全 2 件のコメント

[–]EpsilonJoe 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I truly believe in life you get out what you put in. Happiness just doesn't fall into your lap, you have to work at it and the harder you do the greater the rewards either material, physical or mental. I think men instinctively know this whereas women expect others to make them happy without any effort on their part in all those previously mention categories. It's why women are miserable deep inside.
As a man face the problem and overcome it. I'm not saying 'man up' but you have the skills inside you to move onwards and upwards and you have support behind you to achieve happiness.

[–]smashmarxism 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It seems that almost all men will claim to be in a happy relationship or marriage, few men will admit to marriage problems as it makes them seem less manly, as if they can't control their woman.

The problem is the reluctance of men to talk about their problems with women makes men in general assume that most other men are happily married and that if they find "the right woman" everything will work out well. It's a delusion yet it continues because of the belief that most men are happily married when it's obviously they aren't.

However, the divorce figures paint the true picture, the majority of marriages end in divorce and the divorce is usually instigated by the woman.