Here’s a running list of all the Republicans withdrawing their support for Donald Trump


Republican leaders began to abandon their presidential candidate, Donald Trump, after a video revealed him making predatory comments about women. By Saturday morning, CNN’s Erin Burnett and one of Trump’s former female business associates had related nearly identical stories of groping and attempts to solicit sex.

The dam seems to have broken. Many Republicans have finally expressed that Trump has gone too far in a campaign of unprecedented lows. More than two dozen have now said they will not vote for Trump, or have explicitly called for him to step down. We’ve compiled a list of Republican officials who have said they will no longer support Trump as the party’s presidential nominee in the last 24 hours.

Republicans who say Trump should step down
Former Gov. Christina Todd Whitman of New Jersey
Rep. Barbara Comstock of Virginia
Rep Bradley Byrne of Alabama
Rep. Martha Roby of Alabama
Rep Scott Garrett of New Jersey
Sen. Mike Crapo of Idaho
Rep. Mike Coffman of Colorado
Gov. Dennis Daugaard of South Dakota
Carly Fiorna
Rep. Joe Heck of Nevada
Sen. Cory Gardner of Colorado
Rep. Mia Love of Utah
Rep. Mike Coffman of Colorado
Former Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. of Utah
Sen. John Thune of South Dakota
Sen. Dan Sullivan of Alaska
Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
Rep. Barbara Comstock of Virginia
Sen Shelley Moore Capito of W.Virginia
Sen. Deb Fischer of Nebraska
Rep. Ann Wagner of Missouri
Rep. Rodney Davis of Missouri
Rep. Chris Stewart of Utah
Rep. Cresent Hardy of Nevada
Former Sec. State Condoleezza Rice
Rob Engstrom of US Chamber of Congress
Ex-Gov. George Pataki of New York
Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan
Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt

Republicans who say they won’t vote for Trump
Gov Gary Herbert of Utah
Sen. Jason Chaffetz of Utah
Sen Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire
Gov Bentley of Alabama
Gov. Sandoval of Nevada
Sen. John McCain of Arizona
Gov. John Kasich of Ohio
Rep. Jeff Fortenberry of Nebraska
Rep. Tom Rooney of Florida
Rep. Erik Paulsen of Minnesota
Rep. Frank LoBiondo of New Jersey
Former Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota
Former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger of California
Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio

Republicans who never endorsed Trump, want him to step down
Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona
Sen. Mark Kirk of Illinois
Sen. Mike Lee of Utah
Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska
Rep. Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania
Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan

Here are Republican statements on Trump’s presidential bid since the release of the videos Friday night.

Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger of California

John McCain of Arizona, US Senate

McCain’s statement read in part:

Donald Trump’s behavior this week, concluding with the disclosure of his demeaning comments about women and his boasts about sexual assaults, make it impossible to continue to offer even conditional support for his candidacy. Cindy, with her strong background in human rights and respect for women fully agrees with me in this.

“Cindy and I will not vote for Donald Trump. I have never voted for a Democratic presidential candidate and we will not vote for Hillary Clinton. We will write in the name of some good conservative Republican who is qualified to be President.

John Thune of South Dakota, US Senate

Thune is the third-ranking Senate Republican.

Jason Chaffetz of Utah, US Senate

Chaffetz told CNN, “That was an apology for getting caught,” while also declaring, “I’m out! I can no longer in good conscience endorse this person for president”

Gary Herbert, Governor of Utah

Kelly Ayotte, New Hampshire, US Senate

Ayotte can no longer support a presidential candidate “who brags about degrading and assaulting women,” according to a statement. She plans to to write in vice presidential running mate Mike Pence’s name for president.

Barbara Comstock Virginia, US House of Representatives

Bradley Byrne of Alabama, US House of Representatives

Martha Roby, Alabama, US House of Representatives

Scott Garrett of New Jersey, US House of Representatives

Mike Crapo of Idaho, US Senate

“I have reached the decision that I can no longer endorse Donald Trump,” said Crapo, reports CNN. “This is not a decision that I have reached lightly, but his pattern of behavior has left me no choice. His repeated actions and comments toward women have been disrespectful, profane and demeaning.”

Mike Coffman of Colorado, US House of Representatives

“For the good of the country, and to give the Republicans a chance of defeating Hillary Clinton, Mr. Trump should step aside,” he said on Friday. “His defeat at this point seems almost certain. And four years of Hillary Clinton is not what is best for this country. Mr. Trump should put the country first and do the right thing.”

Dennis Daugaard, Governor of South Dakota

Carly Fiorna, former GOP presidential primary candidate

Joe Heck of Nevada, US House of Representatives (and GOP Senate candidate)

Heck was booed during a campaign stop after withdrawing support for Trump and calling for him to step down. “I can no longer in good conscience support Donald Trump, nor can I vote for Hillary Clinton,” he said.

State level politicians in places like Iowa and Ohio are also calling for their governors and other elected officials to denounce Trump as well.

Disappointed but still in support

Plenty of others, humiliated by Trump in the past, stood by their endorsements while offering some harsh, couched criticism. House Speaker Paul Ryan cancelled a joint appearance with the candidate in Wisconsin this weekend saying he was “sickened by what I heard.” He did not withdraw his endorsement. Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus offered similar words: “No woman should ever be described in these terms or talked about in this manner. Ever.”

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory, a campaigned partner with Trump this year, said in a statement on Friday night that he was “disgusted” but refrained from withdrawing support.

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