Berkeley.Blog:Entry 39933
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2009/05/25 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2005/9/30-10/3 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan, Reference/History/WW2/Japan] UID:39933 Activity:nil
9/30    Anyone here from Japan?  How did Japan manage to have such low birth
        rates while contraceptive pills were not approved until recently?  Are
        Japanese condoms a lot more effective, or are there a lot more
        abortion, or is it really true that people have a lot less sex because
        men work long hours?
        \_ it is more acceptable in Japan to have an abortion than
           to use any sort of birth control.
        \_ The last one doesn't seem relevant, at least for married people.
           You only have to have sex once a year to have a ridiculously high
           \_ Um, no.
        \_ Yes.
        \_ One word: bukake
        \_ This while having the world's highest chlamydia infection rate.
           \_ Why does it hurt when I pee?
              Why does it hurt when I pee?
              I don't want no doctor
              To stick no needle in me
              Why does it hurt when I pee?
              I got it from the toilet seat
              I got it from the toilet seat
              It jumped right up
              'n' grabbed my meat
              Got it from the toilet seat
              My balls feel like a pair of maracas
              My balls feel like a pair of maracas
              Oh God I probably got the
              My balls feel like a pair of maracas
              Why does it
              Why does it
              Why does it
              Why does it hurt...when I
        \_ Japan is way down the chart for the amount of sex they have.
        \_ Sex education not based on abstinence, higher rates of male
           sterility, much more emphasis on condoms. Also, yes, legalized
           abortion (although this is still somewhat stygmatized); see
  (Stanford article on abortion in Japan 1996).
        \_ An astounding number of abortions.
        \_ Mostly it's women deciding not to have kids and not get married.
           Given the perceived and actual lives of married Japanese women,
           it's understandable.
           \_ What's the difference between the perceived and the actual?
        \_ The most sex crazed asian country in terms of amount of sex
           people have is my fatherland Taiwan.
2009/05/25 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

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5/21    Do the English word "random" and the Japanese work "randori" have the
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        \_ "Randori" = "laundry".... so no.  Unless you mean the word for
          sparring, in which case... still no.  "Ran" is the same "ran" in
          Kurosawa's movie "Ran" which is "war" or "chaos/state of nature."
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5/4     Why does The Netherlands have such a sustained lower unemployment
                 \_ Why is it The Netherlands? Is it like an LA Freeway?
        rate and higher growth than the US? Maybe we can replicate their
        success here.
        \_ Start by not spending all your money on military and prisons.
        \_ They don't have as large a population of illegal immigrants  -jblack
2009/4/20-28 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:52874 Activity:nil
4/19    Germany boycotting UN anti-racism meeting:
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        How dare you say my sin was nothing!?  I'm quitting!
        \_ Seriously? You're giving shit to a country that's trying to take
2009/3/4-6 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan, Reference/History/WW2/Japan] UID:52674 Activity:moderate
3/4     Apparently reading Japanese is hard, even for the Japanese:
        \_ Well, yeah.  Japan has the most BS writing system ever developed.
           It's managed to get all the detriments of both pictoral and phonetic
           writing, with none of the benefits of either.  This for a language
           that, phonetically, can fit within a subset of the latin characters.
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2/28    SK Prez attempts to crush free speech, MBC posts on youtube
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2009/2/3-8 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:52505 Activity:nil
2/3     Japanese murder investigators fooled by life-sized sex doll
        How did this article never show up on the motd?
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Print-friendly version Print-friendly version Frog in the throat no bull this time If iugulan neisseria gonorrhea sounds like a mouthful, it should, because that's literally what it is. And it's a fairly unpleasant mouthful, too, because iugulan neisseria gon orrhea is the Latin term used to describe a case of the clap that breaks out in the throat. And it's just one of the hitherto rarely seen venereal diseases spreading rapidly in Japan because condom use at the country's many sex services is less than 15 percent, according to Shukan Asahi (9/9). "At brothels where intercourse is prohibited, the main form of service pe rformed is fellatio without wearing a condom, which has led to the sprea d of new sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea of the throat and chlamydia of the throat," Nozomi Mizushima, a member of the sex workers' union Sex Work and Sexual Health (SWASH), tells Shukan Asahi. "Japan's oral sex services are more advanced than anywhere else on Earth where pa id intercourse is forbidden and this has led to the outbreak of irregula r strains of sexually transmitted diseases." During the Asia-Pacific Aids Conference in Kobe during July, SWASH releas ed the results of a survey it had carried out among 15 massage parlors a cross Japan and discovered that condoms were used when oral sex was perf ormed only 15 percent of the time. "More than 70 percent of the women surveyed said they wanted their client s to use a condom, but because the customer or brothel operator didn't w ant that, they were unable to use the protective devices," SWASH's Mizus hima says. "It's a sad fact that many sex workers are desperately in nee d of money for things like debt repayment or tuition, or simply just to survive, and they're being forced to work reluctantly under such conditi ons." "My friend got a dose of chlamydia, but who she got it off and when she g ot it, nobody knows," a 19-year-old sex worker tells Shukan Asahi. "Ther e's rarely a customer who will ask us to put on condom on them before we work. As long as I'm doing this sort of work, th ere's always a chance I'll pick up some sort of venereal disease and if I do, I'll just get it treated." It's not always as easy as that, however, and rates of sexually transmitt ed diseases, including the deadly AIDS and potential cancer-causing huma n papiloma virus. "According to the latest report from the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS, condom use reaches almost 100 percent at sex services in Thail and and Cambodia, where the government requires customers to use condoms . Japan trails even the Philippines and Nepal, where condom use reaches 30 percent and 54 percent, respectively," Mizushima tells Shukan Asahi. "Sex workers like us have got to change things from the inside by encour aging customers and brothel owners to help us be able to work without co ntinuing to contract sexually transmitted diseases." The Mainichi Daily News cannot be held responsible for the contents of the original articles, nor does it guara ntee their accuracy. Views expressed in the WaiWai column are not necess arily those held by the Mainichi Daily News or Mainichi Newspapers Co. Family mourns as fate catches up with notorious female fugutive Copyright 2004-2005 THE MAINICHI NEWSPAPERS. Under the copyright law of Japan, use of all materials on this website, e xcept for personal and noncommercial purposes, is prohibited without the express written permission of the Mainichi Newspapers Co. The copyright of the materials belongs to the Mainichi Newspapers Co.
