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[–]optimalgChairman of the European Union of Soviet Socialist Republics[M] [スコア非表示] stickied comment (0子コメント)

Figured this would also be a good moment to ask the users for resources on common badpolitics, such as horseshoe theory and tomato socialism.

[–]optimalgChairman of the European Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Do you have access to a university library? If yes, I'd personally reccommend looking at the curriculum of polisci and check some of their readings.

Also, here are a bunch of things I personally recommend. It's not a comprehensive list and not necessarily for beginners, but I've read all of these for my studies. In terms of political theory/philosophy, there are a bunch of important works like Marx's Capital, Rawls' Theory of Justice (You can also read Sandel's response to it, though I didn't personally), Pettit's Republicanism, and On Liberty by John Stuart Mill. If you're more interested in early US politics, there are the Federalist Papers and Tocqueville's On Democracy in America. These are all standard works in their respective branches, so you'll find a lot of references to them.

Finally, I'd check out Rational Choice Theory for a more mathematical/economical approach to political science. Particularly the works of Downs, Black and Arrow.