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GeForce 210

Every PC needs good graphics.

Graphics processing has become an essential ingredient to the modern PC. Nowadays, we simply demand more from our PCs. If you want to enhance photos, edit videos, watch movies, play games, or if you simply desire a Premium Windows® 7 Experience, the NVIDIA® GeForce® 210 graphics card brings impressive graphics processing power to your PC at an incredible value.

PureVideo Spectacular Video
Get all the video processing power that your digital lifestyle requires. Enhance photos, clean up home videos and post them to Facebook up to 50% faster2 with the GeForce 210. Convert your video and put it on your iPod in minutes instead of hours3 or make your DVDs look like HD. Does your PC have a CPU powerful enough to playback high definition Blu-Ray Movies? It doesn’t matter, the GeForce 210 can playback any Blu Ray Movie with any modern CPU4.

Sims 3 Gorgeous Graphics
Modern games and 3D applications demand more graphics performance than ever before and Intel integrated graphics simply aren’t good enough. With 16 processing cores, the GeForce 210 delivers over 10x the performance1 of Intel integrated solutions! If you want to play popular mainstream games like World of Warcraft, Spore or Sims3, the GeForce 210 is an essential addition to your PC.
© 2009 Electronic Arts Inc. EA, the EA logo, The Sims, The Sims 3 logo, and The Sims plumbob design are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved.

Windows 7 Premium Windows 7 Experience
Graphics processing units (GPUs) are an essential element of today’s PCs, enabling more visual and more interactive experiences. As a leader in visual computing and the inventor of the GeForce GPU, NVIDIA worked closely with Microsoft on the development of Windows 7 to ensure that its GPUs take full advantage of the great new features and functionality. If you use your PC to enhance photos, watch or edit videos, play games, or if you simply desire a fast and efficient graphical interface, NVIDIA GPUs will surely delight your senses and offer a premium Windows 7 experience.

1 Compared to Intel G45. Measured using 3DMark Vantage, Performance Pre-set on a Pentium Dual Core E5200 system
   with 2GB RAM, Vista SP1.
2 Compared to E8200 CPU with no GPU. Measured using MotionDSP vReveal on G31 system with 2GB RAM, Vista SP1.
3 Comparison made using 30min 720p video clip on a Core2 Duo E8200, G31 system with 2GB RAM, Vista SP1. CPU test
   run on Apple iTunes. GPU test run on Elemental Technologies Badaboom.
4 Intel Atom CPU or better

Cool Stuff
GeForce 3D Vision
Graphics Plus