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National Archives
The UK Central Government Web Archive is a selective collection of UK Government websites, archived from August 2003, which has been collected by the Internet Archive on behalf of the National Archives of the United Kingdom. history.
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Election 2002
The Library of Congress, in collaboration with WebArchivist.org of the State University of New York Institute of Technology and the Internet Archive, created the Election 2002 Web Archive. A selective collection of nearly 4,000 sites archived between July 1, 2002 and November 30, 2002, the collection includes congressional and gubernatorial candidates, political party, government, advocacy, blogs, public opinion, and miscellaneous Web sites related to the 2002 United States elections.
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September 11th
The tragic events of September 11, 2001, prompted web creators around the world to respond. This special collection of archived web sites preserves this unique moment in our history.
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Election 2000
The United States Elections of 2000 were perhaps the most controversial elections in the nation's history. Use this collection to revisit the historic elections of 2000.
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SubjectPoster RepliesViewsDate
Blogspot cool sites lnixx 1 65 October 13, 2007 08:58:48am
  Re: Blogspot cool sites Crashprs 0 36 October 13, 2007 12:03:36pm
German Xplosives Websites Roland_Ionas_Bialke 0 82 October 12, 2007 08:25:40pm
adbaaz hijacks sites airmale 0 142 October 12, 2007 03:58:12pm
Please archive new web site www.eBALDAI.eu 0 236 October 07, 2007 08:07:55am
Term paper writing Aaron Crouch 1 214 October 06, 2007 11:27:37am
  Re: Term paper writing NoiseCollector 0 148 October 06, 2007 12:54:37pm
Good Way Back Examples needed DarlaM 0 218 October 05, 2007 05:48:24pm
List of Closed down sites dannbkk 1 1941 September 20, 2007 02:10:26am
  Re: List of Closed down sites spillnett 1 482 September 20, 2007 03:07:06pm
    Re: List of Closed down sites spillnett 1 374 September 20, 2007 03:11:29pm
      Re: List of Closed down sites spillnett 0 401 September 20, 2007 03:13:48pm
domain name changed ownership, old site down energyflow 1 644 September 16, 2007 07:08:50am
  Re: domain name changed ownership, old site down CnCKennels 1 378 September 19, 2007 07:26:11am
    Re: domain name changed ownership, old site down energyflow 0 334 September 20, 2007 04:13:21pm
Old website now only displays porn jasbar 1 1933 September 11, 2007 08:38:55pm
  Re: Old website now only displays porn jalman1 0 854 September 11, 2007 09:44:08pm
Internet cafe software rclark 0 707 September 10, 2007 10:43:50pm
Lost image? Spaingy 1 999 September 08, 2007 12:36:53pm
  Google or old ISP? agent 0 808 September 08, 2007 01:34:47pm
I'm Looking for a Movie OliverCarlos 1 964 September 07, 2007 12:03:37am
  Re: I'm Looking for a Movie BGA 0 715 September 07, 2007 01:25:46pm
wayback machine offline?? nowshining 5 3439 September 02, 2007 04:51:48pm
  Re: wayback machine offline?? nowshining 1 1152 September 02, 2007 04:56:14pm
    Re: wayback machine offline?? Max E Verde 0 977 September 02, 2007 05:01:05pm
  Re: wayback machine offline?? alexanderpilot 1 1003 September 02, 2007 09:38:45pm
    Re: wayback machine offline?? Lena63 0 951 September 03, 2007 04:03:56am
  Re: wayback machine offline?? AltSolution 1 962 September 03, 2007 06:09:55am
    Re: wayback machine offline?? seohioguy 0 767 September 03, 2007 02:58:55pm
  Re: wayback machine offline?? bradb2007 4 917 September 03, 2007 03:25:07pm
    Re: wayback machine offline?? Steven33 0 802 September 03, 2007 08:28:35pm
    Re: wayback machine offline?? Steven33 0 650 September 03, 2007 08:30:21pm
    Re: wayback machine offline?? Steven33 1 742 September 03, 2007 08:30:21pm
      Re: wayback machine offline?? Steven33 0 879 September 03, 2007 08:36:12pm
    Re: wayback machine offline?? glenn 1 824 September 03, 2007 11:54:08pm
