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1112 207系電車の電気ブレーキと空気ブレーキの協調について(車輪滑走と制御)(OS20 車輪-レール系)(シンポジウム : 第7回鉄道技術連合シンポジウム(J-RAIL 2000))
1112 Cooperation of electric-brake and air-brake of series 207 EMU

1西日本旅客鉄道株式会社 2西日本旅客鉄道株式会社
1West Japan Railway Company 2West Japan Railway Company

As for series 207 EMU's system train of West Japan Railway Company, the four levels of No.0 of motor package control and the level of No.1000 of each motor individual control exist. In this research, it tacked about the influence on the wheel produced by the cooperation method of the regeneration brake at the of coupling the vehicles of a different control system using series 207 EMU's system train, and an air brake. As a result of research and investigation, it became clear that the detection sensitivity of take-off run is too sensitive, it regulated to proper detection sensitivity, and reduction of a wheel flat was aimed at.

NIIホームページへGeNiiトップページへNII REO(NII電子ジャーナルリポジトリ)へ National Institute of Informatics