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Japan shines spotlight on pedophiles in schools

By Ryann Connell
May 4, 2005

Japan's schools are fast becoming breeding grounds for sexual predators, with teachers being punished last year for lewd attacks on pupils like never before, according to Shukan Josei, which offers parents a guide on how to protect their kids from pervert educators.

"Media coverage of educators' sex crimes is not becoming more obvious simply because the number of cases is increasing, but also because the police and the courts are making sure that these incidents are coming to the surface now instead of being hidden away," Seiko Konishi, a psychological counselor and professor at Musashino University, tells Shukan Josei.

Konishi and other experts like educational commentator Susumu Abe say the main cause of the skyrocketing instances of teachers sexually abusing their charges is stress.

"With the breakdown of discipline in schools, falling grades caused by relaxed education policies and problems like textbook content, the (long-disputed) national flag and national anthem, educators are beset by problems that makes it a struggle just for teachers to get by for themselves," Abe tells Shukan Josei. "With children maturing physically at a rate never seen before, it's not uncommon for some girls even in lower grades to have a physical appearance resembling a grown woman. Some teachers appear to forget that their students are little girls and instead mistakenly see them as women. An extremely large number of teachers caught touching their students claimed to have been prompted by stress."

Konishi says that preparation is the best prevention for children confronted by lecherous educators.

"Parents should always be aware that their children are potential targets and constantly warn them of the dangers that strangers can pose," she says. "American guidebooks for children tell them that there is a triangle extending from both shoulders to between their legs in which they should never allow anybody else to touch them. If they are touched within that triangle, the children are taught that they should scream for help at the top of their voice.

"It's also important for parents to get their children to regularly practice screaming for help. They shouldn't also just be given an alarm bell, but also taught how to use it while they are carrying their schoolbags."

Konishi adds that it's vital for families to be there to help kids, especially if they do fall prey to a perverted teacher.

"It's vital to build a parental relationship in which the child can feel at ease. Kids are about more than just their grades at school. They have to feel good about themselves. Even if a child is abused by a teacher, the more stable a family relationship, the better chance the child will recover with less long-term pain," Konishi tells Shukan Josei. "Any child sexually abused needs counseling. Somebody close to the child has to hear what happened, put them at ease and let them know that they are safe. Abuse of one child can often affect entire families. It's of prime importance that parents do everything they can to put the abused child at ease and secure their safety. Only then can work begin on healing the hurt child."

Mainchi Daily

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