Japanese Girls - The Guide

In just hours, learn seduction secrets
most gaijin in Japan don't know exist

Our eBook Japanese Girls - The Guide is the only guide that gives you all the secrets you need to meet and pick up girls in Japan.

It's the fastest way to success with Japanese girls. Guaranteed.

Become a master at picking up Japanese girls with our eBook

If you're visiting Japan or living in Japan already our 400 page eBook will give you the methods you need to pick up girls in Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka or any other city in Japan.

You DON'T need to learn Japanese to use the methods in the book. In fact, we explain why in some situations it's BETTER not to use any Japanese at all!

In a matter of hours, your game will be better than 99% of foreigners who have been in Japan for years, and you'll easily start to pick up Japanese girls.

Why normal pickup guides won't work with Japanese girls

Other guides are for western girls
Standard, generalised pickup guides like The Mystery Method, or The Rules of the Game can tell you how to meet girls in the USA or Europe, but once you've set foot in Japan, they're next to useless. Japanese girls don't respond to the same things. A hot Japanese girl will ignore or be offended by many of the 'classic' pickup methods like those used in The Rules of the Game by Neil Strauss, and The Art of Seduction.

Let's face it. Japan is different. That's why it's so much fun to visit and live here.
But if you want to be able to pick up Japanese girls with consistent success, you're going to have to change your game.

Why our eBook is the only guide that works in Japan

Our eBook is specifically for meeting Japanese girls

It's simple - Japanese Girls - The Guide is designed specifically for Japanese girls - whereas other pickup guides have been written mainly with American and European girls in mind. Experienced gaijin (foreigners in Japan) know that Asian girls are different to their Western counterparts. We show you easy-to-learn methods to take advantage of these differences so that you can pick up any Japanese woman or Japanese girl.

Written from our own experience

We wrote the guide because when we arrived in Japan, we were just like you! We thought we had mastered the pickup game but boy, were we wrong. Cute Japanese girls would pass us by and ignore us like we were typical average frustrated chumps.

After years of learning what works (and what doesn't!), becoming well-versed in the ins and outs of social customs, Japanese personality-types, dating rituals and techniques, we're confidently able to approach and interact with Japanese girls in any city, in any town, inside or outside Japan - and making it count! We're passing that expertise on to you so you can learn in hours what took us years.

How quickly can you benefit?

In a matter of hours. We give you the background information on why our techniques work, and then the real methods that will bring you success - guaranteed.
We learnt this stuff the long, hard way - complete with embarrassment, frustration and big bar bills (and Tokyo bars and clubs ain't so cheap).

Japanese Girls - The Guide eBook Cover

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Pick Up And Seduce Japanese Girls. Now.

400 page PDF eBook
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¥1995 (about $20)

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What does the eBook contain?

Our book is packed with easy-to-follow advice and instruction, and laid out in an approachable way that works equally for people just visiting Japan, for gaijin who've lived here for a while, and even for people outside of Japan, who want to meet and pick up Japanese girls in their own city.

1. The inside track on Japanese girls

• Japanese girls typified

College students, gyaru, company workers, high school girls, hostesses - we look at effective ways to typify Japanese girls based on their whereabouts, fashion, and attitude - and how to get their attention!

Hon'ne and Tatemae - "the true feeling" and "the social façade"

Japanese people are good at being polite. So good in fact, that often you just don't know whether you're seeing a Japanese girl's true feelings, or whether you're just getting a front for the sake of good manners. We'll teach how to sharpen your instincts so you can tell the difference between the hon'ne (true feelings), or the tatemae (social façade)...

• Popular myths about Japanese girls - and the reality behind them

We've seen it time and time again - foreigners 'think' they know about Japanese girls. We explore the truth behind the myths, and prevent you from being led astray!

Kotoba no ura (the "meaning behind the words")

Think your electronic dictionary is going to be enough to guide you around nuances and hidden meanings of the Japanese language? We look at Japanese phrases (and their English equivalents) which mean more than you'd ever imagine.

