Bondage master Arisue not yet at the end of his rope

Friday, April 7, 2006

MSN-Mainichi Daily News:

Still, being at the peak of one's powers isn't necessarily all fun and games; sometimes painful pitfalls occur as well. Last September, Arisue experienced the scare of his life when his female subject, 34-year-old manga artist and ex-mental hospital patient Taeko Uzuki, slit her own throat on stage during a live SM performance.

An ambulance was summoned and the medics saved her life, but she required 13 stitches in her neck. Uzuki's motive for the suicide attempt, in her own words, was that she '. . .wanted to get back at him (Arisue), for reneging on his promise to keep tying me up.'

Presently Arisue gives live performances each Friday evening at a 'happening bar' in Shinjuku. He also conducts a bondage 'night school,' from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. each Saturday night, in Tokyo's Roppongi district.

Charges for participation are as follows: Men who want to tie someone up, 10,000 yen; men who want to be tied up themselves, 20,000 yen; couples, 10,000 yen; women who want to tie up someone; 5,000 yen. And if you're a
woman who desires to be stripped, tied up, whipped and otherwise humiliated before an audience, Arisue is delighted to oblige you absolutely free of charge.
Being stuck in suburban New Jersey for the past couple weeks, it's comforting to be reminded that Tokyo still lives on in all its seedy glory, far, far away.


Nikki 4/07/2006 02:14:00 AM  

Interesting. Odd... yet interesting.*goes to sleep now*

Kitano 4/07/2006 02:30:00 AM  

Jesus christ! Rock! The obscureness that is japaneseness is indeed an interesting world. Everything in that article sounds like something taken out of a sinister underworld/cyberpunk movie or something... Good stuff.

cengiz 4/07/2006 02:54:00 AM  

I still think there ain't nothing a hug can't fix.

Shay 4/07/2006 03:59:00 AM  

Now those are my kind of performances...No, No not at all. >_>

haru 4/08/2006 07:44:00 AM the japanese to come up with something like this.

dennis Bauer 4/09/2006 11:21:00 PM  

I rather see Zombie Lolita then some bondage guy ^__^

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