Tokyo's regional red light districts now flashing blue
By Ryann Connell
March 30, 2005
Tokyo's netherworld has been hit hard in recent months by a cop crackdown, but
now red-light districts in smaller cities on the outskirts of the capital are
feeling the brunt of law enforcers' clean-up campaigns, according to Weekly
Yokohama's Koganecho district was known throughout Japan for its streets packed
with mostly Asian hookers, but crimebusters have now turned out the lights that
once glittered in the area.
"Police started watching the district toward the end of last year, then began
raiding one place after another. Then, they posted a 24-hour guard on the area
and there is not a single brothel operating in Koganecho anymore," the owner of
a chicken restaurant in the district tells Weekly Playboy. "On weekends, the
streets used to be so jam-packed with people, it was like being in the middle
of (Tokyo's posh) Ginza. Now, the only people you see out there are cops. My
sales have plummeted by half."
The women who used to work in Koganecho have apparently headed for greener
"One of my customers said the girls have gone to places like Nagoya and Nagano.
They're all over the place," a woman working in a Koganecho restaurant says.
"The streets are dark and lonely at nights. I think this place has passed its
use-by date."
Even the crimefighters patrolling the streets of Koganecho are unaware of how
long the district will be targeted.
"My boss told me to keep a watch on the area, so that's what I'm doing," an
officer patrolling the red-light ghost town tells Weekly Playboy. "Personally,
I see no problem with what's going on here provided it all happens among
consenting adults."
Koganecho is not the only town famous for its flesh trade currently falling
under a police searchlight. Nishi Kawaguchi, a Saitama Prefecture brothel zone
famous enough to give its name to a particular sexual technique, is also
copping it hard.
"The cops have hit really hard over the past two or three months. They shut
down a complete franchise of eight brothels here in early March," a Nishi
Kawaguchi sex trade worker says. "That place was big enough to buy full
back-page ads on adult entertainment industry magazines, so the fact the cops
have run it out of business has sent shockewaves through the entire trade."
And it seems the crackdown on the Saitama sanctuary of smut has only just
started, with the prefectural police only due to formally set up a task force
targeting tarts from next month.
"(Politicians leading the charge against sex businesses) appear to be hoping
that respectable restaurants will move in and take over all the empty outlets
when cathouses are shut down," the trade worker says. "What they don't seem to
realize is the places they're shutting down were what had been attractive
enough to draw people to the area in the first place. If all the sex businesses
are shut down, nobody's going to come here at all."
Azumi, a 19-year-old Nishi Kawaguchi sex worker, sounds an even more ominous
"If they shut down places like mine, you watch the number of girls that will
end up working underground and getting raped," she tells Weekly Playboy. "I
can't understand why they want to put an end to Nishi Kawaguchi."
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