• Girl talk

We sat down with four young hot Japanese girls from different backgrounds, bought them some drinks, and let them talk freely in their own language about what turns them on - as well as what turns them off. We learned what they really think about foreign guys, and also what it's like to be a young, pretty, single girl in Japan today. The results took even us by surprise!

2. How to be 'You' in Japan

Your Personal Presentation

Learn the key traits that communicate presence, confidence, and attractiveness in Japan – and make a knockout first impression with any Japanese girl.

• The gaijin novelty factor

You're already considered something a bit different and special, just for the fact you're a foreigner in Japan - but it's a mistake to rely on this as the only tool in your box. We teach you how to capitalize on your exotic status without milking it dry.

• The Japanese Language

You might be pretty hot with the nihon-go in the classroom - but to the ears of a Japanese person, textbook Japanese can come across as dry and goofy. We look at the way Japanese is really used in Japan, by Japanese people today - and provide essential tips on how you can level up your language to sound a lot more natural.

• The Top Ten mistakes foreigners make with Japanese girls

Drawn from our own observations, other foreigners in Japan, and from talking to Japanese girls themselves, we've pinned down the top ten mistakes that foreigners are making with Japanese girls out there, every day - so you know not to make them!

3. A comprehensive lesson-based guide to picking up and seducing Japanese Girls

Everything from the initial approach, right through to getting intimate

• Places to meet Japanese girls

A detailed look at the many different social settings in Japan, and the types of Japanese girls you'll meet in each.

The Pattern... and how to break out of it

We show you how so many foreigners get caught in what we call The Pattern, locked into dead-end polite small-talk with Japanese girls - and going nowhere fast. We teach you how to recognise The Pattern, and, more importantly, how to break out of it - ensuring that you'll stand out from the rest!

• Dealing with the most difficult questions you'll get asked

Japanese girls are notorious for springing difficult yet crucial questions on you when you least expect it! We'll help you take a strong swing against these sudden curveballs.

• Japanese Girls and Email/Mobile Dating

You know that a Japanese girl's best friend is her phone. Learn how to keep her interested via SMS/email, to ensure you're only a call away from a great night out.

• Templates for great dates

Want to know how to structure and plan a great date? We've done the work for you, and provided full start-to-finish date ideas for any time of day, or year! We've even passed on some insider info as to some of our favorite little spots around Tokyo.

• Taking it further

How to smoothly cross that line from being "friendly" to "something more" - we tell all about our experiences, the things that we've found to work well for us - as well as the pitfalls to watch out for.

• In the bedroom

Yep - we're not holding back... we're taking you the whole way. Here we talk frankly and honestly about the things that go on behind closed curtains, and discuss how you can turn yourself into a fantastic lover, for any Japanese girl.

• True Stories

Real-life experiences of meeting, dating, and becoming intimate with Japanese girls from a variety of ages and backgrounds.

• ...all this, and much, much more.

BONUS: Cultural notes for 21st Century Japan

If you're new to Japan and Japanese culture, then take it from us - there's a world out there that you know very little about, with a minefield of social protocols, unwritten rules, and cultural quirks that will take you by surprise, and make you look like a novice... unless you take the shortcut of reading our guide - in which case you'll look like a natural.

Do I need to know any Japanese in order to read this book?

In a word: No. While we have provided a good deal of Japanese-language content in the book, we always provide a translation - so you can apply the same knowledge in English.
ALL Japanese content in this book is fully written out in Japanese (kanji/kana), and transliterated Japanese (English characters), as well as translated into English.

Special bonus eBook - Included FREE

Setting up a mixi account - the English guide

Move over MySpace and Facebook - mixi is Japan's premier social networking site, with over 25 million users. Every day scores of curious young Japanese girls turn to mixi to seek out new friends... as well as interesting, exotic boys. There's only one problem - the whole site is in Japanese, and there's no English version! With our comprehensive mixi start-up guide, this is a problem no longer. Using full-color screenshots and translations throughout, we'll take you all the way from the sign-up page, right through to making contact with girls in your area.

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Japanese Girls - The Guide

400 page PDF eBook
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¥1995 (about $20)

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150% guarantee

We know you'll get so much our of Japanese Girls - The Guide that we offer a full, 150%
no-conditions guarantee if you're not completely happy.