      Re: wayback machine offline?? hrisi 1 786 September 04, 2007 03:00:55am
        Re: wayback machine offline?? eightturn 3 750 September 04, 2007 05:37:38am
          Re: wayback machine offline?? vCard 0 630 September 04, 2007 05:47:24am
          Re: wayback machine offline?? vCard 0 694 September 04, 2007 05:48:30am
          Re: wayback machine offline?? eightturn 0 831 September 04, 2007 06:00:38am
  Re: wayback machine offline?? naaier 1 610 September 04, 2007 03:45:09pm
    Re: wayback machine offline?? Face_ 1 532 September 07, 2007 11:11:35am
      Re: wayback machine offline?? Claude Almansi 1 462 September 13, 2007 03:30:37am
        Re: wayback machine offline?? spillnett 1 327 September 20, 2007 02:41:58pm
          Re: wayback machine offline?? KTIF 1 105 October 06, 2007 12:32:34pm
            Re: wayback machine offline?? NoiseCollector 0 103 October 06, 2007 12:40:11pm
BUG: Binary files corrupted/truncated on download .NetRolller 3D 0 859 August 28, 2007 12:55:30pm
old robots.txt in archive preventing viewing? compn 0 1036 August 26, 2007 08:48:12am
How long does the archive contain data of the page cidet 1 1138 August 23, 2007 06:23:31am
  Re: How long does the archive contain data of the page nowshining 0 686 September 02, 2007 05:28:52pm
Small changes mark a site as "updated" b^4 1 1067 August 18, 2007 06:19:54am
  Re: Small changes mark a site as 'updated' b^4 0 875 August 18, 2007 06:32:06am
Date of archiving tourismus 0 1023 August 16, 2007 11:16:31am
How often will this site update the archives? I want a millionaire 1 1346 August 13, 2007 02:50:20pm
  Re: How often will this site update the archives? gojomo 0 995 August 13, 2007 02:50:34pm
Casino Royale Review Casino Royale Review 1 1243 August 13, 2007 02:49:56pm
  Re: Casino Royale Review gojomo 0 962 August 13, 2007 02:53:16pm
web snapshot halihali 1 1229 August 12, 2007 08:20:30pm
  Re: web snapshot gojomo 0 944 August 13, 2007 03:00:38pm
Does the Archive crawl..... hamac 0 1124 August 09, 2007 04:55:56pm
Remove a Review filled with swear words? TurtleShroom 3 2085 August 04, 2007 09:57:31am
  Re: Remove a Review filled with swear words? Telephone Toughguy 1 1150 August 04, 2007 02:24:48pm
    Re: Remove a Review filled with swear words? TurtleShroom 4 1140 August 04, 2007 03:03:38pm
      Re: Remove a Review filled with swear words? sel2ims 0 1036 August 04, 2007 03:08:09pm
      Re: Remove a Review filled with swear words? Old NJ Head Zimmer 0 1037 August 04, 2007 03:18:40pm
      Re: Remove a Review filled with swear words? direwolf0701 1 1051 August 04, 2007 03:36:38pm
        Re: Remove a Review filled with swear words? Old NJ Head Zimmer 1 1025 August 04, 2007 03:43:12pm
          Re: Remove a Review filled with swear words? direwolf0701 0 1020 August 04, 2007 03:56:30pm
      Re: Remove a Review filled with swear words? Telephone Toughguy 0 1003 August 06, 2007 09:45:15am
  Re: Remove a Review filled with swear words? high flow 0 1034 August 04, 2007 04:18:50pm
  Re: Remove a Review filled with swear words? DamnRebel 0 631 August 29, 2007 08:17:09pm
Transfermarkt.de - Viewing a previous page Kotsolis 0 1354 July 28, 2007 01:38:41am
Candystand Mah Jongg DinerGuy 1 1429 July 26, 2007 09:43:27am
  Re: Candystand Mah Jongg gojomo 0 867 August 13, 2007 03:02:03pm
how to retrieve the web site wirelesspedia 2 2327 July 24, 2007 01:42:27pm
  Re: how to retrieve the web site lincat 0 1379 July 25, 2007 01:45:51pm
  Re: how to retrieve the web site ARossi 0 1303 July 25, 2007 01:55:48pm
another robot.txt 4ren6 0 1699 July 23, 2007 06:37:40pm
Limiting search to 2006, 2007 Mopskatze 1 1553 July 22, 2007 12:34:50pm
  Re: Limiting search to 2006, 2007 gojomo 0 859 August 13, 2007 03:17:37pm
Suggestion for Web Archive Restructuring Conan the Librarian 1 1413 July 22, 2007 04:14:55am
  Re: Suggestion for Web Archive Restructuring gojomo 0 860 August 13, 2007 06:55:56pm
robots.txt only gives temporary removal of pages? John Mehlberg 2 2149 July 21, 2007 04:04:54pm
  Re: robots.txt only gives temporary removal of pages? David McQuillan 0 1505 July 11, 2007 12:54:06am
