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Re: 世界のノーシスの動き(オスカー先生のスピーチ)  投稿者:野次馬君  投稿日:2009年 6月18日(木)10時17分33秒   返信・引用
  > No.452[元記事へ]

この前 David 大先生が「最後だ」とかいって品のない投稿してたじゃん?



そんで David が全然役に立たなかったから、今度はボスのスピーチかよ。

まず David みたいな品性のかけらもない奴はクビにしないとな。



君たちも David みたいなアホについて行くなら、とっとと伝道コケ師になってアジアと


Re: 世界のノーシスの動き(オスカー先生のスピーチ)  投稿者:和魂  投稿日:2009年 6月18日(木)05時44分3秒   返信・引用  編集済
  > No.452[元記事へ]


> KoradiRadioより、AGEACオスカー先生のスピーチです。
> 世界におけるノーシス活動などなど。。(ただし、スペイン語で。)
> これからの世界の情勢についてもお話いただいています。
> *ダウンロードサイト*
> 英語、日本語訳も今後取り組んでいけたらと思っています。
> Gnosis Japan
> AGEAC(人類文化科学研究グノーシス協会)
> www.gnosisjapan.com




Mr.Oscar Uzcatequiのスピーチの(以前ビデオ画面上にあった)和訳が何かの事情で消えていますので、



Gnostic Congress of Transvaluation
Agra – India – October, 2008

Done on 10.24.2008 by
Mr. Oscar Uzcategui Quintero,
Internacional Coordinator of AGEAC

Your Excellency, Prime Minister in Exile of Tibet, and direct representative of His Holiness The Dalai Lama, Mr. Samdhong Rinpoche.
Dear organizers of this great congress Mr. Kamal Nagraj and Ms. Getika Nagraj.
Beloved brothers of the National triumvirate of Spain: Mr. Miguel Angel E. (National President), Mr. Andrés V. F. (National Vicepresident), Mr. Jaime M. B. (National Secretary).
Esteemed brothers constituents of the national triumvirates of AGEAC all over our world.
Brothers and sisters Gnostic missionaries. Brothers and sisters sympathizers of our institution: INVERENCIAL PEACE!
The history of Gnosis expands and becomes even more extraordinaire today, when with the favor of the divinities of this beautiful country, we celebrate this great event which marks a milestone in the transformation of human thinking.
The city of Agra, which contains one of the most beautiful monuments of the patrimony of humanity, opened its doors so that, through the Samaelian Gnosis, we once again give the opportunity to the human hearts to hold here a forum for philosophical and mystical interchange, which helps us contribute to the betterment of man of this XXI century.
Gathered in a mystical assembly, the sons of God of the millenary India wanted to give us shelter, so that we now begin, among us, a superior stage in our stony path that will take us, in a luminous and triumphant way, until the ineffable heights of the Almighty Being.
Without doubt, dear friends, sympathizers, Gnostic brothers and sisters, Gnosis is the missing link which gives concrete clarification, precise and practical, to all philosophical, mystical and religious schools of the entire world in which we live and have an existence.
We entered the century of electronics and Spatial Era with great fury and, while the powers of the world get ready to begin the search for life on the neighboring planets, at the same time, paradoxically, the human on Earth suffer the worst crisis in the course of their evolution.
At the moment of completely deciphering the code of the human genome, the human society is ironically immersed into a great confusion, and an enormous interior void, which practically leads to self-extinction and the destruction of our mother planet.
Never in the history of humanity have we assisted to such a radical forgetting of our spiritual roots, and to such an abuse of all ethical principles which serve as the frame of the human dignity.
Our studies are strictly directed to the regeneration of the transcendental values which justify the existence of what we call “Civilization”.
However, we cannot call “civilization” the atrocity we witness every day in the four cardinal points of our world. We cannot talk about “civilization” when thousands of people suffer from hunger, thirst, and political and social chaos.
Neither is it “civilized” to subdue this or that country to economic strangulation, with the unhealthy purpose of making powerful and rich many others.
The true civilization starts when the human species can explain its true origin, where it comes from, why it exists and where it needs to go. Man entered the vicious circle of searching for mere pleasure, forgetting that, as the wise Solomon well said, the pleasure brought to an extreme only leads to pain, so that “When it is about judging pleasure, men are impartial judges”…
We see everywhere, unfortunately, the state of technological-military competition between certain countries, and generally among all of them. Unquestionably, this is the obvious symptom that tells us, that signals right here, the absurd march that started towards the fabrication of the Tower of Babel mentioned to us in the Christian-Hebrew sacred texts.
The present world, dear brothers and friends coming from many latitudes and reunited here in a philosophical assembly, is prisoner of Maya, of the collective sleep of the consciousness, as very well emphasized the divine Shidarta Gautama Sakiamuni.
We need with supreme urgency to return to the original departure point. We need to recuperate our interior profound Being, for achieving true human identity. The Gnostic principles possess, fortunately, three fundamental characteristics, namely:

