed and being taken down, "stuff" is beginning to happen. I will elaborate on this no longer, as you'll just have to wait and see..or just stop caring forever. Now! Onto the chapters, we've got two chapters of Rokudenashi Blues and a long awaited chapter of Bremen. Bremen's finally...almost finished still!!

Bremen chapter 79: torrent - http mirror - [3.26 MB]
Rokudenashi Blues chapter 19: torrent - http mirror - [2.84 MB]
Rokudenashi Blues chapter 20: torrent - http mirror - [2.96 MB]

P.S. I don't know who this guy is, but uh..He wanted me to say something: "<@tenraikaen> ihateyou! put some of my zany quotes into your update!111" Too bad he has nothing zany to say. Also, contrary to popular belief. I do not stab kittens. I do, however, eat babies.

  Posted Tuesday 01/04/05 @ 12:30 AM PST by spawk

"Kai" sounds nice! Call me "Kai"!
i think i can honestly say that i look forward to bleach filler if it'll have kon in it.

Bleach Episode 07: torrent site

  Posted Tuesday 12/28/04 @ 1:29 PM PST by spawk

happy holiday of your choice
wow, that was some crazy stuff there, zanza.
bleach 6 is out.

Bleach Episode 06: torrent site

  Posted Monday 12/20/04 @ 9:10 AM PST by Zanza

Short Story Long
(If you wish to skip over my late night hallucinations to find out what the real news is, go right to the bottom of the update.)

The dreams were no less haunting as I tossed and turned. "THE SITE... FIX...THE..LINKS..," the voices groaned. Since joining the TW syndicate, they kept coming, an ongoing wave of excessive tedium and repetition like a faceless horde mobbing you, grabbing, pulling, and smothering the life from your very existence. Shattering glass violently yanked me from the nightmare, as my eyes popped open to see a bottle topped off with a flaming rag gliding across the room. A molotov cocktail, a drink you gave to someone you hated to send them off to an ashen grave. Instinctively, I pull the sheets over me in hopes of shielding myself from the ensuing fiery glass projectiles. A long moment passed. When I peeked out to see what had happened, the bottle simply laid there with the rag burning deeper into its vessel. Upon closer inspection, it was empty, completely drained of its content. The label on it read "Ambur", a 190 proof vodka to which could inebriate a normal man with just a whiff. I only knew of one man that would not dare waste a drop of alcohol, even if it were a vital part of an explosive. "Quincy," I thought to myself. Grabbing my trench coat and keys, I strode out of my apartment. It was time to have a little chat with that man. I drove long into the fading night towards the staff house, home to the current leader of operations. Things have obviously changed since I was just an addict hanging around the place taking in minutes of euphoria at about 5 megs a pop. Older members like Retroo, Yuu, and Ndrizzt now running from the law, missing, or presumed dead were replaced by the likes of Ihateyou, Quincy and myself. Ihateyou, if you ever saw a man put a knife into the head of a kitten being held by a little girl and then stealing her lolipop, that was him. He checks the materials before any is released to the pushers. Quincy, if you think he's happy to see you, its just a bottle of Corona in his pocket, both of them. Taking up one of the more important positions in the organization, he has done well in living up to the expectations of The Mok, no small task. He's definitely a man I would not cross. As for myself, what can I say? I was brought in by The Mok and Barabus to take care of any "inconveniences" they didn't bother dealing with. Since anyone without A.D.D. could do this job I'm still not sure as to whether to consider it my privilege or punishment for my time as a common leech. Despite my doubts about my position, I pulled up in front of the complex. Exiting my vehicle I approached the building and was stopped halfway by a pack of unwashed manga junkies. "Narutobleachmangafreeiwantgivemegiveme," they incessantly babbled. "Just lovely," I sarcastically said to myself with obvious disgust to even the dense leeches. It sickened me to remember how I was one like and in league with their kind. Ungrateful punks to which believed the world owed something to them and completely oblivious to the efforts of those that supply a free service. Bile built up in my mouth just being in their presence, although I could somehow sympathize with these wastes of humanity, that sympathy more often than not was replaced by a deep seeded loathing rather quickly. With no manga forth coming, the dirty leeches became violent; MAC-10s, shot guns, and pistols were brought out and spewed a barrage life-threatening lead that would tear me apart like a kid through a Shounen Jump wrapper. With no knowledge of who their foe was, they were laughing madly in the throes of violence, how quickly that would change they didn't yet understand. Somewhere an hour glass turned over, the hail of bullets slowed to a crawl while visibly distorting the air it passed through. In a grandiose matrix fashion, I whipped out my USP pistols and dove sideways, all the while unloading bullet after bullet with deadly precision. As time returned to its normal speed, I completed my roll and surveyed my handy work. Seven laid dead before me, not nearly enough to purify the world of such filth, but enough to grimly sate my bloodlust for their kind. Once again, I began to enter the building, but noticed a movement amongst the pile of carrion, it would seem that one was still alive. "," it repeatedly croaked. The thought "Where can I get more manga" was probably the last thing to cross the pathetic creature's mind, well, before my last bullet anyhow. Upon finally entering the structure, I found a trail of various alcoholic containers leading to the upper floors, I was being expected it would seem. I passed through the halls with little trouble, but somehow they were foreboding, many of the those who were apart of the "staff" had once walked these halls, yet few remain, fewer still to know the whereabouts of those that did not. The trail of beer cans and bottles finally ended in front of a large door, wanting to get this meeting over with, I swept through to stand before he who had put me through such lengths to see him, Quincy. "Welcome to the villa Zanza," he said with a scotch bottle in one hand and a wine cooler in the other. The drinks were easily accessible considering the room itself looked as though a liquor store and brewery mated and vomitted into it. "Why did you call me here?" I replied curtly getting straght to the point. "My, My, a little perturbed are we not? I thought a nice cocktail could improve your grim mood, though I guess without alcohol it wouldn't do much good," he replied while softly chuckling. I didn't see the humour in his sick joke. I simply glared at him. "Ah-hem, anyhow I'm sure you've heard the news, Eyeshield 21, Hunter X Hunter, Full Metal Alchemist, and Dr. Slump have been licensed," he said getting to the topic as much as to change the subject. "There have been rumblings in the grapevine about it for a while now, but why have you called me?" I replied at length. "There is work to be done despite the recent events, I need scanners and editors, you're needed to get the word around," he answered in all seriousness. Locking stares with him, I could only garner the fact that indeed he was telling the truth partially, but came to the conclusion that what he was leaving out was none of my concern. I left without saying a word to him, walking off into the fading night. Indeed, there is work to be done.

