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Old 19-06-2006, 08:23 AM
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Default Mainichi Daily News - Yoko Kumada & Takashi Okamura

Found this news in other website. Thought I will post it at here for you guys to have a look.


Mainichi Daily News - Yoko Kumada & Takashi Okamura

Bonk buddies? Damned if they did, damned if they didn't

She (Yoko Kumada) says nothing happened. He (Takashi Okamura) says nothing happened. But do they protest too much?Buxom starlet Yoko Kumada's chance to clarify a potential scandal on national television looks to have turned out to be a booby, according to Josei Seven (3/9).

One of Japan's glossy weeklies caught 23-year-old Kumada sneaking out of the posh Tokyo apartment of comedian Takashi Okamura in the wee hours of the morning one day, a full 17 hours after she had first gone inside.

With neither attached, there seemed to be nothing untoward about the tryst, until Okamura, a member of the comedy duo Ninety Nine, came out on radio saying that he and a friend had invited Kumada and a friend to have a casserole together.

It was Okamura's strong insistence that nothing untoward happened between he and Kumada that now has much of Japan suggesting that something did, in fact, go on in his apartment.

"If he hadn't tried to make excuses, the matter would have ended right there. But he was so defiant in claiming that the whole thing was innocent, they everybody thought they must have been bonking," a TV industry insider tells Josei Seven.

As a firmly established celebrity in Japan's close-knit and fickle entertainment world, it doesn't do much harm for the 35-year-old Okamura's career to have him associated with a busty young babe. But for that young babe in question -- Kumada -- exposure in a scandal, is potentially disastrous and threatens a career still in its fledgling stage.

'Did you bonk him?' asks Akiko Wada.Enter Akiko "Akko" Wada, the Donna, the self-proclaimed Godmother of the Japanese entertainment world. Kumada made an appearance on Wada's Sunday midday program on the TBS network and the Donna put the young starlet firmly in the spotlight.

Wada probed Kumada about the encounter with Okamura, repeatedly urging the young star to tell about what really happened in the comedian's apartment. When Kumada merely giggled, Wada hit her with both barrels.

"So, did you bonk him?" Josei Seven quotes Wada saying on the show, aired at a time when families across Japan were just sitting down getting ready to tuck into their lunches.Wada simply guffawed again, so Wada repeated the question. Her co-host, Ryota Mine, also asked her.

Kumada went bright red, but turned and looked directly into the camera.

"I'll say it clearly now," Josei Seven quotes the starlet saying. "We did not do anything."

Kumada's sincere approach seemed to be enough to quell the gossip, but now it's got Godmother Wada in trouble.

Josei Seven (3/9)"Wada set up the incident to give Kumada a chance to publicly air her side of the story," an entertainment world insider says. "Kumada's almost a regular on Wada's show and Wada talked about the incident so the starlet would get a chance to have her say."

Though Wada may have been noble, some say she could have chosen a better platform to give Kumada her chance.

"Akko was probably looking to have a frank discussion and Kumada appears to have responded to that," entertainment columnist Perry Ogino tells Josei Seven.

"Mind you, I think you've got to question the wisdom of letting her talk about things like 'bonking' right on midday. It would have perhaps gone over better if Akko directed her comments to all the celebrities appearing on the show at that time instead of just Kumada."
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Old 03-08-2006, 12:21 PM
Tanizaki Tanizaki is offline
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Here's the exchange. I don't think I'd use "bonk" as my translation.

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