• FIRST: Are made by a superior logic which converts them into a revolutionary didactic.
• SECOND: Are verifiable, a hundred percent, in any social layer of the human conglomerate, regardless of the race, the color, the creed or the gender which identifies it.
• THIRD: Is actual at any moment, in any century, in any millennium.
It was always said, in the orthodoxy of the philosophy, that Gnosis mysteriously appears every time our world goes through a general crisis, and when it appears it is for signaling new paths, new directions, to the masses that require a new order of things…
All the content of the Vedic wisdom, of Buddhism, of Lamaism, of Judaism, of Taoism etc., etc., etc. is eminently Gnostic because it is looking to unravel, in every moment, the enigma of the Being, the Mystery of the Being, the omnipresent reality of the Being…
The Being is the Being, and the reason for the Being to be needs to be looked for in the same Being, this is said by the Gnosis of yesterday, today and of always. The Being is beyond the mind, beyond the intellect, beyond emotions and affections. It is the Being that part of divinity that corresponds to each of us, and of which we separated because we forgot about our own selves.
We are reunited here because we want to tell the world, with the entire strengths of our souls, that it is possible to find a way out of the labyrinth fabricated by the rational humanoid mistakenly called MAN.
We are here to honor, one more time, the Great Avatar and Buddha Maitreya, Dr. Samael Aun Weor, Father of the contemporary Gnostic anthropology and eternal president of our Institution.
Praise and glory to this great sage around which revolve our studies! Praise to the one who allowed us unite the oriental hemisphere with the occidental hemisphere, thanks to his holy doctrine reconciling the thought with the psyche, which are inherent to all of us that are present here.
Gnosis is self-defining as a liberating knowledge and when we really apply it vehemently we may see the results in a matter of seconds, we are where we are and we go where we go…
Gnosis does not belong exclusively to certain latitudes of our world, as it blossoms in the middle of all teachings of the great philosophical and spiritual preceptors of all times who incarnated their interior reality.
The revolution proposed by Gnosis is the revolution of the consciousness, and this is constituted of three basic factors which would be:
a. -The death of all inhuman elements that we carry in our interior.
b. -The second birth, or the creation of the psychic structures which allow us to capture directly the life unfolded in the superior dimensions of the space.
c. -The sacrifice for humanity, which is no other than the fight for the material and spiritual welfare of our fellow man.
This entire wonderful ensemble will give us the true freedom in the most real sense of the word.
Friends, we did not come here simply for seeing what is going on, or for spending the time on unsubstantial and ambiguous charlatanism.
We came to study thoroughly the causes of the human suffering, the reasons of the wars, the reasons of the detestable fratricides, the reasons of hunger, the reasons of the ideological, political, social or religious confusion, which devastate us as a frightening flagellum every day of our existence.
Our Tibetan brothers gave us for many centuries enormous and powerful keys to achieve what the Gnostics call “the intimate self-realization of the Being”.
The Buddhist brothers offer us the path to reach the intimate Buddha inside each of us. The Gnostics offer them the path to conquer the intimate Christ. Both paths are indispensable in order to obtain the desired total liberation. No one reaches the kingdom of Krishna, or of Christ, without knowing the Atman, the Intimate, the interior Buddha.
In a similar manner the Hebrew wisdom offers us the crown of the Kether, the elder of the days of the Hebrew Kabbalah, and no one can obtain it without previously incarnating the beloved son, the intimate Christ, the divine Chokmah.
We need, dear brothers and friends, to transvalue our teaching, so we make flesh, blood and bones all this wealth of diverse knowledge that was given to us by the intervention of the divine mercy.
Nevertheless, it was us who despised and condemned the valuable contribution of Tson Ka Pa, Moses, Buddha, Jesus Christ, Confucius, Lao- Tsé etc., etc.
Now, thanks to the sacred pen of our Gnostic Patriarch, Dr. Samael Aun Weor, there were revealed to us all these keys and relics of self-knowledge and, today we have no more excuses to elude our responsibility before gods and before history.
It is history that will judge this human formicary, and give account of the characteristic that constitutes it at present moment, which is nothing else but CRUELTY…
Here we are again, standing up to give clear testimony for posterity regarding the power and the strength of the Gnostic postulates.
Our Congress is named “Congress of Gnostic transvaluation” because it certainly arrived the supreme hour of transvaluing profoundly our teaching. Therefore the words of our founding President, Dr. Samael Aun Weor, become appropriate:
When we don’t put in practice the teachings given in the third chamber and publicized in our books, undoubtedly we cannot understand the Gnostic esoteric Work.
Remember the parable of the merchant in the Christian gospel. It was the case of a merchant who wanted to posses a precious pearl, but it happen that at the time he did not have the means to do it. What did he do? He sold everything he had, all his assets, everything that he owned with the goal of obtaining this precious pearl, and he obtained it…
In a like manner, the Christic esoteric work is a PRECIOUS PEARL. To obtain it one needs to leave behind all sorts of SECONDARY INTERESTS, abandon everything that in this world can attract and distract us, and dedicate ourselves exclusively to the Work.
