GaMeWork BUSTER-Independent Game Graphix

Semi-Official Developement Blog for Project R307.

Distribution Warning

An unconfirmed camo file packing of the demo is reported. Though no further informations came in, we decided to put up a hoax warning.

Here's exactly how the demo mission pack should look like:

Name: RS3-R307.rar (Single File)
Size: 81650176
Modified: 2007/10/02, 13:17:11
MD5: 94923DE4DBC826099093C18D3870D3F9
SHA1: AC6E711A183153E8779F87F94C45EEA778091CFE
CRC32: E9984C70

It contains all customed models, bgm/se, as well as scripts, no exe file. And legally safe for distribution.

if you find your sharebig download list contains more than 1 file, DO NOT DOWNLOAD. This package requires a full RS3 to run, any other exe files could possibly be trojans horses or spyware.
  1. 2007/10/05(金) 03:19:34|
  2. Patch Note
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0



The benchmark demo is released today.
consist of 3 missions demostrating about everything you can do in this game. Requires a genuine copy of raiders sphere 3rd.

put the folder in RSE directory, and load kaze.rsp.

File hosted by
  1. 2007/10/02(火) 11:15:51|
  2. Product
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Hatsune Miku Get!


Finally got Hatsune Miku!
I just can't tell how awesome this tool is...good enough to let me pay the singer her original share just to tell her that she is free to go home.

Today's update is a Hatsune Customed jet with bunch of negi(japanese spring onion)...these veggies hunts stuff down like noone else but hit the target for barely 1 damage each...


テーマ:初音ミク - ジャンル:音楽

  1. 2007/09/20(木) 07:42:59|
  2. Under Development
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

New Movie Release!



Lastest Movie: 07/09/18

A replay capture showing 307R's key feature: Multi-Route.
In specific missions, more than one mission object exist and completing either could clear the scenario. By choosing your objective, such as destroy all enemy or destroy ground enemy only, The scenarios lead the player to different follow-ups and hidden content. Of course, this game itself, like many Galgame, is multi-ending. The difficulty level, your choice and the time you clear an scenario, all matters to what you finally get.

This video comes in 4 part of RMVB, 640x480, low quality. hosted by


Previous Demo Movie: 07/09/08

This Video is a straight-up mission that requires the player to destroy everything in sight. To maximize the effect, a special 36-multi-head missile, which is very imbalanced, was used. Also, this video shows how to operate ACS+TARPS2 to create a sonic boom strong enough to blow your enemy away.

This video comes in 1 AVI, 640x480, low quality. hosted by



Earlier Youtube Movie (LowRes)

テーマ:ゲームプレイ日記 - ジャンル:ゲーム

  1. 2007/09/18(火) 22:04:35|
  2. Under Development
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Introduction and Operation

Project R307 is a Original Senario Package based on Raider's Sphere Editor 3.11 by Rectangle/Denpro. Part of script reference by ICKX.

Rectangle Homesite:

RS3 Fans Wiki:

EFFY one of unreasonable "if":

Introducing the interface and functions:

Black: RS3 basic system.
Blue: Inherited ICKX extension.
Orange: 307R new extension.

Arrow Key: Pitch and turns
C: Increase engine thrust
V: Decrease engine thrust
A: Cycle target
D: Cycle target (Reversed)
S: Cycle weapons
Z: Fire missile
X: Fire gun
F1: Cockpit view / exterier view
Rctrl: Toggle area map



1 -Damage Status (0-100%).
2 -Pegasus Support, Press A+S to cycle friendly fly style(follow/free), D+S to cycle friendly attack style(Air-to-Air, Air-to-Ground, Target Priority, Non-Target Priority).
3 -Weapon HUD.
4 -Additional Crosshair UI elements.
5 -Combat map.
6 -Compass.
7 -Artemis Support by ICKX, provides ACS/RCS and Laser Carrier. Also indicates your gun ammo status. When depleted, you cannot use your gun until it's recharged. Press A+D to use ACS(Burst Thrust), double hit A to use RCS(Rapid Pitch-up).
8 -Target indicator.
9 -Speed Metre.
10-Altitude Metre.
11-WISP system(Requires TARPS2), developed based on ICKX's ICARUS. Press S+X to cycle gun mode(Rifle/Spread/Buster), A+X to release EMP, this will disarm all missiles in trace, refill you with 25% ammo and 25% hitpoint, also summons up to 6 Wisps to fight alongside with you.
12-Area map, default off.
13-Mission Timer.
14-Gunbarrel temprature. Slows down gunspeed when it goes up.


15-Character Portrait.
16-Additional Text Window.


The Accelerator-X system by ICKX, now renamed and remodeled as TARPS2, now serves as an initial gear. Providing alternative deformation sequence as well as the ability to blast enemy with sonic boom.

Only when an aircraft is flagged as player object that it will be applied with a Inverted Normal Model. This ensures that the least amount of memory is used across the battlefield. If an aircraft is showing up as enemy, it won't have the 'black edge'.

Recommended P4 2.0GHZ+, 1g+RAM, with a stand alone graphic card. Maximum Anti-Alias and Filter Sampling Rate.

テーマ:PCゲーム - ジャンル:ゲーム

  1. 2007/09/18(火) 21:21:21|
  2. Product
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Screenshots 07/09/18

Click any image to Enlarge. Hosted by

Series of new models had been put into action since last patch. Now the mothership 'Claypit' is armed with 8 heavy CIWS system instead of the original flak cannon. Due to the fact that flak explosion uses significantly more memory than CIWS and missile, we might replace all surface based flak units.

Also, Super Sylph and Mave's spec has undergone a revamp. Super Sylph now has her ground lock-on ability enhanced while Mave's is reduced. Super Sylph is now tougher, more stable. Mave's mobility has gone up but the stability went down, resulting increased difficulty while controlling Mave in flight.

Fairy Sylph's only hard point located in the middle is canceled. This makes Fairy Sylph's only weapon her pulse laser.

テーマ:新作ゲーム - ジャンル:ゲーム

  1. 2007/09/18(火) 17:31:27|
  2. Under Development
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0

Screenshots 07/09/09

Click any image to enlarge. Hosted by

Here's a few SS that let people know what exactly we're doing down here. Compared to RS3's original models(roughly 500 faces), we implemented highly detailed models that ranges from 2000 to 2700 faces. Furthermore, Inverted Normal Models are added to specific aircrafts and player unit to enhance the visual experience.

Other modification including HUD display, multi-object unit and over 100 different aircrafts, vehicles and weapons.

テーマ:新作ゲーム - ジャンル:ゲーム

  1. 2007/09/18(火) 15:33:20|
  2. Under Development
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0