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August Pam
Thu, May-01-03, 04:57

Hey, somebody could make these things (only bigger) into
kettlebell like weight training devices!

August Pamplona
P.S. Reproduced below.
"They are a little bit smelly, and there's something about the
way they move their antennae. But they look nicer when you put
a little circuit on their backs and remove their wings."
--Raphael Holzer

a.a. # 1811 To email replace
'necatoramericanusancylostomaduodenale' with 'cosmicaug'

Golden feces wipes smile on Japanese faces

By Ryan Connell Staff Writer

April 16, 2003

Some may pooh-pooh the claim, but with over 2 million sold,
golden turds are the latest hit consumer product to raise a
stink in fad fetish Japan, according to Shukan Asahi (4/25).

Ryukodo, a Kyoto-based decoration manufacturer, has trouble
pushing out enough of its golden turds to keep up with demand.

The blistering pace at which they've sold since hitting
souvenir stores and clothing outlets across Japan since June
2000 seems to vindicate the old adage that nothing is as
grossly overrated as awful sex and nothing as underrated as
laying a decent log.

Supposedly lucky charms, golden turds weigh just under 2 grams
and their curl gives them a height of some 1.2 centimeters.
Rather than appearing scatological, they're cute little
dollops of dung, which first made them a hit among high

"I bought loads of them and gave them to each member of my
family as a souvenir," a schoolgirl who developed a feel for
the fake feces she bought while on a school trip to Nagasaki
tells Shukan Asahi. "I tied the one I bought for myself on the
end of my mobile phone."

Since the end of last year, sales have been far from bogged
down. Instead, they've skyrocketing as growing numbers of
housewives and salarymen scramble to get their hands on
these nuggets.

"With the world as bleak as it is nowadays, we wanted to come
up with a product that would get people laughing," the golden
turds' creator, Ryukodo president Koji Fujii, tells Shukan
Asahi, giving the poop on why his products are far from being
just mere crap. "Nobody in the world would get angry if
somebody gave them one of our turds as a souvenir and just
seeing them presented would lighten up the whole atmosphere.
It's been over two years since we really first started selling
them, but I reckon the world has become an even darker place
in that time."

Golden turds as sold with a decorative red cushion for 2,000
yen apiece, with versions attached to an 8-centimeter-long
string going for just 250 yen more, putting them well within
the budget of the average traveler. Ryukodo is the biggest
loser in the decorative doo-doo business, though, as the
poop is painted with gold paint and the ceramic base they're
made of is kilned at low heat for a long time, eating away
at its margins.

Current versions include turds with funny faces painted on
them, and others that emit a fragrance, though the odor let
off is highly unlikely to be anything like the real thing.
Ryukodo employees are currently scratching their heads over
how to come up with more ideas for other shitty products.

Although the company never initially intended to do so,
following enormous demand from the corporate sector, Ryukodo
has since April 20 been selling life-sized golden turds 7
centimeters tall and weighing 100 grams.

"I'm a wonderful example that these turds bring good luck,"
Ryukodo's Fujii tells Shukan Asahi. "As long as the world has
doom and gloom, I believe there'll always be a place for
products that can spark people's urge to play around. The
dirty and disgusting have an ability to brighten people up."