Sound strange? It just means that if you don't benefit from the techniques and advice in the book, we'll give back all your money + 50%, and you can keep the book including all the bonus material. You have a full 90 days from purchase to make up your mind.

About the authors


Call me SMASH. Hailing from London UK, I've lived as a foreigner in Tokyo for over 3 years now. I came to Japan as a language student - and started out completely naive and clueless about Japanese women. My early days in Tokyo were plagued by missteps and failure. Even though I came into contact with lots of girls, I struggled to get numbers, to get dates - and had no idea how to read the signals put out by Japanese women, or respond to cultural cues... I was completely lost at sea, and had no understanding of how to progress things to the level I wanted.

Fast-forward to present day, and now my biggest problem is finding the time to see all the girls that want to meet me! I learned that the problem wasn't that there was anything wrong with me - but rather that I needed a clue, to smoothly and expertly deal with girls, dating, and sex in a strange and foreign culture.

All the knowledge I gained from this journey, I have compiled into this book. Now I want to share it with you.


A living legend in Tokyo ex-pat foreigner circles - Japan veteran JohnnyRocket. Over ten years in Japan, Johnny has built up an unbelievable track record when it comes to meeting and dating Japanese women - having been involved with Tokyo fashion models, an NHK newscaster, multiple high-rent society women, and radio personalities - and more.

Johnny is notoriously secretive about his knowledge and methods - and so we're incredibly lucky to have him on board sharing this knowledge for the first time ever in written form.

400 page PDF eBook
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¥1995 (about $20)

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Without our eBook, these kinds of Japanese girls will pass you by. Seriously.

Without our eBook, these kinds of Japanese girls will pass you by. Seriously.


'When I arrived in Japan I just wasn't attracting the hot asian girls I expected. Japanese girls would just seem really confused when I tried to make the first steps in a Tokyo club or bar. After reading 'Pick Up...' I found actual valuable advice and local knowledge that would have taken years to discover on my own. Now I basically visit Harajuku and Roppongi and take my pick.'

James C,
English Teacher,
Roppongi, Tokyo

Do you want to screw up your only chance at a Japanese girl like this one?

Read our eBook for this kind of girl to be at your fingertips. Literally :)


'I'm not gonna say I was a casanova back home but I never had any problem. But when I came to live in Japan I just wasn't getting the 9s or 10s that I wanted (and there are quite a few out there). I was a bit sceptical about having to buy a guidebook in order to be able to do something that should come pretty naturally but it really opened my eyes. Now I'm much more confident and those 9s and the occasional ten are the only girls I go for. So I guess you could buy a round of drinks or this eBook - the book's worth a lot more!'

Chris F,
English Student,
Kagome, Tokyo

400 page PDF eBook
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¥1995 (about $20)

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Master the techniques in our eBook and this kind of girl is within reach.

Master the techniques in our eBook and this kind of girl is within reach.


'I barely know a word of Japanese and my accent is terrible. This had always been a mental barrier to getting out there and meeting Japanese girls. This book made me realise that the problem wasn't my lack of language ability but the fact I was falling into the same pattern as every gaijin out there. Japanese Girls - The Guide showed me how it's pretty simple to break out of that once you know how, and it doesn't really matter if you can't speak Japanese... gotta go because I'm out to Shibuya for more action!'

Andrew T,
Events Manager,
Shinjuku, Tokyo

It's worth it

Feel like dating her?

400 page PDF eBook
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'You really, really helped me.'

Pavel S,
Student, Waseda, Tokyo

'I learned a lot - especially the Pattern stuff really changed the way I approach girls.'

Guy H,
Importer, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya

'Totally worth it. Everyone back home is jealous at the stories I can tell now :)'

Heath T,
Web designer, Meguro,

'I don't know if it's easier out here in Hiroshima or not but I do know that using your book made pickup up girls way more fun and way more successful for me. Thanks dude.'

Patrick W,
Graphic designer,

400 page PDF eBook
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¥1995 (about $20)

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