why does that matter that i was referring to the u.s. when you are from canada and criticizing the u.s....of course i am going to address canada.
thats cause i wasnt criticizing the U.S. you just took it that way for some reason. you're the one making this a nationalistic thing. i was criticizing the neanderthal tactics of men when it comes to women and its not just in Finland. so i'm the mangina here making fun of men.
Nordic-kulta, Pidän sinusta oikein paljon. Kiinalaisten ja suomalaisten lapsista tulee kauniita!
Last edited by ratbert1009ca; 06-06-2007 at 02:02 PM.
This is so true. Guys on this forum are going about it the wrong way. To get a girl's attention, you don't need to post bare-chested pictures of yourself or show off your mini-storage full of Nazi rifles. Just act like an OCD loser by beating people over the head with the same frigging message. Namely, BMs are the mortal enemies of AMs, BMs are on TV more often than Seinfeld reruns, BMs are getting way too much cred for being ballers/rappers/gangsters, BMs this, BMs that, blah, blah, blah... I'm sure girls love guys like that
are you stupid? wake up and smell the coffee.
here are what white english girls are saying in the UK now, after a full generation of black male glorification and brainwashing:
It will not stop them. Sony, a young woman I met, said she enjoyed provoking the white men: 'They are useless, fat, stupid, don't have nothing to offer. Black men take care of themselves. I like their culture... And look at those bodies." Tina, Jo and Fallon are desperate to catch black men because they dance better, dress well and have "just so much confidence". The three women appear tonight on Skin Deep, a Channel 4 film that follows the women on the hunt for black men Â* who love the attention even though they are frequently careless and uncommitted themselves.
or what blacks themselves say in europe:
Ramsey, one of my interviewees, ventures to give me some other in-depth reasons for these preferences: "The black man is king in the bed, on the dance floor and on some street corners. He has no real power without his sex. White power wants him dead. So we take their girls and make the blokes suffer. They suffer, sister. They try and make us suffer, too, and I do feel sorry for these girls who love us because black culture is the coolest, you know?"
modern anglo culture today = black male supremacy.
fuck modern anglo culture and the media. everyone associated with it should be terminated through guerrilla action.
what i am finding to be amusing....and very funny about this paranoia and insecurity is the jealousy of the black guys because the white bitches don't like YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you must be a total strike out with the white bitches or you would not have to "hate" the black guys for anything.
Since when is accurate social commentary hating?
Fact is, race may one of, if not THE, primary variable in dating. This has been shown in the Freakonomics study posted here before as well as anecdotes like the ones just posted.
But Black men and White women are put on sexual pedestals though so of course you wouldn't understand and DON'T want to change the status quo that favors you. Fact is, YOU are RACIST for DENYING these RACIAL SEXUAL INEQUALITIES. It's like telling Blacks in the Jim Crow era to STFU, quit whining and go back to work - you egocentric, overprivileged White BYCH!
Gee, I'm SO F'N SORRY if posting about our sexual devaluation on an Asian forum ruins your day, hon! Ah, me ah so sowwy! Pwease a fohgive a me! YES, Black men are more sexually-privileged than Asian men in this country - we are not all treated sexally equally - and even Black men would admit this - so cut the BS and GTFOI!
When the Hulk gets angry...he TURNS INTO ME!!!
Lol, you really have absolutely NO IDEA what you're talking about, do you? That explains a LOT.
JIM JONES was a suicide cult leader who preached racial equality.
JIM CROW was a racially-segregated era.
They couldn't be MORE different. Muhammed-on-a-cracker...
Please, stop your childish rants. You contribute absolutely nothing to the discussion other than ignorant whining.
Anyhow, while Gilmar Cruz Silva only got turned down once out of every 40 White girls or so (who later said yes and married him) just by not knowing the language but being Black...Asian guys must spend thousands of dollars and hours studying PU in order to for just 1 out of every 40 White girls to say yes.
Forgotten fugitive Tatsuya Ichihashi's fascination for white women drove him to strip bars where he could pay for private dances from topless Westerners, according to Shukan Asahi (6/8).
"Even after she turned him down, he kept nagging at her. Finally, she walked away from him, but he didn't mind, saying 'Let's go back and try again.' He did the same thing to another five women over the following two hours," the doctor says. "When he finally gave up, one of the street touts talked us into going to a strip joint with foreign performers. The tout wanted to charge us 5,000 yen without a drink to get in, but Ichihashi managed to talk him down into giving us two drinks.
When the friend, Ichihashi and their buddies entered the bar, they were greeted by the sight of a young white woman grinding and thrusting against a pole up on a stage. Other scantily clad Caucasian women strutted around the club, begging patrons to buy them drinks and offering what they suggestively called "optional extras."
"Looking back on it now, I realize it was an incredible place packed with the most gorgeous women. Ichihashi had his eye on a tall, white woman with jet black hair. When she asked him if he'd like to go out for a private dance, he screamed 'I can't handle it anymore,' borrowed 5,000 yen from me and headed off into a private booth with the woman," the doctor says. "When they came out again about 10 minutes later, he looked furious. It was all right to touch the breasts, but there was no kissing or using of fingers. Seems like it had been different from what he had imagined."
