[-]SonorousBlack 7 points (1 children)
He acknowledges in the first line that he's moderator of a racist clownshow, and then he wants to admonish the participants?
I had to stop after a few sentences to avoid a repetitive stress injury from eye-rolling.
[-]pro_creator 14 points (2 children)
Exactly. He personally contributed to making these same white folks comfortable in their bigotry. Miss me with all that grandstanding.
[-]RhombusBlue 4 points (1 children)
People don't get how early you have to cut White folks off with their foolishness to actually matter/prevent the damage they do. (Hint: It comes before they start laughing...)
Chappelle nailed it...you have to ask why they're laughing. If not, don't act surprised when they tell you outright down the road. I mean...these people come from a culture that went to lynchings for fun and made postcards about it. You think their grandkids' senses of humor can be decent, or even managed?
[-]pro_creator 1 points (1 children)
Right! The sub's demographic is there with the explicit purpose of laughing at Black people, but hey. Maybe they can be reasoned with, amirite?
[-]RhombusBlue 2 points
Maybe they can be reasoned with, amirite?
I guess some Black people still have to come to terms with who these people are culturally.
[-]mach-2 -3 points - [removed] (1 children)
Both of you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
[-]pro_creator 2 points (1 children)
Mkay bud.
[-]mach-2 1 points - [removed] (1 children)
Nah. piss off with that "bud" shit. Your stupid skepticism is not what is pissing me off. It's the accusation that I'm shucking and jiving for those folk when I'm trying my best to clean the place up.
[-]pro_creator 3 points (1 children)
I'm trying my best to clean the place up.
Congratulations. Here's the tea, tho: I know people who have been featured in that sub IN REAL LIFE. Not ONLINE - meatspace, and each and every one of them has been a-fucking-ppalled that 1. that space existed, and 2. they were being put on display for the entertainment of a racist white dudebro audience. You can clean up whatever the fuck you want, and fuck a shuck and jive my g, YOU ARE CONTRIBUTING.
[-]mach-2 0 points - [removed] (1 children)
I'm the bottom mod on the list. There were two options. Stand on the sideline and watch the sub descend into white dude bro shit, or hop on the mod team and try and change shit I didn't like. I chose the latter and I am trying to influence it even though I am the third lowest mod on the fucking list.
You're here telling me about tea and rolling your eyes and fucking accusing me of contributing the shucking and jiving. Fuck off with that rubbish.
I've never liked the idea of the sub and I even spoke against it with Alexis on the reddit podcast.
So again, piss off with your stupid accusations. You can roll your eyes and sip your teas while standing at the side doing absolutely nothing.
[-]pro_creator 2 points
Again, congratulations on your efforts to create a safe space for bigots to cackle at black people's musings. I applaud your diligence.
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