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Stanford University News Service NEWS RELEASE 2/14/96 CONTACT: Stanford University News Service (415) 723-2558 Djerassi on birth control in Japan - abortion 'yes,' pill 'no' STANFORD -- The number of abortions performed each year in Japan is gross ly under-reported, a factor that contributes to continued resistance to the legalization of oral contraception, a team of Stanford researchers r eport in the Feb. In the article, "Why Japan Must Legalize the Pill," chemistry Professor C arl Djerassi and James Raphael and Hiromi Maruyama of the Asia/Pacific R esearch Center estimate the actual number of abortions in Japan at two t o three times the "official" number of about 410,000 a year. Djerassi, inventor of the modern oral contraceptive, and his colleagues s aid legalization of the "normal," or low-dose, oral contraceptives in Ja pan would modernize birth control there "by 50 years," and significantly lower the number of abortions. The authors said their estimates on actual numbers of abortions in Japan are the most reliable ever assembled. They were made under several diffe rent assumptions of contraceptive use and coital frequency, and included all available data on women in the 15-44 age group. Japan is the only industrialized country except for Ireland where oral co ntraceptives are illegal, the authors noted. "Yet, Japan was the first industrialized nation after the Second World Wa r where abortion (through the private sector) became the principal metho d of officially sanctioned birth control," they wrote. The Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare, or Koseisho, is currently co nsidering legalizing oral contraceptives, although previous attempts hav e failed and there is continued resistance to such a move in Japan for a number of reasons. Contrary to media and industry expectations that the government would leg alize the pill by early 1992, "approval was withheld on the grounds that it might lead to reduced condom use at a time when AIDS prevention was considered the highest priority." But, the Stanford authors said, this resistance to legalize oral contrace ptives could be attributed to other "more complicated reasons that had e xisted long before Koseisho became belatedly concerned with AIDS in 1991 ." These include lingering government concern about the potential loosening of sexual mores; opposition to the pill by condom manufacturers and by private physician abortion-providers who fear a large loss of income; and the lack of pressure from Japanese women for legalization of oral contraceptives. On the lack of pressure from Japanese women for a legal pill, the authors attribute it "in part because of their ignorance of the greatly reduced risks and non-contraceptive benefits of low-dose oral contraceptives." On the birth rate, the authors say using this argument "as a basis for co ntinuing a ban of one of the most widely used methods of contraception i s both illogical and unacceptable," since "economic and socio-cultural f actors control the birth rate of a modern population; the quality or use of contraceptive methods is a secondary effect." would have no effect on the low birth rate in Japan and that sexual mores among the younger Jap anese population have been changing without the pill . two of the th ree cited objections to approval of the pill have little merit," the aut hors wrote. "The third - loss of income to abortion providers - clearly should not drive Koseisho policy." Abortion and contraception are "about the only things not covered" by Jap an's national health care system, Djerassi said, and the private abortio n industry is currently worth at least $400 million (US) annually. "The cost per abortion is about three times what it is in the United Stat es," Djerassi said. "It's an enormous source of income for Japanese phys icians, and they have a major incentive not to report abortions" for tax reasons, he said. In addition, some women may be hesitant to report the y had abortions, adding to the low numbers. Raphael, who is director of research at the Asia/Pacific Research Center, said the team found that many women, in an attempt to keep the abortion s private, pay in cash, which makes it even more tempting for the physic ian to not report the procedure. "The time has arrived for the Japanese government and media to acknowledg e the persistent high rate of abortion in Japan, and to consider its red uction a high priority on medical and social grounds," the researchers w rote. Legalizing the pill, they estimated, could reduce the number of ab ortions performed each year by at least 300,000, that figure reached usi ng "conservative" sets of data. Legalization should be augmented by an extensive public education campaig n, the authors wrote, given the low level of sex education in Japanese s chools and the "very long history of unfavorable publicity in Japan abou t the pill's negative side-effects," which is due in part to the fact th at most Japanese women's knowledge of the pill is based on problems asso ciated with a high-dose version that is legally prescribed to treat mens trual difficulties. "When the pill is eventually legalized, it should be packaged with a deta iled insert (listing risks and benefits as well as instructions on use) of the type required by the US Food and Drug Administration," the rese archers concluded. "A sensitively written insert accommodating Japanese cultural practices and up-to-date medical facts would offer an education al bonus far beyond that of ensuring proper contraceptive use. If the le itmotif of government policy became 'The Pill Yes! Any images shown in the release are provided at publishing quality.