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香港・マカオ旅行 - 行きの飛行機遅延のその後

香港・マカオ旅行の行きの飛行機が遅延した件でキャセイに complaint を送ったのだけど、それの返事やっとが来た。

Our Ref. HKG/2xxxx

23 September 2009



Thank you for completing an online feedback form and a comment card regarding your experience when travelling with us from Nagoya to Hong Kong on 27 August 2009.

We are extremely sorry to learn of the delay of flight CX533 and truly regret that you missed your dinner at the Grand Hyatt in Hong Kong subsequently. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience or disappointment that may have been caused on this occasion.

As you are aware, the captain due to operate this flight fell ill and was declared unfit for the journey to Hong Kong. In view of the same, we had to await another captain to fly the aircraft who would arrive only on the next flight into Nagoya. Please allow me to assure you that we do our best to deliver passengers to their final destination as scheduled. Regrettably despite our best efforts it may not be possible to completely eliminate all the factors that can lead to a flight delay and it is unavoidable that we can be faced with such situations as the last minute.

Upon contacting the Nagoya Airport, I am given to understand that you strongly requested for an earlier arrival flight into Hong Kong in order to catch up with the party at the Grand Hyatt hotel. Hence the staff offered to protect you on flight CI151 or CX565 whose arrival time was scheduled at 1550 hours. As you expressed your dissatisfaction with flying China Airlines (CI), the staff also offered JL655 with arrival time 1550 hours. I note that you asked for an upgrade on JL655, however since you had Japan Airlines redemption tickets you were instead offered an upgrade on flight CX533, which was accepted. Furthermore I understand that the duty supervisor tried to ensure your comfort and allowed use of the Cathay Pacific Lounge in order that you may rest.

During any flight disruption, our staff will make all the necessary arrangements to minimise the inconvenience caused. We have received detailed ground reports, which indicate that the delay handling was in line with our set procedures. However, I would like to advise that we do not normally offer compensation for delays that are beyond our control. Nonetheless in view of your disappointment, our staff offered earlier arrival flight options which could have been availed of, and also acceded to your request for an upgrade as an exception. Given the foregoing, we regret that we are unable to provide any further compensation and must respectfully decline.

However, we do once again apologise for the disappointment caused on this occasion and express the sincere hope that your future travels with us will be satisfactory in all respects. We look forward to the pleasure of welcoming you aboard our flights again.

Yours sincerely,

Customer Relations


しかも、今回の遅延が「beyond our control」とまで言ってるので、
スタンバイパイロットの手配ミスは「beyond CX's control」でなくて「under CX's control」だろうΣ( ̄□ ̄;)
香港の友人も、そこが突っ込むポイント、と言ってくれたので、二人で腹黒い相談をして、香港観光局と香港の新聞(South China Morning Post)に以下の文章を投稿した。

I believed that Cathay Pacific is one of the top-most airlines all over the world. But I was very disappointed about the handling of over 6 hours delay of CX533 on 27/AUG/2009 from Nagoya to Hong Kong. The delay was caused by a pilot's ill and no existence of stand-by pilot at Nagoya. I guess CX533's delay was caused by Cathay Pacific's mishandling.

My friend and I was supposed to have dinner with my friends in Hong Kong at Grand Hyatt on 27/AUG/2009 and the table had already been reserved. But, due to the delay, we had to cancel the dinner and call and say sorry to my friends in Hong Kong. With regrets that some friends departed Hong Kong that night and we missed the chance to meet each others!

At the beginning, Cathay Pacific's ground staff offered us an alternate flight which arrived at Hong Kong airport at 15:50. But 15:50 arrival time in Hong Kong was too late to meet the starting time of the dinner. Moreover, they offered one-way upgrade to business class. I took their offer because of the limited choice CX offered, but thought it's not valuable enough for our missing dinner at Grand Hyatt, 6-hour-Hong-Kong-sightseeing time.
Besides, I'm a computer engineer and calculating my salary into day/hour basis, I earn JPY50,000 a day, JPY6,000 a hour, I lost possible JPY40,000 earnings. I took a day off just for the morning flight and main purpose was for the dinner and sightseeing on the same day, but due to the delay, both are lost and I lost possible JPY40,000 earnings. If I knew the delay beforehand and was able to change flight without commission, I might change the flight to the afternoon flight on the previous day, or work at the office (i.e. earn JPY40,000) and then go to the airport. CX533 arrived at Hong Kong around 8pm-8:30pm and we reached a hotel at 10pm. What we could do on that day was only to buy some snacks and mineral water at a convenience store and just sleep - What a miserable day for taking a day off!

I'm not sure that single upgrade was enough for my missing dinner, 6-hour-sightseeing at Hong Kong and possible JPY40,000 earning from the point of CX, but I assume we deserve more in addition to one-way upgrade. Am I ask Cathay too much?

After our trip, I sent a complaint to Cathay Pacific and a reply made me disappointed again. As my understanding, they thought only alternate flight or one way upgrade was good enough. And they said that the 6-hour delay caused by a captain's sickness and no stand-by pilot was "beyond our control!" I don't think it was "beyond CX's control" but "under CX's control". The delay was not caused by weather, war or terrorists, but by Cathay's mishandling - Cathay's fault! As for my understanding that, CX is one of the best Airline in Hong Kong and which is famous about services! However, from my experience this time, I discovered that CX only provide services and alternatives from their point of views, but not with compassion with their guests. To improve their service standard, I think this is a key factor that CX should do more! As a supportive guests of CX, I gave them a second chance to write them about my comments for their service recovery, however, CX seems to be ignoring comments from a supportive guest! I take international flights several times a year, but this unique handling way and response by Cathay was the worst in my life. Every time when I make a trip to Hong Kong, I took CX flights even it was more expensive than China Airline or Chinese blar blar airlines. I believed that Cathay's service are worth while it's flight fare but this time my dream of Cathay was torn off.

Could you tell me what I should do? Should I still take flight of CX again? I'll attach a copy of Cathay's response.

Best Regards,



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投稿: 通りすがり | 2009.09.27 15:37


投稿: 通行人 | 2009.09.27 16:57


投稿: 天誅 | 2009.09.27 17:36

こういうことをする人として RMKS 付いちゃったことでしょう。

投稿: | 2009.09.27 17:50

良いマ ソ コ持ってる女は基本関係続けるけど・・・



投稿: くらっちんぐ!!!! | 2009.09.27 18:43


投稿: 反朝鮮 | 2009.09.27 22:29





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