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Sim Girl Cheats

Sim Girl

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Haspa

Extra money and high stats:
Enter "testbug" as a name to get $99,999 dollars and high stats.

Real ending:
To get the real ending on the real game, enter 105783 as a password.

Hidden fight mode for free relationship points:
To get free relationship points without too much work, go to the pub, click 
"Easy", then click the second option. There is not anything there, but if 
you click it you will fight the two enemies that are trying to take your 
girl. Repeat this at least twelve times and you should have 6,000 relationship 

Get your SimGirl in thirteen days: 
Start with Strength 28, Knowledge 1, and Charm 1. Train at the swimming pool 
solidly twice a day until Friday Day 12, increasing your Strength and Charm 
and gaining money. As a rough guide, provided you are using Hyper Hentai mode 
properly, you will need Strength 30 to win a Grade C race, Strength 60 to win 
Grade B, and Strength 120 to win Grade A. You will need lots of coffee and 
hankies. You can get free coffee (and medicine) by doing the Tutorial fight 
at the Fight Club as many times as desired. You will get 15 if you have 0 
coffees or +3 otherwise. On Sunday Day 7, increase your Charm at the Fight 
Club (drink beer in v2.3 or sleep with a prostitute in version v2.8). In v2.8 
only, on Wednesday Day 10 vote for Tomoko at the weird "Kof Cosplay" at City 
Hall. Do one last pool race on Day 12 morning. You should be winning Grade A 
by now. Then, go to the Mall and buy six necklaces (v2.3) or rings (v2.8) and 
one teddy bear. Speak to Tomoko twice (to boost your experience beyond 20), 
give her the six necklaces/rings, and she will be putty in your hands. 
You will have over 1,500experience points and you will advance directly from 
Stranger to Close Friend, She will tell you what day she is free for a date. 
Take her to the Sleeping Forest (v2.8 only; do not bother hiring the car). 
Give her coffee/hanky/medicine if necessary, answer her questions correctly,
give her the teddy, take her photo, and slot her a Frenchie. She should now 
be your girlfriend. Finally on Saturday Day 13, increase your experience to 
over 6,000. To do this, visit Tomoko's house and the play the panties game 
with her. With some practice you can get this correct every time, and have 
limitless money for no endurance. Play until you have enough money to buy 
fifteen necklaces/rings and give them to Tomoko. 
Note: Phone her a few times first to make sure she is not with the other 
person. Then, go back to her house and she will be gagging for it. Keep one
ring in hand to give to her now. If desired, before this you can use the 
same trick to get the other girl out on a date and also make her your 

Kotomi Takanashi's information:
Kotomi Takanashi
Phone Number: 866-731-8410
Birthday: August 29
Her mom works at: MIScom
Favorite Movie: You and Me
Favorite Car: 360 Spyder
Favorite Song: Titanic
Favorite Colors: Black, Red, Brown, Yellow
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Waist: 53
Breast: 84
Weight: 43 kg
Height: 155 cm
Blood Type: O 

Tomoko Saeki's information:
Tomoko Saeki
Phone Number:866-656-7354
Birthday: November 21
Her dad works at Ecophobia Games
Favorite Movie: The Ancient KungFu Fighters
Favorite Car: Carrera GT
Favorite Song: Blurry Eyes
Favority Colors: Red, Blue, Black, Pink
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Breast: 88
Hips: 89
Waist: 56
Weight:47 kg
Height: 163 cm
Blood Type: AB

Easy bonus game:
During the bonus game, just right click and select "Play" making the time stop. 
Then just start shooting to win.

Infinite money:
First go to the pub and fight and lose until you have at leat -3000 then on day 
34 go to school, it's underwear day how exciting, anyway go in the classroom and 
bet type 100$ then backspace and put 0$ then press next then type 100$ then press 
next then type 200$ then press next when you get outside look where it tells you 
your money if it says nan then it worked, and remember don't give the first girl 
any money because she isn't hot.

Unlimited cash and and points will all the girls:
Ok first u will have 2 wait 2 underwear day at the school when they ask u how much
you will spend on there underwear type o( THATS NOT ZERO!!!)and u will buy it 
without spending money do that 4 all the girls and u will see a Nan by your money
(Nan means unlimited) and if u check your phone u will see Nan by all the girls 
name so all you have 2 do now is just ask away and then a perfect date.
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