  Re: robots.txt only gives temporary removal of pages? PaulForrest 1 1297 July 19, 2007 09:13:01am
    Re: robots.txt only gives temporary removal of pages? Copyrighted 1 731 August 21, 2007 12:43:13pm
      Re: robots.txt only gives temporary removal of pages? PaulForrest 0 714 August 21, 2007 12:52:55pm
have been looking for years darkharlequin 1 1889 July 19, 2007 11:15:09pm
  Re: have been looking for years harewizard 0 1066 August 04, 2007 05:33:13am
baidu mp3 disappearing? foolip 0 1441 July 18, 2007 07:11:21pm
Robots.txt Abuses Defeating the Archive's Intent Phoenix_Sandman 2 1864 July 17, 2007 04:30:17am
  Re: Robots.txt Abuses Defeating the Archive's Intent Telephone Toughguy 0 1367 July 17, 2007 08:22:58am
  Re: Robots.txt Abuses Defeating the Archive's Intent K9ine 0 689 August 23, 2007 03:16:38pm
Thank You for update exibit 0 1668 July 09, 2007 04:48:37pm
When the Archive-It will be works? teste2007 0 1626 July 09, 2007 04:20:14am
I can't see 2006 years logs LaKosta 2 1884 July 05, 2007 04:23:58pm
  Re: I can't see 2006 years logs Dooku 2 1572 July 06, 2007 01:01:54pm
    Re: I can't see 2006 years logs Brad 0 1461 July 06, 2007 02:20:54pm
    Re: I can't see 2006 years logs Gizmotoy 0 1388 July 09, 2007 01:56:34pm
  Re: I can't see 2006 years logs Brad 1 1485 July 06, 2007 01:53:16pm
    Re: I can't see 2006 years logs LaKosta 0 1439 July 08, 2007 04:28:09pm
why the site is very old? krook 0 1918 July 04, 2007 01:38:17pm
Site (nearly) disappeared from archive? Gizmotoy 2 2044 July 03, 2007 04:15:22pm
  Re: Site (nearly) disappeared from archive? scpck 0 1540 July 03, 2007 08:07:49pm
  Re: Site (nearly) disappeared from archive? gojomo 1 1492 July 03, 2007 09:28:34pm
    Re: Site (nearly) disappeared from archive? Gizmotoy 0 1504 July 03, 2007 10:38:50pm
Worldwide Wayback Machine Updated: 25% Larger gojomo 0 1777 July 02, 2007 04:46:18pm
ASP files? annonymus2 1 1938 June 25, 2007 04:38:30am
  Re: ASP files? gojomo 0 1510 July 02, 2007 04:36:38pm
website review place Yahtzee 2 1944 June 24, 2007 07:25:31am
  Re: website review place annonymus2 0 1719 June 25, 2007 04:47:38am
  Re: website review place ARossi 1 1654 June 26, 2007 11:17:26am
    Re: website review place Yahtzee 0 1517 July 01, 2007 12:47:02pm
Como faço para colocar meu site no Way Campos do Jordão 1 2128 June 21, 2007 02:39:51pm
  Re: Como faço para colocar meu site no Way gojomo 2 1804 June 21, 2007 02:40:26pm
    Re: Como faço para colocar meu site no Way Telephone Toughguy 1 1733 June 21, 2007 02:55:56pm
      Re: Como faço para colocar meu site no Way Campos do Jordão 1 1686 June 21, 2007 09:13:43pm
        Re: Como faço para colocar meu site no Way Telephone Toughguy 0 1616 June 25, 2007 08:08:06am
    Re: Como faço para colocar meu site no Way Campos do Jordão 1 1640 June 24, 2007 01:56:59am
      Re: Como faço para colocar meu site no Way WMoecke 0 1640 June 24, 2007 09:02:19am
my website not listed? webkatalog 1 2790 June 18, 2007 02:24:39pm
  Re: my website not listed? 5t0n3d 1 1915 June 18, 2007 02:27:59pm
    Re: my website not listed? Telephone Toughguy 1 1811 June 18, 2007 02:31:52pm
      Re: my website not listed? 5t0n3d 0 1835 June 18, 2007 02:37:36pm
Robots.txt problem solving suggestion StuffyDucky 1 2524 June 09, 2007 11:41:03pm
  Re: Robots.txt problem solving suggestion schmorp 1 2022 June 10, 2007 07:14:08am
    Re: Robots.txt problem solving suggestion David McQuillan 0 1808 June 18, 2007 07:31:06am
how is status as "site owner" determined? Vitali Chaconne 1 2229 June 06, 2007 07:00:42pm
  Re: how is status as 'site owner' determined? David McQuillan 0 1753 June 18, 2007 07:11:09am
I want to re-read an old forum MrFace 0 2444 June 05, 2007 04:18:32pm
Thanks for update CoolOdd 0 2103 June 05, 2007 07:32:26am
Thanks for update CoolOdd 0 1998 June 05, 2007 07:31:21am
Flash sites Worlder 0 2426 June 03, 2007 07:29:03am
Please remove my pages Amy B 1 4683 June 01, 2007 02:43:03pm
  Re: Please remove my pages ARossi 0 2910 June 04, 2007 05:33:39pm

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