Isn't it funny how these 2 men have such RADICALLY different dating experiences...and isn't it all simply based upon their RACE???
If you still think race don't matter a LOT in dating...you need to pull your head out of the Anglo Matrix and quit whackin' it to Kum-Bay-Yah!
If things were that bad for AM, I would never see AM/WF couples here in Toronto (and I do see them!), no guys here would have GFs and Asian Playboy would still be a virgin
ok, so black guys and white girls are on some sexual pedestal...is that a reason to have hatred for them or loathing????????
Wow, so if I say the President is more powerful than Governors...then that means I automatically hate the President? Quit projecting your own petty ways of thinking on me. Seriously, you're a typical mentally-caged monkey squawking at whoever passes you by..
Now, only in Anglo-cized areas does the White man submit to the Black man so extremely.
And if any White males do disapprove - they are immediately branded as "bad racists!"
Seriously, only in the Anglosphere! Mostly in the US and Britain. You sure don't see this much anywhere else... Are these guys fvcked in the head or what???
As for the whole BM "on a pedastal" thing - yeah, the media has helped (much to the chagrin of the members of stromfront) perpetuate the BMs are "cool" image, and while that may have changed the mindset of many people from BMs are "ugly, boorish thugs" to "oooh, that Shemar Moore is hot!!!" - the reality is that most WFs still aren't interested in BMs (unless, maybe, he looked like Shemar Moore, and even then, many still wouldn't be) and it's even worse for BMs with regard to AFs (AFs who date/marry IR almost exclusively date/marry white).
I am planning a 2-3 week trip to Australia by myself in September and I have posted in that thread, but if anyone can help me plan a trip than I wouldn't mind changing my destination to Finland. The gist, I just graduated from college 24 yrs old and before I serve corporate America for the rest of my existance, I want to take a vacation. I hate going on tours because I've been on several of them most recent a trip to Spain for 2 weeks and I had a bad time. I just want to have fun and would like recommendations to plan my trip. What are some fun places to check out, great dinning, and hotels/places to stay at?
Ohkay a little bit about myself:
I'll do anything if its fun. I like to people watch, I buy lots of music, hangout a lot with friends, I'll go to your occasional art gallery/museum, bars, meeting new people, checking out the local scene, and I'll spend lots of money on great food Hm.. if you've seen Shark vs Eagle or Flight of the conchords than that should sum up my personality minus the jerk persona.
Nah....One of my friends is a Finnish guy name Pekka. He is a very nice guy, presentable, and well behaved. Last time I heard from him, he became a police officer after coming back from Kosovo where he went there as a NATO peace keeping soldier or something (I forgot).
Originally Posted by Nordic
Asian men, we need help! Most Finnish men are ugly, rude, drunk, dress themselves badly, are cheap which makes the social life of Finnish women very difficult. See yourselves how Finnish men look like, and you'll see why Finnish women need masculine, talkative, well-behaving and horny gentlemen!!!See what we Finnish girls are living with! Nightmare!!
Nah....One of my friends is a Finnish guy name Pekka. He is a very nice guy, presentable, and well behaved. Last time I heard from him, he became a police officer after coming back from Kosovo where he went there as a NATO peace keeping soldier or something (I forgot).
But you are a guy. How does he treat women? Usually Finnish guys raised in Finland don't treat women well. But there are exceptions too... But they are rare. Either you met one of the rare cases, or he is just nice to guys and a monster to women.
But you are a guy. How does he treat women? Usually Finnish guys raised in Finland don't treat women well. But there are exceptions too... But they are rare. Either you met one of the rare cases, or he is just nice to guys and a monster to women.
You have forgotten to mention the Jews, white men, Asian women in general and last but not least the dinosaurs. They`re all responsible for the "misery" Asian American men are suffering.
Actually, even a guilty Jewish liberal openly admits to the spoiling of Black men and the calamity it's caused...back in 1963!!!!
In 1963 those descriptions were very shocking to most white liberals. In their eyes Negroes were all long-suffering and noble victims of the kind who had become familiar through the struggles of the civil rights movement in the South—the "heroic period" of the movement, as one if its most heroic leaders, Bayard Rustin, called it. While none of my white critics went so far as to deny the truthfulness of the stories I told, they themselves could hardly imagine being afraid of Negroes (how could they when the only Negroes most of them knew personally were maids and cleaning women?). In any case they very much disliked the emphasis I placed on black thuggery and aggression.
Today, when black-on-white violence is much more common than it was then, many white readers could easily top those stories with worse. And yet even today few of them would be willing to speak truthfully in public about their entirely rational fear of black violence and black crime. Telling the truth about blacks remains dangerous to one's reputation: to use that now famous phrase I once appropriated from D.H. Lawrence in talking about ambition, the fear of blacks has become the dirty little secret of our political culture. And since a dirty little secret breeds hypocrisy and cant in those who harbor it, I suppose it can still be said that most whites are sick and twisted in their feelings about blacks, albeit in a very different sense that they were in 1963.
And yet, it's only gotten even worse 50 years later today!
Why? Because as he says - the vaasst majority of people are hyocritical cowards worried more about their "reputations" than being honest. Including most of the posters here. The results of which are destroying our country!