So basically: Eyeshield 21, HxH, FMA, and Dr. Slump have been licensed. We are currently looking for more staff members such as scanners and editors. Email Quincy for details.

  Posted Thursday 12/14/04 @ 8:00 PM PST by spawk

20:11 <@Dragosmore> wow, 5 in qc already?
indeed! and lo and behold, it is released! a little faster than last time, too.

Bleach Episode 05: torrent site

  Posted Thursday 12/09/04 @ 8:07 PM PST by spawk

23:00 <@Dragosmore> hold on one sec, my codecs crashed, rebooting
in accordance with traditional TW release times, bleach 4 was released today at 2 in the morning.

Bleach Episode 04: torrent site

  Posted Thursday 11/11/04 @ 8:40 PM PST by spawk

00:51 <@wanderer-zero> spawk, go to sleep
bleach 3 was released. this actually happened a while ago, but nobody updated. we will work to bring you the next few episodes in a more timely manner as most of our exams are over for the time being.

Bleach Episode 03: torrent site

  Posted Thursday 11/04/04 @ 6:00 PM PST by Barabus

Testing 1,2,3, Can anybody hear me?
Welcome back to the warm, glowing, warming glow that is the presence of Barabus! It's been a long time since I've had to do one of these things, and I kinda forget how to make stuff up like I used to. I hope this is right...

We have a new episode of Bleach for you tonight, episode 2 I think, but don't hold me to that. It's probably even better than episode 1, but I'm not really sure. You'll have to decide that one for yourselves after watching it (or before, I really could care less). Anyway... Download and enjoy! I'm gonna go... away... now... BYE!


Bleach Episode 02: torrent site

  Posted Friday 10/22/04 @ 10:25 PM PST by Ookla The Mok

A new era at TW: Bleach Anime!
Ahoy! I bring sad and happy news. First the sad news: the Naruto anime fansub is now officially dropped. We've had a fun couple years working on it, and hope you have as well. We're happy we could share it with you for as long as we did, and hope to have influenced Naruto fans in some way. Hopefully soon it will be available to a wider audience on some US television station, but until then, you can get the rest of your episodes from the (remaining) groups of your choice at animesuki.

Now that Naruto is behind us, there's one other manga we did that we always said we'd like to do as an anime. That time is now, with the advent of the Bleach anime! You can download episode one now, and hopefully the next few will be out in short order. Bleach is a great manga and so far the anime looks to be pretty good as well; with Kubotite himself reportedly voicing Kon, it seems he has some influence on the development of the anime.

Anyway, we'll continue bringing you lots of great manga, of course, and hope that you'll enjoy this new project as well. Bleach is being done with Naisho, which is largely the same people who worked on Naruto for us in the past, so you can expect the same good quality. And check out other Naisho projects like Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch Pure! Definitely one of my favorites. C'mon, mermaids are great! But shinigami are pretty cool too.

Bleach Episode 01: torrent site

  Posted Sunday 09/12/04 @ 11:40 PM PST by Ookla The Mok

Nippon in 2007!
Recently I got back from Noreascon 4, the 62nd World Science Fiction convention. I had lots of fun hobnobbing with various folks, especially those revolving around my friend Brandon Sanderson, who has a fantasy novel entitled Elantris coming out from Tor in May. Boston is cool...the weather wasn't near as hot as it is here right now, though I was indoors most of the time.

Anyway, at every World Science Fiction Convention the conventiongoers vote where future cons will be held. Next year is Interaction, in Glasgow, Scotland, and the year after that it's L.A.con IV, held in...Anaheim. I'm going to that one in 2006, but the exciting news from this year (besides Bujold's book Paladin of Souls winning the Hugo and Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 winning the Retro Hugo) is that for the first time, in 2007, Worldcon is going to Japan! It was running against Columbus, Ohio, which would have been cool too, since I've been to Marcon a bunch of times, but I'm happy Japan (Yokohama) won.

Anyone want to set up a meeting there in 2007?

Plus I hear it's someone's birthday today. In celebration, here's a cool chapter.

Say Hello to Black Jack chapter 7: torrent - [3.6 MB]

Welcome to Toriyama's World, home to many of Toriyama Akira's manga series and the great works of many other mangakas. Here you will find info and manga scans of many series that will most likely never make it to this side of the Pacific. We will try our best to scan and translate as many chapters as humanly possible. Please enjoy the site.

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