The majority of people are content with reading, reading and more reading, but they practice nothing. The Gnostic disciples must vocalize daily, must practice the A.Z.F Arcanum, must learn to depart in astral body, must know how to defend against tenebrous, etc., etc.
I, Samael Aun Weor, send you my greetings. I want your progress, and this is all. What I do ask from you is PATIENCE, TENACITY and CONSISTENCY. The disciple that is not tenacious, the disciple that is impatient, will obtain nothing in these studies. Therefore, if you want to progress, you need to be patient and tenacious.
It is needed intensive action, noble intentions are not enough; action is necessary and this, precisely this, is what revolutionary Gnostics have to do. We must advance with firmness, determined and vigorous; we need to attend millions of people, no matter the cost. We need to organize Gnostic groups everywhere, in the cities, in the villages, in the public education world, in the world of the spiritual inquietudes, etc., etc., etc.
The blessings of his Holiness Dalai Lama, of the divine Rector of the Great White Fraternity V.M. Sanat Kumará, of all Dharmapala Buddhas which form the ineffable retinue of the blessed: Amogha Shidi, Bhagavan Vairochana, Bhagavan Ratna Shambaba, of Patma Shambaba, the divine Vajrasatva, the inefable Aberamentho, and of Martian Logos Samael Aun Weor, they are with us!...
Nothing resists, dear friends, the power of the prayer!
Nothing resists the power of conscious love!
Nothing resists the divine body of the Truth!
Nothing resists the power of psychological work in action, and practiced repeatedly every day of our existence!
Nothing and nobody can stop us now in this luminous and triumphal march, because where the darkness is most thick, it shines even more the light of Gnosis, the light of the revealing knowledge of the Being!
Our Tibetan and Indian brothers, present here, must know that our institution is also engaged in the fight they sustain against the malignant forces of this kali-yuga.
They should also know that they are not alone, because starting today our people will carry their mystical and social claims to all the subsidiaries of our institution around the world.
We know the great secret of Aryabarta. We also want the peaceful coexistence of the peoples in terms of equality, liberty and fraternity. Any human being has full right to happiness, to spiritual and material plenitude, and therefore we join them, the Tibetans, in the correct feeling, the correct thinking and the correct acting…
We need, dear brothers and friends, to create the man inside ourselves. Confucius said it very clearly: “It is not the truth that heightens the man, but the Man who heightens the truth.”
However, this man is the self-realized man. The man that belongs to himself. The man who is capable of seeing reflected in the fellow human being the face of the divine creator. This is the man of which speaks Nietzsche.
First we need to create the real man inside ourselves, and then we need to think about the super-man.
The super-man is not a myth. The super-man exists and is here, among us, represented by the divine forces which accompany and protect our congress.
The teachings of Manco Cápac among the Incas, of Quetzalcoatl among the Aztecs, Kukulkán among the Mayas, of Osiris among the Egyptians, of Ahura-Mazda among the Persians, of Dionisios among the Greeks and Romans of antiquity, of our lord Buddha Siddhārtha Gautama Sakyamuni, of Jesus-Christ among the primitive Christians etc., etc., represent the center of gravity of our liberation.
We, the Gnostic, want just one thing: THE TRIUMPH OF THE TRUTH, as it is written in the sacred Gnostic gospels: Seek the truth, and the truth you will set you free!...
We came here, beloved friends, to demolish the deceptive phantasm of the book-type and materialistic intellection that led the world only to perversity, with all the dialectic and dogmatic hallucinations.
As our founding president Dr. Samael Aun Weor well said:
To be heard over the centuries! To be repeated for ages! The Gnostics do not agree, and will never agree, with the parchment hosts, or with the millstone! Gnosis shines through facts and separates from the abstractions and fantasies fabricated upon it by the intellectual humanoids!...
I finish now, my very dear friends and brothers, reciting for you some paragraphs from our metaphysical studies:
For love, for light and for freedom, be happy my brothers. Walk like kings and queens on the face of the earth. Raise my brothers. Be joyful night and day. Raise and always stay on the top of all the inhuman psychological elements that we carry in our interior, so that in every moment you are capable and ready to receive the holy arrival of the light! The Sun has risen, the illusion of time fell into faint, the lost word was found!
Glory to the solar gods!
Glory to the sons of the Sun!
Blessed the ones who love and serve them!
Glory to His Holiness Dalai Lama!
Glory to the Bhagavan Aclaiva, the supreme rector of the Sacred Order of Tibet!
Eternal glory to Dr. Samael Aun Weor, Avatar of the Age of Aquarius, and bearer of the Fifth Gospel!
Hail! Hail! Hail!
And I add for all of you a thought of a great philosopher, Bertolt Brecht, which fits perfectly as corollary of our speech:
There are men who fight for a day and they are good.
There are others that fight for a year and they are better.
There are some who fight for years and they are very good.
But there are those who fight all their life; they are indispensable.
The Venerable Doctor Samael Aun Weor is one of these great beings indispensable, as is also indispensable his Work for the salvation of our animic values!
Hail! Hail! Hail!
I have said dear brothers, dear friends and sympathizers of Gnosis!

