joshie to the rescue!

月曜日, 3月 13 日

con te partiro

another day, another dime. pub quiz went as well as can be expected, with us losing again. emily refused to get her tits out. me and my sister laura t humped lustpuppy with vigor.

next day we went to kojo park and played kick the soccer ball into josh's injured ankle. i complained too much about that game so we started playing kick the soccer ball into josh's head. thanks for that, other josh. (the real reason i went to kojo park was to re-molest the naked man statue. laura t says that i did it so i could have autumn and winter shots of me molesting the statue. she was right.)

i'm playing the prince in toyama's jet production of shindarera this year. we have rehearsals on sundays and wednesdays. i slept through most of yesterday's rehearsals. i also don't know my lines. we all act annoyed with geoff and brad for not knowing their 10 lines throughout the entirely play, but i secretly enjoy it as it takes away from me not knowing any of mine. =) i also like how it's just an extension of last night's partying for them...they certainly keep it interesting.

went to takaoka afterwards for some hot emma lovin'. we took the hottest purikura ever with her and bf angelo, student chiharu, and mom emma's mom. we also had some dericious shangri la food! it was fucking great!! i wish i had a shangri la here in uozu. ah well. i may not have dericious indian food, but i have 135's and peyote. who could honestly ask for more? i mean, the same great chikin fajita dish and following nomihodai (all you can drink) for a few hours after that at the best bar in the ken every weekend is certainly a benefit of living in m1 building, uozu!

as always, we have corporate sponsors. today's story is about japan's hypocritical obsession with korean things. hypocritical because they hate korean people. well, not necessarily hate them as much as they know they are vastly superior to them (and everyone/thing else not japanese). anyway, continuing on: *begin news item*

Yon-sama Pachinko has Japan's older generation by the round and shinies

Pachinko in the central Japanese city of Nagoya has received a much-needed shot in the arm courtesy of Bae Yong-Joon, the South Korean actor who has touched the hearts of middle-aged Japanese women like few before, according to Josei Jishin (3/21).

Middle-aged and elderly women flocked to pachinko parlors in the hopes of playing the vertical pinball game on a "Winter Sonata" themed machine, after the maudlin South Korean TV show that three years ago sparked Japan's unabated craze for all things Korean.

Pachinko requires players to fire little steel balls onto a vertical board dotted with decorations and pins, as well as holes for which more balls are paid out if one lands inside. Players know they're about to hit a jackpot when the machine enters a stage called "reach." If the player can get a ball to land in a hole during the "reach" stage, the machine's payout rapidly escalates. It continues doing so as long as balls keep on entering holes, which isn't as easy as it sounds because the nails are strategically (or deliberately) pounded in to make that task almost as difficult as possible.

*end news item*

pachinko is a mystery. tens upon tens of people flock to each gaudy, vegas-style lit-up parlor every night to lose their money. some people claim to have skill at pachinko, but it's really more of a game of chance, which is why it's often bundled with slots. these balls come down and filter through the pegs completely randomly. whatev, people. i reckon i'll play it at least once before i leave japan as it's a life experience but i'm not spending more than ¥1,000.

last night at dinner i had a pretty big bomb dropped on me. but i'm glad it was sooner than later. i love you, emma.

in closing, i'm listening to alan parson project's "don't answer me" from my 80's compilation playlist. there was no valid reason for me to share that other than to buffer my short, short blog.


i think you should change the background.
also the column on the left of the page overlaps the writing so you can't read some of it.
apart from that its a sensational blog, easily one of the top 5 blogs i've read today!
the background is fine. too bad the column overlaps for people using internet explorer. it's an inferior browser. can't help you there.
compliments are always appreciated even though you've probably only read like 3 blogs today.
Brad and Geoff: Happily lowering standards to make everyone else feel better since 2005.

We do what we can, my friend.

tell uncle joe who's a commie pinko...

名前: josh
場所: uozu, toyama, Japan


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