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[–]AutoModerator[M] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I am so, so tired of you people.. Your brigade is the worst Reddit has ever seen.. I've said it before and I'll say it again: leave gamers alone.. Right now, lay down your shitty attitude, and let the truth live freely.. We have started to monitor your brigades now you know.. There are even people from 4chan involved, especially after the brigade you did on /r/witcher.. Stop defending lies.. Stop sucking up Todd Howards every last word.. Stop buying GAMES THAT AREN*T WORTH THEIR FULL PRICE.. STOP, FOR FUCKS SAKE, FINDING EXCUSES FOR EVERY SHITTY GAME.. STOP WITH THE BULLSHIT.. YOU ARE WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE GAMING WORLD.. Did you ever think brigading was just a game? Did you ever, for a second, think you could simply harass innocent PC gamers, only for making the smarter choices in life than console gamers? You guys aren't real. You are not what we gamers feel in our hearts, when we go up in the morning and look us in the mirror and think, "today, I am a gamer, because I love to game". You are not us, you never will be. NEVER HAS THERE EVER BEEN a more important point to stand up for: our one true identity. We come form, Ataris, Amigas, from back in the days. When games were true life altering experiences, they changed lives. TOO FEW GAMES DOES THAT NOW. And when there is one game, that still does that, you frantically attack that group? Why do you decide to lie to yourself and hate on The Witcher 3? It is everything that is right with the gaming community. You, are, what is wrong. You, console gamers, Bethesda, EA and the whole bunch. But it is okay. We gamers don't need you. We do not need to feel your existence. We soar, far above, we glide on with the help of our supermachines. For we can not only game, we can do EVERYTHING WITH OUR COMPUTERS. HAVE YOU EVER SEEN SOMEONE HACKING GOVERNMENT AGENCIES ON A CONSOLE? No. Have You Ever Seen someone buy everything they need on their console? No, BECAUSE YOU CANT. With a PC you can do everything. And We Do Everything. You cannot stop us. For the last time, YOU HARASSERS OF THIS SUB: WE WILL NOT GIVE UP. WE ARE WATCHING YOUR BRIGADES. WE AREN'T PREPARED TO LOOSE THIS WAR. LEAVE TRUE GAMERS ALONE, STOP POSTING POSITIVE NO MANS LIE REVIEWS FOR KARMA ON YOUR LITTLE SHIT SUB. I SAY THIS, AS A REPRESENTATIVE OF A VERY IMPORANT SECRET COMMUNITY GROUP OF GAMERS, STOP AT ONCE. You aren't prepared for what will come otherwise. You see we never back down. We will defend the right to be disappointed in the industry, the right to pirate, the right to shit so MASSIVELY ON DRM THAT YOU WOULD THINK GOD HIMSELF SHAT ON IT. LEAVE. REDDIT.NOW! And for the love of god, if you are going to be such assholes every day of your broken little lives, at least, stop the preordering. At least do ONE DECENT THING IN YOUR PATHETIC LITTLE EXISTENCE..I know mods over at /r/witcher just so you know, you have been warned ,, ,, ,,

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