Re: 世界のノーシスの動き(オスカー先生のスピーチ)  投稿者:AGEAC  投稿日:2009年 6月18日(木)00時39分42秒   返信・引用
  > No.452[元記事へ]





世界のノーシスの動き(オスカー先生のスピーチ)  投稿者:AGEAC  投稿日:2009年 6月18日(木)00時37分55秒   返信・引用




Gnosis Japan



ある方へのメッセージ  投稿者:F68  投稿日:2009年 6月17日(水)00時28分22秒   返信・引用  編集済







ノーシスやF68氏に反感のある方へ  投稿者:訪問者  投稿日:2009年 6月15日(月)00時58分35秒   返信・引用

第二室のノーシス  投稿者:訪問者  投稿日:2009年 6月 6日(土)02時35分41秒   返信・引用

迷走  投稿者:くもりのちはれ  投稿日:2009年 5月30日(土)15時02分21秒   返信・引用





マスターサマエル  投稿者:訪問者  投稿日:2009年 5月30日(土)00時03分9秒   返信・引用

Re: 新創世界  投稿者:F68  投稿日:2009年 5月23日(土)22時48分2秒   返信・引用  編集済
  > No.445[元記事へ]


> 関連ブログのマスターサマエル講演録では、やがて新しい世界が始まり、選ばれたノーシス指導者はある特別な島で生きるとある。

自分にとっては、自己観察も含め自分のできることを一つ一つ誠実にこなしていくことだけです。アセンション? 何それ? って感じでね。


例えばここのノーシスブログの読者数やノーシス講座の受講生の数から推測しても現在のノーシス関係者はどうみても数十人程度。日本で生き残る人はこれらの数十人だけ???? そんなことがあるわけない。


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